Diamond In the Rough

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The Lion's Den had been quiet for an entire week since Lena had broken off the engagement with Stef. The two had not spoken even if the blonde had tried to make multiple attempts at small talk when it was time for bed but Lena only nodded and chose not to speak as they slept as far apart from each other as possible. That killed the blonde for she loved holding Lena close to her every night and Lena loved it just as much as their naked bodies would melt into each others almost feeling like one. Even if their sex life was suffering and the level of affection Stef was showing at times was far less then it use to be parts of it were still there. And it was those parts Lena ate up.

However right now the air was tense between the two as Lena refused to sit beside Stef when they watched TV or even at meals where Lena sat at the other end of the table which drove Stef insane. It really did because she liked having her wife beside her at the head of the Lion's Den table. The girls did as well and by this time it was silently known that she really was the one who ruled. It was her level of wiseness, her level of intelligence that she often spoke to all the girls and her wife and that was something they all appreciated. It was her commitment  to all of them as she had been encouraging all the girls to attend the education classes the prison offered. To her and to Stef it wasn't just about survival in prison. It was about survival on the outside as well. Truth was they all knew how to fight but how would they use that when they got out.

Out of all the girls who witnessed Stef and Lena's current fight Callie was the saddest even if Roxy told her it would blow over. All of the girls hoped it would blow over too because Stef had been in the worst mood and was yelling and screaming at them over the smallest of things. She was extremely short tempered to the point that no one wanted to talk to her, 
except Callie who was the only one she had patience for as the two talked quietly while watching TV or reading. But never did she bring up her fight with Lena to the young girl as Callie would often pass out in her lap snoring softly.

It was safe to sat Stef was heartbroken as she carried the ring around in pocket. A ring that meant so much to her but looked as if it was so easy for Lena to just take off and slam on the table. Maybe it was and by this time she was so fried, fried from the week where she had tried to apologize in her own way. However it always came off rather aggressive which Lena did not appreciate and as they sat down for breakfast again Stef's choice of words caused yet another fight.

"How many days are you gonna sit over there Lena? Am I that damm bad that you can't even eat beside me?" Stef asked completely frustrated that once again her wife was sitting at the other side of the table near the end away from her.  The girls could only look at their plates as Lena looked more angry than ever and Stef looked back at her waiting for an answer.

"I won't talk to you if you speak to me that way. No way! Talk to yourself if you are gonna be an ass!" she said getting up and slamming her tray.

"Oh that's what I've been doing! Since you refuse to talk to me! And I've been trying."

"Oh yeah you really try! You try so hard Stef!"

"You are such a pain in my ass woman! What the hell do you want from me? Huh? What do you want! Gold? Huh? How many ways or damm times can I say sorry!

"Nothing! Not a damm thing anymore! I don't want anything from you!"

"Yeah clearly since you won't marry me. Let me see if I hold up this ring if anyone other woman in here will want it?" Stef joked as Lena became even more furious.

"Stef come on." Roxy said.

"You know what? You wanna know something?" Lena said walking closer to the blonde. " You are an ass. You are a complete ass and I can't stand you! I'm leaving the den. So go find your other woman. Because it's not me anymore. You won't talk to me like this and embrasses me like this Stefanie Foster. Ever. I'm done."

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