Working Alone

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Stef could only lay wide awake in her cell as Lena rested on top of her. It had been two weeks since Callie delivered baby Stef and fortunately they were both doing well.  The young teen was still being hospitalized herself and was learning how to care for her premature baby but it would be months before that little baby could come home.  Home? Stef didn't know where that would be for her granddaughter just yet for she would need a little extra care than anticipated. The blonde knew Callie wanted to have her in the prison program where her little girl could live with her  and she was trying to make that happen almost daily.  Stef was but the blonde was making a deal with the devil so to speak in order for that to happen.

Going along with her to the hospital and being able to be in the delivery room was a big deal and the Warden had pretty much fucked her brains out the past few weeks because of it. Now asking to have Callie put in the program would cost much more. To say it  was getting to her was an understatement and she hated it. She really did but what she hated even more was she just couldn't bring herself to make love to her wife on most days because it felt dirty, it felt wrong and she had not said a word to her about it. How could she? Would Lena understand? Stef just didn't know. 

"You said twice this week." Stef said as she stood behind the Warden's desk after he called her into his office for the fourth time this week.

"Did I? I don't remember sweet thing. Look you want certain privileges you gotta pay. And you know it's hard to just have you twice a week. I know men aren't your preference honey but you gotta pay darling. You are asking for big things here. Things I don't just hand out."

"We agreed twice a week." She said as he let out a smirk for the Warden was one person Stef did not have control over.

"You want Callie in the prison program for new mothers? You know how hard that is to get into. Much less she is a violent criminal and they don't hand that out to girls like her."

"She's not violent. It was self defense."

"Yeah I've heard that before."

"Look, what, what do you want?"The blonde asked feeling a weight on her chest. "If you let Callie into that program what do I need to do?"

"Before we can even talk about it you know what I want. Come over here and get on your knees then we can talk. Do what my wife won't." He said unzipping his pants.

Maybe it seemed to others that she didn't make this much of an effort for her own children but that was not the case. She did many times and exchanged sexual favors a handful of times to have longer visits or an extra phone call. Maybe it wasn't recent for many guards accepted drugs btu for the bigger things the Warden was the only one that could make it happen. Trying to block it out of her mind Stef felt her head getting ready to explode for she was still so worried about Tracey and her son Jude. She was but Mike promised to visit and bring her kids with him for he had actually picked up her call no matter how brief it was. What had also surprised her was Jude had written her an email saying he was sorry and was ok. 

Hi Mama,
I'm back home on my Ipad. Hoping I can go to school soon but the medicine has me feeling really tired. I feel like all I do is sleep. Mom I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did and I hope you aren't angry with me. I just got so tired and I don't know how to explain it. Please don't be mad.
 love you,

That did her over the edge and she literally cried her fucking eyes out after reading it and wrote him back telling him she was not angry. God all she wanted so badly was just to hold her son and tell him it was ok. That's all as she carefully slid out from under Lena and kissed her softly. Throwing her clothes on she asked five of her girls to be on lookout while she took a shower. It was all she could do to just clear her head and wash off the filth from the Warden's hands.  But no matter how hard she scrubbed or how many times she brushed her teeth she could never seem to get rid of it or his scent of cheap cologne. It reminded her of the days she worked at the strip club and many of the men asked for private dances which she hated. God she hated it  for it made her feel so cheap but it paid and whatever extra money she made went to her two children. It always did and that part of her never changed. Not once.

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