Waiting for you

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~The next day~

~Taehyung's P.O.V.~

I decided to head to the hotel first, since I wanted to prepare myself. It'll only make it worse if I went to the hospital first. I wanted to prepare myself to see my girlfriend in the hospital bed. Since it was the next day, I started thinking that I'll should go see her. "Can you go to this hospital, please?" I showed the taxi driver the address. My English wasn't so good, but it seemed he understood what I asked. The taxi started moving, and my attention was drawn to the outside. "Y/N is in the hospital... she's in a coma, she won't be in the best state," I continued to repeat those words in my mind. I had to prepare myself once more before officially seeing her. "She'll be resting... there's nothing to worry about," I exhaled out for a long time. In order to keep myself calm, I watch the buildings run past me in a blur.

~At the hospital~

Along the way I picked up some flowers. I brought Rawr with me as well. "What room is... Y/N?" I slowly asked. "She'll be located on the third floor, room three hundred and one," the nurse at the counter informed. "Thank you," I smiled and walked off. When I was on the third floor, I started to scan the room numbers. "Three hundred and one..." I thought to myself, and then I found it. I took inhaled then exhaled, and went to the door. As I was about to open the door, a voice called out. "Who are you?" I turned to see who was talking to me in English. The male looked like he spoke Korean. "I'm Taehyung," I said. The male stared at me, and altered to Korean once he saw that I spoke Korean. "Do you know the person in that room?" he asked. I nodded, "Y/N, my girlfriend." He opened his mouth but it seemed that he was taken back by my response. "Girlfriend?" he questioned. I nodded, "Now you're mistaken," the male said. "What do you mean?" I gave him a confused face. "Last time I checked, she's single," he pointed to the door. "Last time I checked before I started dating her, she was single," I said. He looked at me before laughing at my words. I smiled, but then his laughed disappeared. His face suddenly got serious. "You must be one of her crazy fans, or a male that failed to impress her during one of her arranged marriage meetings," he said. I shook my head. "Are you one of them?" I asked. He stared at me, and constantly blinked. "N-No..." he looked away.

"What are you doing here anyways?" he asked. The male started approaching me, nothing good was coming from him. "I'm here to see Y/N. She's my girlfriend, like I said," I answered. "Stop lying, just tell me the truth," he started to get more intimidating. "But I am telling you the truth," he was getting really close. Soon he was face to face with me, I swear I felt his breath. "When did you meet Y/N?" he asked. "About a month ago," I answered. He quietly stood there. "Well I haven't been caught up with her recent life..." I heard him mumble. He opened his mouth to say another word, but he was interrupted. "Taehyung, is that you?" I heard a familiar voice call out. "Mrs.
L/N," I smiled when I saw Y/N's mom. "You've arrived, that's nice," she smiled. "Do you know him?" the male's question sounded like a demand for answers. "Of course, he's Y/N's boyfriend," she answered, nonchalantly. "Boyfriend?" another male, next to her, asked in shock. Due to his reaction, I would assume that he's Y/N's father. "Boyfriend?" the (first) male echoed after him. "Really, she actually has one? I thought she was single!" he said. "Calm down, Sir Byung-Hee. She was single until she started dating this fine gentleman," I smiled at the compliment. Byung-Hee looked over to me, jealously was vividly shown on his face. "Why didn't I know about this? I'm her father after all," Mr. L/N whined. "She knows you the best. If she told you, you would have done some weird things," Mrs. L/N answered. I felt like I was catch in the middle of a fight between two rivals.

Mrs. L/N turned to look at me. "I'm glad you could make it... be prepared for what you're going to see next. It might be horrifying," she paused. "It was for me... I don't know how you'll feel to see your girlfriend on a hospital bed, unconscious and unable to respond," she continued. "I've been trying to prepare myself ever since the news reached me. I even tried imagining it... but it'll be more realistic, so I'm unsure how I'll feel. I'm just hoping that I can swallow it all," I replied. She nodded, "Go on." I did as told and opened the door leading to the room. My eyes immediately caught glimpse of Y/N. Her eyes were shut, and she seemed peaceful even in her state. I slowly started to approach her, I thought I could handle it. But once I got up close, it was too much for me to handle. For the next few days, I would need to see my girlfriend like this. I found it unbearable. Now that I was looking at it, I didn't want to look at it again. At first, she seemed to be peaceful. But up close, her face was twisted and in pain. "I know, it was a lot for me to take in as well," Mr. L/N said, honestly. "It must be hard since you guys are her parents..." I looked over to Y/N's parents. They nodded. "It was honestly hard for all of us. But I guess the ones who were harmed the most, was us," Mrs.L/N softly said. I placed the flowers onto the stand that was next to Y/N. Then I placed Rawr next to her on the bed. "Please get better..." I said. "Let's go and get to know one another better. I want to know more about you, since you're my daughter's boyfriend," Mr. L/N motioned me. "That sounds like a good idea. It'll also be a nice distraction from all this... I need a break from crying," Mrs. L/N left the room. "What about
you, Byung-Hee?" Mr. L/N looked over at him. "I need to help out with the business, so I'll be off," Byung-Hee hasn't removed his attention from me once. " Okay, meet me outside once you're done," Mr. L/N then left. Byung-Hee followed behind, and he continued to stare at me on his way out. I stared down at Y/N's face, she seemed kind of unfamiliar. "I'll be waiting for you," I leaned down and kissed her head before going after Y/N's parents.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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