Christmas Special! (Part Two)

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Hi, welcome to part two of the Christmas Special ~> Younger members!


~The next day~

I heard the name; this person's name must be Jimin. But his nickname is Jimin-ah. As I was thinking that, I felt someone sucking on my neck. Oh my gosh, what the- I immediately opened my eyes. "Oh, chubs, you're awake," Jimin smiled. "D-Did he just call me chubs? Did he just insult me?" I asked myself. "I'm not chubby, right?" insecurity levels are reaching an all-time high. He smiled innocently at me; he was just sucking my neck like a vampire and called me chubs. Human, why are you like this? "Yeah... I mean you kind of woke me up," I said. Jimin laughed, "Sorry, your neck was just out in the open." I blushed, what the- why the-?! Why does he look so innocent saying that type of stuff? "Oh... um... okay?" I said awkwardly. Jimin laughed, "Go get ready, I have plans today." "Plans? What type of plans?" I asked. "We're going to do some shopping," he didn't seem really content on trying to keep it as a secret. But he also seemed very excited by the idea. I nodded and sat up before getting off the bed. As I started walking to the bathroom, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I turned in surprised to see him kiss my hand. "How was I lucky to have someone like you?" he asked. "You weren't," I thought, you're dating a lonely person who asked Santa to make a wish come true so I could be less lonely. "I don't know," I replied unsurely.

~Shopping time~

Jimin was quick to pull me outside and into an unfamiliar car. Wait- what if he's just an imagination that I have? Wouldn't people wonder how this car moving if no one is in the driver seat?! Wouldn't it make me look like a crazy person if I was talking to thin air? I don't want to go into an insane asylum because people thought I'm crazy. I never thought about this, were these people just a creation of my imagination or real people? I didn't even think of this when I was shopping with Seokjin. They seemed real to me, after all they can touch me and I could feel warmth from them. When we were at the shopping center, I was cautious to step out of the car. "What's taking you so long, chubs?" Jimin asked. That's one nickname that I will never get used to since I feel offended whenever he calls me that. "Huh? Oh sorry Jimin-ah," I was making sure people didn't think I was crazy. Jimin went over to me, "Are you cold?" he asked. "No, not at all," I smiled. Luckily it wasn't snowing today, it would have been colder but the clouds did block the sun from showing. "Then let's go," Jimin grabbed my hand and started to walk off. I started to look around; if he isn't real then I just look lonely. But in my case, I didn't look lonely. "Waa, he's so handsome! Did you see him?" I heard people talking about him and mentioning him as we walk past a crowd of people. So he is real and I'm not crazy. But now females are hitting on this male. I looked over at Jimin, "I have to admit, I'm sort of jealous he gets this much attention. Even I don't get this much attention. But it must be a burden for him." "What's wrong?" Jimin asked. "Well, I was just thinking about how people pay attention to you," I said.

"Are you jealous?" Jimin asked. I laughed, "Maybe a little." Jimin smiled, "Don't worry, chubs. I'm all yours, everything about me is all yours. Even my looks," he winked. I couldn't help but blush and giggle. As people passed by, some people kept pointing out Jimin's looks. I mean even I wouldn't help but stare, have you seen him?! Jimin also heard all of this, of course he did. He looked over to me, curious how I'm reacting to all this. Soon he let go of my hand and snaked his arm around my waist. Then he pulled me in closer, I was sort of surprised but I kind of got used to it. I've spent four days with different guys who constantly did unexpected things but it's still unexpected. I'm still confused on whether I'm cheating or not. "Let's go there," Jimin pointer over to a store, I nodded and we both entered the store. "Welcome!" the person at the cash register smiled brightly when we enter the store. Jimin let me go and started wandering off and I wandered off as well. I had to admit that it was nicely decorated; this store is more into the Christmas spirit than I am. "Chubs!" why would you call me that in public? "Yes Jimin-ah?" I went towards where his voice came from. "Come here," he motioned me once I was in view. I did as told and went over to him. "Close your eyes," he said. I stared at him with confusion before closing my eyes hesitantly. I felt him placing something on my head. "Okay you can open them now," Jimin said. I opened my eyes, "What'd you put on my head?" I asked. "Something that I thought would look cute on you," he smiled. He pulled out his phone from his pocket. "Let's take a selfie," he suggested. When the camera turned towards the both of us, I noticed a Christmas themed bow in my hair.

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