The Things We Do

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The day had been crazy just like any other day in here except we would have a new member soon of our family if all went well. While I had been in the midst of dealing with the Panthers and my troubled goddaughter, and while Lena was dealing with Cheryl and her mess which I had no idea about Callie had been in labour.My poor baby had been in labour terrified as a few of my girls from the Den came running to tell us as I dropped Alex to the floor who was no longer breathing. Raquel laid beside her beaten to a pulp but was still breathing and sure we felt terrible but right now she was a lost cause. Beyond a lost cause and both Roxy and I knew she would have to find her way back to us. All I could hope was that she would accept help and get herself together but I wasn't so sure she would. We couldn't worry about that as I found Callie with Ms. Rose along with Lena counting  the minutes between her contractions. My poor girl looked so stressed and I ran to sit beside her and she looked deep into my eyes.

"Mommy. She's, she's too early. She's too early. Why? She can't come now."

"Ssh it's ok love. It's ok." I soothed rubbing her back as I glanced to Lena and Ms. Rose while the entire Den surrounded us. Roxy looked just as concerned as we pushed the earlier events out of her head.

"Listen I know, I won't push my religion on any of you right now but.." Ms. Rose began.

"Yeah lets say a prayer for baby Stefanie Marie Foster. Let's do this." Roxy said as we all bowed our heads and I held onto Callie's hand and Lena onto the other. Ms. Rose's voice was strong but calm as we prayed for my daughter and my granddaughter who wanted for some reason to show up early. We prayed for her to be ok, for her to be strong and healthy even if I was beyond worried and scared for her and Callie. We never counted on or planned for baby Stef to show up right now and we were thinking we had at least two months to get things together. It was ok but I would need to do what I needed to make sure once she was healthy to make sure that she could remain with Callie in here.  It was over my dead body she would ever go to Callie's shit ass mother as I made a backup plan A B and C. THe first plan however would require me to most likely fuck the Warden. But it wasn't the first time or the last and I couldn't tell Lena as much as I hated to keep secrets from her I needed to do this. I just did.

"You should take her to infirmary. Her contractions are getting closer Stef." Ms. Rose said as I nodded my head and helped my girl get up along with Lena. "Don't you worry Callie. Three of my girls were born at 6 months and they are doctors." 

"Thank you Ms. Rose. Roxy will you.."

"I got it Stef. Go take care of our girl and bring a new one back. You better Callie!" She said kissing the back of her head as she smiled at her.

"I will Rox."

"Good luck Callie we love you!" All the girls said as she waved bye to them and Lena whispered in my ear.

 "Cheryl is taken care of. She won't be a bother anymore baby. It's done and so are the Panthers."

"Yeah? Neither will Alex. She's done." I whispered back to her as she nodded at me and let out a soft smile.

Right now we had no time to explain shit to each other as she helped me take our girl to the infirmary and I knew Callie would most likely be transported to the hosptial soon and there was only one way I could go with her. Only one way and I would do it despite how much I hated to as I knocked on the Warden's door and he let out a wide smirk.

"Ahh need a favor Stef? Bend over and let me see how nice that ass is since the last time I fucked it." My stomach could only turn as I walked over to him turned around and slid my pants down bending over his desk.

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