The Problems in Relationships

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As Taehyung and you were watching the movie, you heard loud footsteps. You turned your head slightly and saw Kim angrily stomping into the living room. Soon enough Kim plopped onto the sofa right next to where you were sitting. Kim stared reluctantly at the television before playing on her phone. "What's wrong with her?" you asked concerned about Kim. "Oh, she's just mad at Namjoon. No need to get worried," was Taehyung's response. You couldn't help but worry though, "Hey are you okay?" you asked making Kim look up from her phone. With frustration Kim ran her fingers through her ponytail. "I just don't get it, Namjoon's in a relationship. Yet he has the audacity to talk about females in a perverted way. It's just so, ugh!" Kim said annoyed. "Kim, you know how Namjoon can be sometimes. You also know that Namjoon is a hundred percent loyal to you," Taehyung replied suddenly. "Does it matter? All he does is talk about other females, I know he loves me but... It just makes me mad that he talks about other females like no tomorrow... Even if he's joking..." you saw as tears started falling down onto Kim's rosy cheeks. Taehyung immediately stood up before heading to where Kim was and started wiping her tears. You watched as Taehyung made an attempt to calm Kim down. Just then something in the corner of your eye caught your attention. You turned your head slightly to see Namjoon completely frozen in his spot. "Aish, what is he doing?" you mumbled. It's true that you've never been in a relationship and you may not know a lot about this type of thing, but you definitely have seen couples roaming the halls when you were in school. And you know a hundred percent that no one in a relationship should be looking at other people in a romantic way.

As if on cue Yoongi and Jungkook appeared suddenly. "Kim are you okay?" Yoongi asked as he started rubbing her back. Kim gave a slight nod, "I'm just so frustrated. Sometimes I just think that Namjoon doesn't find me attractive," Kim replied. You stared at the three boys with confusion, "So... Are Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook her best friends?". You couldn't help but let those words slip out of your lips, letting your curiosity get the better of you. Taehyung turned to look at you before giving a nod, you watched as Taehyung turned his attention back to Kim. You looked over to Namjoon, he was still frozen in his spot. But something else was vividly showing, Namjoon had tears running down his face. Unknowingly you had stood up from the sofa and approached Namjoon. "Hey, what are you doing? Aren't you going to comfort Kim?" you asked curiously. Namjoon used his hands to wipe his tears, "I'm such a horrible boyfriend. Kim's right, I'm a pervert and I keep talking about other females in a perverted way when I know that I'm in a relationship". You stared at Namjoon with disbelief, "Kim deserves better than me, I'm just an idiot". "Shut up," you replied annoyed, Namjoon looked up at you in shock. "I may not know Kim enough, but even with the things you've done, she hasn't broken up with you. Namjoon she still trusts you, and you need to show that you can be the one she trust," you were clearly spitting nonsense at this point. You had no idea what you were saying, "What right do I have to be apart of this? I've never experienced such a thing..." but you couldn't stand around and let this happen. Within a matter of seconds Namjoon rushed passed you. You turned around and you watched as Namjoon picked up Kim. Like a river, Namjoon rushed passed you with Kim in his arms. Kim was shouting and screaming while trying to squirm out of Namjoon's arms. "Don't worry about them..." Taehyung said as he approached you. You turned to Taehyung, "Namjoon will be sure to prove that he loves Kim more than anything. And by that I mean they're gonna have a long conversation". You stared at Taehyung, "Is this how a relationship is?" you asked curious. "Well... Relationships are full of surprises. I think we'll be just fine though," Taehyung said giving you a kiss on your forehead. "Taehyung...?" Yoongi asked, you had forgotten that Yoongi and Jungkook were in the room. "Yes?" Taehyung replied, "You just kissed Y/N...?" Jungkook pointed out. "I did," Taehyung said proudly, "Why...?" Yoongi asked. "Well, Y/N and I are dating," Taehyung replied making your eyes widen in shock. "Is he just going to tell everyone?!" you thought freaking out. "You guys are...? When did this happen?" Yoongi asked, "Come sit down Yoongi and Jungkook. I mean Jungkook already knows that Y/N told me that she liked me".

~After a few hours~

You opened your tired eyes. "What happened?" you thought before realizing that there was a blanket on you. "Ah, you're awake," a deep voice said. You rubbed your eyes and soon saw Taehyung staring at you. "What happened?" you asked. "Well, when I was telling Yoongi and Jungkook what happened, you suddenly fell asleep," Taehyung stated. "You must really be tired huh?" Taehyung asked, for some reason you felt weaker than normal. "Y-Yea," you replied suddenly feeling your head heating up. As you attempted to sit up, your surroundings became blurry. "Are you okay?" Taehyung asked immediately aiding you. "I feel dizzy..." you replied softly, you felt that you could faint anytime now. Taehyung looked at you completely concerned and without a second thought he placed his hand onto your forehead. "Y/N, you have a fever. It must of appeared after you fell asleep," Taehyung stated. No wonder you felt so weak, whenever you were sick your body completely became weak. "I'll go get Seokjin to make you some soup," Taehyung informed before sprinting off. You were left alone, soon enough everything went black.

~After awhile~

~To Taehyung~

"So you think that because she was outside she got sick?" Seokjin asked as he placed a hand on Y/N's small forehead. Taehyung nodded, "But coldness doesn't make people sick..." Kim stated. Taehyung gave a little shrug, "There must be another reason then?" Namjoon asked while looking at Kim. All Kim did was nod before thinking. Taehyung watched worriedly as Seokjin placed a soak towel on Y/N's forehead. "But she suddenly blacked out... That's what you said, right Taehyung?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung nodded once again, "I was going to retrieve Seokjin, but I heard a loud noise coming from the living room. So I returned and Y/N was on the sofa sweating like crazy". Suddenly the sound of Kim placing her fist onto the palm of her hand echoed throughout the living room. "Ah ha! Stress. She obtain the sickness through stress," Kim stated. "Stress due to what...?" Taehyung asked looking over to Y/N.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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