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Author's Note: So, for now on, it'll be your mom's perspective. If it changes perspective, I'll do my usual thing. But when it's back to your perspective, you'll know.

When I entered the hospital room, where my daughter was, it was hard for me to bare. My daughter's eyes are closed. She's unconscious, and unable to talk. An oxygen mask (ventilator) was placed over her face, and covering her mouth. Some plastic tubes ran around the hospital bed that she laid on. I couldn't bare the sight any longer, I turned. Mr. Kim embraced me. "She'll be okay," he said in a promising voice. I let tears slowly run down my face. After a while, I turned to face my greatest fear as a mother. That was seeing my daughter in a hospital bed, unable to respond. "I can't believe this is actually happening to her," Miss Melody's hands were covering her mouth, possibly hiding her shock. With slow steps, I made my way to the hospital bed; each stepped weighed me down. It was like a giant was pressing it's finger on me, causing me to carry it's weight as I moved forward. After what seemed to be forever, I was standing beside my daughter. I was now staring down at her face, expressionless and unconscious. Miss Melody accompanied me, it must hurt her to see her idol like this. She placed a hand on my shoulder, a way to comfort me without words. Her eyes shifted from Y/N's body to her head. A bandage was wrapped around my daughter's head. "I'm sure she'll wake up soon," Mr. Kim placed his hand on the bandage. He began tracing his finger down, before stopping once he met the end of the bandage. Then he removed his finger, his expression focused on me. "You shouldn't stress too much about this. If you continue to agree more than you normally do, you'll get more grey hair," Mr. Kim tried his best to shift the matter into a lighthearted matter. But the sight of my daughter like this, made me wonder if I was a good mother.

Soon Sir Byung-Hee approached his fathers's side. A look of despair overwhelmed his young face. As time continued to past us by and life continued moving on, tears formed in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N!" he loudly cried. Mr.Kim tried to quiet his son down, whispering words even I couldn't hear through his loud cries. "Please wake up!" Sir Byung-Hee beg. His tears started to fall onto the hospital bed, soaking it with the tiny particles of water and salt. After a while of crying, he started shaking my daughter. "Stop it!" Miss Melody shouted as she ran over to the other side. She pried him away from Y/N. A face of anger appeared on her face. "She may be unconscious, but she can't respond to you shaking her! It's not like she's asleep or anything!" her shouts mixed with his cries. Mr. Kim took ahold of his son, locking his arms under Sir Byung-Hee's armpits, before nodding towards Miss Melody. She released Sir Byung-Hee without a thought. "I'll take him from here," Mr. Kim assured, before leaving the room with his son squirming in his arms. After a while, Mr. Kim returned. "I'm dearly sorry for my son's actions. He's drunk so he isn't thinking straight. Please forgive him," he bowed. "It's alright, I understand. Even if I was under the influence, I would have done the same," I reassured. He let out a chuckle, "I'll be off then. My son needs me. I'll also be sure to come visit her." Now the room was accompanied by Miss Melody and me. We quietly chatted, but our attentions would drift to Y/N. "I hope she wakes up soon," Miss Melody's said in a concerned tone. I slowly nodded my head. I'm hoping that she isn't in that state for more than a three weeks. As time passed, Miss Melody left the room. Now I was alone with my daughter. I stood up from my seat, and headed towards her. "I'm sorry for behind a bad parent... if I had you in my sight at all times, none of this would have happened. Please come back to me soon," my voice cracked, but I fought my tears. I placed my hand on her cheek, and caressed it. "I'll be here tomorrow, the next day, and I'll continue to be here until you finally wake up. Please wake up soon," I mumbled before kissing her forehead. "Please keep a good eye on her," I said to the doctor, who was standing in the doorway. He nodded, "Of course, we always carefully watch our patients."

~The next day~

I decided to visit the hospital. When I got there, balloons flew above her and around her. There were flowers placed near the bed. Sir Byung-Hee sat in a chair, his head hung low. But when the door creaked open, he looked up. "Morning, Mrs. L/N," he gave a faint smile. I noticed that his eyes were red and pufffy. "Morning," I smiled back. Then I sat down. The both of us stayed quiet for a long time. "Does she have her phone on her?" I asked myself. I highly doubt that it was still in tact. A fall from the second floor could break any phone. I grabbed the purse laying next to Y/N, and rummaged through it. After a while, I found the rectangular device. "I'll be back," I stood up, and left the room. I stepped outside and stared at the phone. It was cracked but it still, surprisingly enough, worked. I placed the phone into my purse before grabbing mines. "It's time for me to tell my husband..." I thought. He's been more interactive with our daughter than I ever have. I couldn't imagine how he'll react once he knows his daughter is in a coma. Each ring got louder and louder until he finally picked up. "Lovely wife of mines?" my husband answered from the other line. If only these were the old telephones, then I could twirl my fingers around the circuit. "Honey... I have something to tell you," I said, feeling too stressed to even let words escape from my mouth. "What is it, dear?" I could hear the concern coming from his tone, he could tell something was wrong. "It's about our daughter," he stayed quiet at my statement. No response until, "What happened?" I took a deep breath in before uneasily letting it go. "I know this may be hard for you take in, since you've been with her the most," I quickly said. "Y/N fell out of the window, and now she's in a coma," I added in. My husband stayed quiet, "Where are you? I'm coming right now!" I could hear sniffling coming from the other line, or maybe that was just me.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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