Family Night (Part ll)

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With the Isley brothers music playing in the background Lena was enjoying family night more than she ever thought she would. Ever, as she actually was feeling relaxed for what was maybe the first time ever in Stef's presence as well as her group. Her and Callie chatted a bit in between moves during Monopoly and she helped her read the cards still keeping it a secret that she couldn't read. Stef was very well aware of that fact and was proud of how much Callie's reading had improved and grateful to Lena for it. Many nights she sat with Callie in her room as the young teen read a book her and Lena had been working on and she was so excited to read it to Stef and the growing baby inside her.

Having her arms remaining  tightly around Lena's slim waist Stef periodically planted small kisses on her shoulder as she was loving having her in her arms.  God she was falling for her, she was really falling and she had to talk to her. Like really talk to her for Lena had not said much to her really and she wanted to know everything. More than just what her girls found out, for she wanted to see the side Callie told her about.  She wanted to know her thoughts and what went on in that tame heart and sensitive soul of hers.  However the blonde continuously heard her father's words run around in her head over  and over about romance and how it can fuck things up. Fuck things up royally for it could cause you to go soft, make poor choices and distract from your real job. Stef knew she couldn't let any of that shit happen as Lena turned around a bit to smile at her.  It was the widest fucking smile she had ever shown her and Stef literally couldn't fucking breath. Having her on her lap didn't help matters either as Lena was randomly sucking on her neck making marks up and down it which was driving Stef insane. It didn't seem as if Lena was faking, it really seemed that this was inside of her and only came out at certain times because when Stef saw her in the halls she would blush like crazy barely talking. When they had eaten breakfast  together that morning she was shy as well especially about her background in education and all the places she traveled. Stef knew from the getgo that Lena was smart and that she was hesitant to really talk about it. But she wanted her too for she saw it as a turn on. A big one and Stef wanted to know the places Lena traveled since she had never left California in her life and she was hoping the shy woman would open up.

"Who wants more? Want me to top you off Len!?" Roxy asked pouring a bit more of the homemade alcohol in Stef's glass that her and Lena were sharing.


"MM careful baby. I want you sober tonight so you remember what I'll do it you." The blonde whispered in her ear as Lena turned around and smirked at her letting out a small laugh.

"I'll remember. You always make it really memorable baby." she said gently running her finger along Stef's sharp jawline and any minute she was gonna rip her fucking clothes off if she had anything to do it and she would. Smiling at her again Lena moved closer to her neck again pressing her lips softly on another spot where she wanted to make an additional mark.

"Yeah?" Stef moaned out.

"Yes and how about I show you how that dress fits? MM?" Lena asked rather boldy as Stef bit her bottom lip feeling her breathing intensify.

"Get out. Now." The blonde said sternly to everyone her eyes never leaving Lena's.

"Guess that game is over! Come Cal's let's finish in my room!" Roxy said as they headed out along with the other girls rather quickly and both Stef and Lena felt their insides growing warm as the tame woman slowly stood up sliding her sweat pants down and revealing the tight black dress that hugged each and everyone of her curves.

"Think it fits ok?" She asked deviously.

"Fuck." Stef whispered letting out a smirk as her hand gently grabbed Lena's waist pulling her on her lap again. What surprised her even more was how the tame woman began sliding the straps down of the dress and staring deep into her eyes Lena's  breasts soon fell out leaving the stronger woman speechless.  The blonde could only lick her lips as her eyes roamed over Lena's chocolate tits up her neck and to her eyes. Rubbing her hands over her thighs and over her round ass beneath the dress fabric Lena let out a low moan and wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck.

"I wanna fuck." Lena blurted out shocking her as she couldn't help but continue to rub her ass from underneath the tight dress. 

"Yeah I bet you do. MM." 


That was all it took for Stef to grab her and push the Monopoly game onto the floor not giving a fuck that they were in view of the cell door. She didn't give a shit at all as Lena yanked and tore Stef's clothes off soon feeling her shove the thong to the side of her pussy and slide two fingers inside. With her ass resting on the table Stef fucked her wet middle like crazy as Lena dug into her neck and back hard.

"How long have you been this wet? MM? And do you know how fucking sexy you look..Mm?" The blonde whispered into her ear soon biting it as Lena moaned out like crazy.

"Since.., since, since I saw you. Been wet since then"

"Yeah? I make you this wet mm? Or is it someone else?" She joked sliding another finger in and pumping it in and out harder. "Does someone else you think about make you this wet?"

"" Lena moaned feeling Stef rub her pussy harder and finger her her other fingers ran up her body and played with her nipples.

"MM no you sure?MM?"

"I, I'm sure...Stef..." She moaned again and was two seconds from cuming right on this table as Stef lifted her up and Lena wrapped her legs around her resting her back on the bed. Hovering over the woman she had fallen fall the blonde smirked at her lifting up the slim fitting dress exposing all of Lena's body. Licking down her front and toward her belly button and middle she grabbed the red thong with her teeth sliding it down as Lena spread her legs far apart.

Everytime Stef licked her out she couldn't breathe for the blonde made her cum over and over. Sometimes so intensely she had to catch her breath more than once as she felt her lick up and down her slit over and over. It was during this time Lena liked to run her hands through Stefs long hair. Hair she loved as she felt her body stiffen her orgams making her explode.

The next hour had been hot, steamy and heavy as Stef pushed the shy woman against the wall fucking her over and over. Lena had cried out more then once moaning like never before as Stefs minions guarded the door to ensure they wouldn't get interrupted.

Feeling the sweat drip from their bodies that grinded on each other once again Lena soon passed out on the woman she had fallen for as she had her 6th orgasm. She had as all was quiet and role call would be soon. Tonight she didn't want to leave much like nights before as her eyes grew heavy and she softly kisssed  Stefs nipple.

"You ok my love." She soon heard the blonde whisper as she looked up into her warm eyes and feeling her play in her straight hair.


"You know your hair is beautiful but I love your curls. I like when they are all wild or when you wear that pretty braid to the side."

"Really?" Lena asked grinning.

"Mm yes. Listen baby. I like you and I'd love it if you would move over here with me. Say you will." She said almost sounding like she was giving Lena a choice." I want you close to us and me so no one even has a chance to fuck with you ever. I want to spoil you some ya know and I want to thank you for helping Callie. She loves having you over here too. So say you will my beautiful. Mm? I want you to be my woman and I want my woman close to me." Normally Stef was much, much more forceful and she would be outside her talks with Lena. Always. But as Roxy suggestioned Lena was one of two people Stef didn't want to scare off and she hopped the shy woman knew that. She really did as Lena smiled bashfully at her kissing her lips once again.

Wonder if she moves?

Things will get real in the prison for Stef has to get mean with a few people. Won't be pretty.

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