Passing Tests

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Stef had written a two line poem. It was cheesy but Lena liked it, infact she loved it because it showed another side of the woman that she felt as if no one else saw. Why did she show her though? Why? In everyone's eyes and probably in most people's eyes she was weak, she was tame, she had not one ounce of any kind of street credit, not one ounce of being a bad ass, she had not one fucking clue how the prison system worked, well the underground system that was. She had let her husband destroy her life and didn't stand up to him. Not even once. She took the easy way out, maybe, by stabbing him and in the end he won. He won because she was the one in jail for killing him and would spend at least 15 years in it as a result. Maybe in here people saw it differently and she would never tell anyone her thoughts about it. Ever.

In Lena's eyes she had lucked out in here. What if Stef had not liked her or want her? Was it just her luck the one woman who ran the entire prison and who everyone feared like her? If she was really honest with herself Lena most likely would have died on her first day and since her time in Chowchilla had seen what happened to inmates with no protection. She had seen them getting the shit kicked out of them in showers, in the cafe, the TV room and on the court. She had seen a few get stabbed, fingers being broken, ribs being kicked in, hair being pulled out and the guards. Shit the guards that was another story altogether for there was just no way. There was no way she would have survived even if she had blended in like her original plan.

Regardless Lena hated that idea. She hated the thought that she would not have survived. She hated the thought that she was so tame and sensitive that she couldn't stand up for herself. Without Stef she would have been ripped to shreds so again why did the blonde like her so much when she could have anyone and from the sound of it she was nothing like Cheryl. Nothing for what she heard about Stef's past wife was she could hold her own and had been in and out of prison numerous times running the entire thing along side Stef. Why didn't she want someone like her again for there were more than enough women who wanted her. And them some. Or maybe it was something Lena didn't see. Maybe she thought the pretty tame woman had the potential to be something she was hiding away from. Maybe the blonde saw it, saw she could be just as tough as her, that she could have people fear her as well but in a different way. Maybe she knew what Lena was really like deep inside. Someone who eventually wouldn't take shit from anyone and could use words to induce fear. In Stef's eyes Lena's education gave her the upper hand in some regards and the blonde was wondering how she could show her that. Show her how to use it to her advantage.

From what Lena noticed and soon realized was Stef's attraction and protection had been from day one. That had not even been the case for Callie for the girl told her she had been tormented for months by the Lions Den. Really tormented for saying the wrong thing but now no one could touch her, and even Lena herself was careful. Very for she didn't want to say the wrong thing to Callie and have Stef on her because based on what she saw the love the blonde had for that girl was untouchable. It really was and there were a few reasons why which Lena had still learn. One thing she was aware of was the plethora of medical issues that the young teen was plagued with ranging from random seizures, to low blood sugar at times, thyroid issues and bouts of fainting. It was one of the reasons Stef never left her alone or out of her site if she could help it. Unfortunately these issues made her pregnancy that much more complicated but as long as she had her medicine on time Callie was ok. The side effects were no better at times for she struggled with night sweats along with terrible nausea causing the blonde to wash her down with cold water. This was the side no one witnessed, the maternal side that she had only displayed to this young teen who had grabbed her heart so very much.

This was something Lena wasn't aware of for one reason Stef had gotten that library job for her was because she knew how badly Lena wanted it and she could also keep an eye on Callie . There were not many people she trusted with her only Roxy really but she had watched Lena. She had seen them in the library together reading and very well knowing Callie was illiterate. That was a secret she had kept to herself and one test Lena has passed. She had not gone around spilling that information but instead sat with her each day and read. Read as if Callie had no problems but helping her at the same time. That alone had earned the naive and beautiful woman an extra star maybe more.

It was true that Stef had been testing Lena in more ways than one in addition to making sure the systems she had set up in the prison were running effectively around and under Lena's nose. Only one behavior of Stef's had changed for normally she had one or two women she fucked on a consistent basis and that was it. Now it was just Lena and the other girls knew it. They knew not to ask, they knew not to beg and they knew not to get jealous or even show it or hint at it. If anyone made any negative comment it was game over. They knew what Stef wanted as the girls quietly prepared for Lena to move to their block. The blonde even made sure it will filled with things Lena could use such as special lotions and hair products that were specific for hair. That was the other thing, Lena would never owe Roxy anything for doing her hair, ever, and Stef would make sure the woman would get as much pampering as this hell hole allowed.

Yes Stef was aware that making Lena move to her block was not going to be easy for she saw how close she was to her cellmates. Actually she was close to quit a few people and it just couldn't be. It just couldn't for it was bad enough the blonde needed to handle Ms. Rose and she was trying to avoid having Lena see it. Yes she knew why she had been acting funny and found out the old woman was stealing cigarettes out the packets she delivered to the blonde. Unfortunately as a result of that Stef needed to get mean, cruel and it was going to be ugly. Really, really ugly. But that was the nature of it and always would be because if one piece of the puzzle fell out of alignment the entire thing could go to shit. If Miss Rose didn't deliver those packs to Stef with the exact number in them then Callie's medicine would be delayed. Not only that drugs were transported inside them and that would hold things up as well. Many things and Stef could not risk any of that as a result of one person's fuck up. These were things Lena was not privy too and it was up to Stef whether she would tell her or not one day. All of it could affect the way Lena felt about her, Stef knew this but she was hoping to show her that there was more to her then just this and that she could very well indeed be a good lover, and wife. Just maybe.


Will Lena go to Family night? :)

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