Dragging The Past Further

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The two of you stopped in the middle of a hallway, where it wasn't as noisy. There were still people around. You crossed your arms. "What are you doing here?" you asked. He laughed, "What do you mean? My dad is hosting this party, why wouldn't I be here? I never thought I'll meet you here, Y/N." "Shut it," you replied. "I heard you're the type to stay in the comfort of your home, rather than leaving to go on a business trip. So tell me, why are you roaming around now?" he asked. You huffed, "That's none of your business. For your information, I do leave my house." He laughed once more. "I highly doubt that," he said. You swear his face was so annoying to you, if only you could punch it. Byung-Hee, the male your dad set you up with a few years ago. The one who (also) told you that showing off everything was a prior thing for wealthy people like you. He's a playboy. Even now, he continues to shine brightly of it. You hated his guts for the longest time, he never understood the word "personal space." He was always up in your face; he never fails to flirt with you. He's a pervert mixed in with more perverts.

"If I knew that you were going to be here, I wouldn't have come," you said, avoiding every possible contact with him. "I see you're still harsh. Why don't you just loosen up? I mean, we're at a party. You don't need to be so tense with me," Byung-Hee said before extending his arm out to you. You were quick to reject him by slapping his hand away. "You need to stay away from me," you replied, coldly. "Ouch, why are you so cold towards me? Is it because of what I did during our arrange marriage?" he asked. "I'm just cold towards you, because you're a pervert among perverts," you replied. He only smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment," he replied. You rolled your eyes, the amount of ignorance this male had was insane. He knew how to manipulate females in a snap of a finger, but you were never fooled by his tricks. You were too smart to fall for his "charming and handsome" looks. He your expression, "Hey listen, I said I was sorry, didn't I? Can we at least look like we get along? I mean come on, it's embarrassing to have the daughter of a high company ignore me like this." You rolled your eyes, "As if you care for that type of stuff, you only want to make yourself look better. All you ever care about is wealth and h**kers. As long as you have those two things by your side, you think you can conquer anyone and everyone," you added. He gave you an offended look, as if your words hit him hard. "Listen Y/N, I said I was sorry. What I did was uncalled for," he said. "Uncalled for? Uncalled for? You sexually harassed me!" you replied, losing your temper. "I was a high schooler! My brain wasn't even fully developed when I did that," he fired back. "It doesn't matter, you should have acquired enough brains cells to understand that inappropriately touching a young lady without her permission is wrong!" you glared at him. "So you still think I'm a pervert?" he asked. "I don't think, I know! Don't act like I didn't see you walking away from that crowd of females earlier. Did you manipulate them too? So you can inappropriately touch them as well?" you had enough. You turned and started to walk away. "Maybe you would have understood, if you cared for others instead of yourself," and soon you, hopefully, walked out of his vision.


You were told to do another arrange marriage. These meeting were always so bothersome. You continued to go to them because of your dad. Although you knew that it was worthless, you still went. You were always cautious of everyone you were set up with. They'll probably just meeting you to earn wealth. But today was different, you were meeting up with the son of a top (five) company. This guy seemed different from the others, he was impolite and glared at parts of your body where he shouldn't be looking. You started getting uncomfortable with him. At the end of the meeting, he ordered everyone to leave so he can talk to you alone. At first, you didn't think much of it. You knew how to handle males. But, you were highly mistaken. "A young lady like you, should wear more expensive clothing," Byung-Hee said as he traced his finger against your figure. You were quick to back away. He was acting like he was drunk, when he wasn't. "Please refrain from touching me," you ordered. He only smirked at your order. "How come?" he drew closer to you. You continued to back away, until you hit a dead end. As you made an attempt to escape, he trapped you with his arms. He stared at you, making you so uncomfortable. Once more, he started to trace your figure. Eventually leading up to your breast. "You have a lot of wealth, and such a nice body. So why don't you show both of them off? Maybe show all of it off to me," he whispered in your ear. You felt completely frozen, you didn't know how to react. Everything went blank as he did things to you. "With your social status, you should be proud to show off all the expensive things you can buy. Put people to shame," at the end of that sentence, you felt like you were given strength so you shouted for help. Within a few seconds, he was pulled away from you. You were safe in your drivers arms, and you were shivering. You felt frightened. "It's okay, Miss Y/N. We'll sue him," your driver assured as he tried his best to calm you down. With that, you nodded.

~Byung-Hee's P.O.V.~

I scratched the back of my head before sighing as I watched Y/N stomp off. "Gosh, she's still dawning on the past," I thought before walking off. I approached my father. "How'd it go?" he asked as he watched my expression. In response, I shook my head. "It's impossible to win her back. She keeps dragging the past behind her, she can't forgive me. I know what I did was wrong, but I thought she'll forgive but not forget what I did. But apparently not, she can't let go of what I did... and it's rightful for her to do so... I was horrible back then, but I wanted to show her I was better. But... it won't ever happen if she dawns on the past," I replied. My father looked at me. "I only wish that she'll allow me to convince her that I've grown up and matured," I mumbled. With my words, he patted my shoulder. "If you have feelings for her, like you said, then try your hardest, son. Even if she denies you and blocks you, be devoted and try to convince her. If your feelings towards her is strong, then try your hardest to make her fall for you. Maybe then, she'll forgive the past that has been bestowed upon her," he said. I slowly nodded. "I'm going to go get a drink," and soon I walked off. His words circling around my head. "I was only with a crowd of females because they approached me, and started talking to me. I didn't approach them," I thought back to what Y/N said.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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