How It Is

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"Look Len, this is how shit is. Stef is boss lady and there's no way around it. I know you don't get it but this is how it is babylove. This is the name of the game and how it works in here."

It had taken everything in Lena to relax herself as she sat in the cell she shared with Stef horrified and trying to listen to Roxy's words. . How was it someone that was so sweet and gentle with her could be that way but she allowed herself to forget she was in prison. How the fuck could she forget that? Because she was in her own denial about it and she had to get out of her damm gaze and face reality. The reality she lived in and the  reality of the woman she had fallen for and who she was and what she did.

"It's cigarettes. Over that Roxy. Why?" Lena asked.

"It's, it's not always what it seems Lena. It just isn't and Stef was nice. She could have really hurt her. Believe me."

"Look we know this ain't your game and you don't know shit about. It wasn't always me and Stef's game either believe it or not. Maybe not even half the fucking women in here. But look one thing is true. Some people hurt just to hurt. You know, some people kill just to kill. Us?  We not part of that shit. Not at all Lena. Yeah we got a rep, the Lions Den, we know it. But you seen apart of it that we don't fucking show nobody and it's not because Stef thinks your cute. You should talk to her she won't hurt you regardless of what you saw today that has nothing to do with you and her and how she treats you."

Lena could only listen as her mind was running around in circles and she rubbed her soft forehead.

"Roxy my plan was to keep my head down and blend in."

"MM yeah but you know sometimes that heart follows a different plan. and girl you know how love can be. Shit. It can throw you around in all kinds of fucking circles and shit. Especially when it's a kind of love we never had before. I know all about it. It's that wreckless, intense dangerous love honey. Look I'll tell you this  place ain't no palace as you know and when you open your eyes more and see what shit is really going on your perception of shit changes. You can't wear blinders forever honeygirl. You feel for Stef for a reason."

Looking deeper into her darks eyes Lena let out another sigh as the blonde soon walked in. Avoiding her eyes the tame women kept hers on the floor as Stef whispered something in Roxy's ears and the woman left leaving the two alone. With her eyes looking toward Stef who was pouring a glass of water the silence between them grew as well as their level of stubborness as Lena felt as if she was caught between two different worlds. One she understood and one she had no clue about but she had one foot in each not knowing where to take the final leap. Stef had a pull she didn't understand and she loved her soft, sweet side more then she could ever explain. Ever to herself.

"You didn't need to hurt her like that." She soon blurted out as the blonde took a sip of her water not looking at Lena. It was the first time the tame woman had been blunt and voiced her opinion in such a way and Stef wasn't sure if she liked it or not. She really wasn't and the dig she made in the room earlier was on purpose and her frustration had slipped.

"That cell block is off limits. I don't want you over there anymore." She said sternly ignoring the woman's comment.


"You heard me.  I don't want you over there."

"I'm, I'm not a child." Lena boldly said as her fear was still present but her stubbornness was in full effect right now as Stef flashed her a look.

"I never said you were a child but you are my woman and I don't want you over there. You are in this family, and your loyalty is questionable if you keep treading back and forth Lena to people who owe me debts. It really is."

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