The End Part I

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With Stef following Roxy along with ten other members of the Lions Den Lena stayed with Callie and the twenty other members for there was no way they could all go together.  No way for Roxy found two of the former Lions Den girls that Cheryl had forced into the Panthers with their throats slashed in the bathrooms along with their tongues cut out. Stef had recently gotten them back over to her side and had no fucking idea how this could even happen. The Den had been under a tight leash but nothing was ever perfect. What didn't help matters was laying dead beside them were two girls from the Latina Queens and that was not good not by any means for it was one of their main girls. This had Cheryl written all over it as both Stef and Roxy shook their heads knowing it was a set up to make it look like the truce between the Latina Queens and the Lions Den had been broken. Killing a member was an ultimate betrayal as Stef looked to Roxy as the anger boiled inside of her.

"What do you want to do sis?" Roxy asked.

"Let the Latina Queens know then we kill Cheryl."

"What about your appeal?"

"Can't worry about that right now. I should have killed that bitch months ago. But now she's gonna die slow. Real slow."

"What can we do mom?" One of the girls asked.

"Exactly what I say. Let's go."

With Lena and Callie staying behind the young girl was feeling pain. But it wasn't a pain she knew anything about.

"Mama Lion..."

"What's wrong? What's wrong baby?"

"I don't know. I, I feel weird. Weird pain in my stomach."

"Stomach where? Where honey?" The older woman asked as Callie's water broke.

"Mama Lion! Cheryl is outside with her girls!" Angela said running in as Callie grabbed her stomach and Lena knew the girl was going into labor.

"Ok Angela I want you to take Callie to the chapel with Miss Rose. Tell her she is going into labor. She will know what to do and I will handle Cheryl."

"Labor? But I'm only 6 months Mama Lion!" 

"I know. Sometimes babies come early and she will be ok. Go on me and Mom will be there soon. Angela I want ten of you watching Callie and Miss Rose. If her contractions get closer take her to the infirmary. But as a group!"

"Ok." The young girl said holding Callie's hand.

"I'm scared." Callie said with tears. "I want Mom. I want Mom."

"I know, I know baby. We will be there soon. Your contractions are far apart you have time. Go ahead we will be right there I promise." Lena soothed as she gently rubbed Callie's face and kissed her forhead. "It's ok babygirl.  I promise. I promise."

"Ok. Please hurry. Please."

"We will. I promise."

"Come sweetness." Angela said as Lena watched her walk off with Callie and ten members as she knew it was time. Time to get rid of Cheryl for she was making too much of a fucking mess as she  along with the rest of the members of the Den followed behind her to see Cheryl waiting patiently with a smile on her face. Oh she couldn't wait to rip Lena in half and their incidents had infuriated her to no end but Lena had other plans as a smirk formed on her face as that tattoo of Stefs' name appeared even bigger than ever to Cheryl on the woman's neck. Lena was sick of this shit and of Cheryl more than anything and she needed to die. She just did and was wondering if she had it in her to do it.

"So she sent her little wife huh?" Cheryl asked with her four sad members beside her while Raquel and Alex were on their way to find Stef and Roxy.

"MM, oh no baby my wife is too busy to deal with little people such as yourself. I figured I'd come you know so she can relax."

"Ha. You think that sad tattoo of her name on you means something. I have one too you know. Right on my upper thigh."

"Yeah? Good for you. Too bad yours is hidden away while mine is out for everyone to see. Unlike you I want everyone to know she's my wife and unlike you I'm not a trader, skank, power hungry, messy, sloppy bitch. I handle my shit."

"Oh you are all words. You were nothing before this and before you met Stef. Nothing Miss Lena "I have my doctorate" Adams. Look how far that got you. In here with the rest of us. How is your little son? You must miss him like Stef misses her bratty ass bastard kids."

"Shut the fuck up bitch!" One of the Den members growled as the other girls moved in closer to Cheryl as Lena held them back letting out a grin. She knew how Cheryl was oh man did she know even without knowing her and the last thing she would do would fall for her childlike bait.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried to take me out yet. Because I've tried to take out Stef. Many times. And I almost did but I don't need to. Raquel will do it for me."

"Oh yeah?" Lena said moving closer as the rest of the Den moved with her.

"Yes. And tell me how tough would you be without all the protection. Probably not much. Your wife needs to have so many girls look after you and that little pregnant bitch."

"Let me fucking stab her Mama Lion! Just let me..fucking cunt ass..."

"It's ok baby. I got it." Lena soothed looking Cheryl right back in the eyes as the girls grew impatient.

"Babylove I don't need protection from you. Because you aren't anything. Nothing and you must be rather hungry mm? Fucking guards and sucking dick to get a candy bar. Rough life." Lena joked as the Den laughed and she felt the razer blade in her mouth along with the pen she had hidden inside her pants. Stef never, ever let any of her girls go out unarmed if she could help it especially Lena. Cheryl could only smirk herself as she too moved closer to the slim woman she hated.

"Tell me how is Tracey? Doing better? And seems you might have lost a few more members. You know traitors never live long."

"Yeah I know. You know all about that. Don't you now?" Lena baited as Cheryl's temper boiled.

"You think Callie is safe in the chapel? She's not. None of you are because I plan on cutting that baby out of her in front of you then I plan on killing Stef just like I always wanted to. Slowly and....

Before Cheryl could get another word out she was suddenly pushed against the wall and landing on the floor covered in blood. Her own blood.


Ouch. Wonder who did that to Cheryl?

Callie my goodness I guess Baby Stef wants to come out :)

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