Smiles and Tears

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Note: This is the beginning of the rush. No, the other chapters before this was not a rush... if that's what you thought.

~A month later~

(Now it's your perspective)

"She's been like this for a month now. Although she's been waking up once in a while, she isn't fully awake yet," you heard your mom. She sounded depressed. It's true, you were only able to wake up when you really thought about it. You never thought that a month would past by so quickly. You've been trying extremely hard to get, out but it's been pulling you back in. Even so, you didn't give up. "I know, it's hard to see her like this," your dad comforted her. "An average coma last for a week or so. What's taking her so long to fully wake up? I mean, she can wake up a little but why...?" she asked. "Maybe she doesn't have the strength to do it. I'm sure she'll be awake soon," he assured. They were the only one who were in the room at the moment. "I can't keep doing work here anymore... I have other places to be," you heard sobbing. Your dad sighed loudly, he wasn't pleased by her words. "If you want to leave, then go for it. You just won't be here when your daughter finally wakes up. You've been gone her entire life, how do you think she'll feel if she knows you're gone again?" he asked. "I- I don't know what to do anymore. She's been in that state for so long. I don't even know what I want to do. If I return to work, I'm a bad mother. If I don't go back to work, I'm just a bad person," she said. "You're not a bad person; staying with your daughter should be your first priority. I want to go back as well but the state of my daughter worries me more than my company. They can overthrow me all they want, I'm staying here with her," he said. "You're right... I wish I had your mindset. Maybe it's because I haven't been able to spend as much time as you have with her," she stopped crying. "We should get going, we still need to do some business," he said. Then there was a click. "I'm sorry mom and dad, I'm trying my hardest to get up," you thought.

Then the door opened again. "You're still here, huh? It's been a month, Y/N. You're just lucky this is all a secret," it was Melody. "Although I'm not as conflicted as your mom is, I still have trouble doing work when you're in this state. Please wake up," she said. Then the door opened again. "Ugh, you're here," she said. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Byung-Hee asked. "Why are you still visiting? Shouldn't you be convicted as criminal?" she asked. "Not at all. Luckily, her mom let me go. Plus, it's not like I don't feel guilty for what I did. I want to be killed for what I did," he answered. "Then, I'll kill you instead," she threatened. "Hey, don't come near me," he said. "Psh, you're a wuss," she said. You could imagine Melody rolling her eyes by now. "I'm just here to talk to her," Byung-Hee said. "I don't think so. I'm not letting you come anywhere near her," she replied. "Alrighty, I'll stay here," he said. "Y/N, you need to wake up. No one can do anything because you're like this," he said. "Is that all you wanted to say? Then you can leave, shoo, shoo," she said. The door opened, and closed. You were guessing that he left. "I know no one can do anything. I've heard them complain for a month now. BTS can't return to their practices. Kim hasn't returned to her job. Melody and Byung-Hee haven't been excelling in work. Mom and dad have been struggling. Everyone else is also struggling. It all because I can't get myself to wake up," you thought. Melody talked to you for a while before leaving. When the door clicked, it opened the next second. "Good, she's gone," Byung-Hee said. "Listen, I have a confession. I like you, and I was trying to show you that I was someone different. But you have someone else, so I'm throwing my feelings away. I hope that when you wake up, we can retry. I know I was stupid back then but let me retry. We can be friends. As of now, I'm worried about you as a friend," then he left. "Friends, he wants to be friends?" you had to make a decision when you woke up, "Be friends with Byung-Hee or not?" The past was horrible between the both of you, but you're willing to look past it. You just hope that he can keep a distance, and not do what he did. He's been visiting you a lot lately, and he's been trying to wake you up. You think it's a good enough reason to forgive him. Soon BTS and Kim came in. Taehyung went straight to you and started talking to you. But, the other members were complaining about how they needed to go back to Seoul and finish up. They still had a comeback to worry about, and they can't just keep stalling. "You guys leave and go back. I don't care. I'm staying right here until she wakes up!" Taehyung said. They stayed quiet. "Fine... we have a plan. If she doesn't wake up in a week, we're heading back. You can stay, Taehyung. But, you need to come back to Seoul a week after we leave," Namjoon suggested. "No, I'm never leaving her side! What if she doesn't wake up in those two weeks?" Taehyung asked. "You have to come back one day-" Seokjin got interrupted. "Never, I'm staying," Taehyung denied coming back.

~Time: 3:00 A.M.~

"Taehyung can't stay here forever. I'm his assistant manager; if I was awake, I would yell at him for thinking he can stay here forever. My parents need to me to wake up. My friends are worried me," although Lily, Josh, Mark, and your driver weren't complaining, you knew they were worried for you. You started thinking really hard. "Come on, wake up," you started using everything in you to wake up. Then, that light appeared. It was different though. The light was changing colors. You stared at it. When you tried stepping towards it, it sucked you in. Then, you sprung up. You looked around, this was the hospital room you saw in your vision, and the one you would occasionally wake up in. This time though, you didn't fall back into that endless sleep. "Am I... fully awake now?" you asked yourself. You lifted your hand up and moved it, you wiggled your fingers. Then, tears rush down your face. After a while, you wiped them away and smiled. "I did it, I did it!" you looked around. BTS was there, sleeping. You slowly got up and went over to them. "Thank you for waiting," you smiled. Then you noticed that you didn't struggle with walking. It felt like a miracle. You roamed around the hospital, in its dead silence and dimly lit halls.


You were awoken by the sound of rustling. It seemed everyone was back in the room. They were discussing something. The conversation was about their next plan. After that, Taehyung flew towards you. He started talking to you. That's when you opened your eyes and smiled. He looked at you in shock. "Y/N...! You're awake!" he shouted and threw himself at you. The room went quiet before everyone rushed over to you. "My baby, she woke up!" your mom started crying. The room was a complete mess by then; it was full of smiles and tears.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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