About the Power

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"Shit Ma you cheat like no other!" Tracey said to the blonde as Stef could only laugh her head off. With Lena sitting on her lap she laughed as well for her wife was a cheater especially with card games but on the same token she was pretty good at poker and often won. 

Tonight it wasn't just about playing cards it was about sitting back and trying to relax for it had been a crazy few days for the den. With Raquel being severely injured in the infirmary there had been no sign or peep from Roxy. Not a single sound and Stef herself had not looked for the woman for they were very much still at odds and it was the worst it had ever been. Not only was Roxy officially out of the den the blonde was unsure about their relationship and was well aware what she did to Raquel strained it even furthur. There was no choice in the matter for it needed to be done and she would do it again if needed. That was part of being the leader sometimes you did shit you didn't want to.

With the music playing in the background some members got up and danced while a few others were laughing and chatting at how badly Tracey was loosing to Stef. Lena giggled as well while her and her wife shared a cigar as the guards turned the other cheek.

In reality the time was ticking for sure until their release and many things still needed to be wrapped up, handled and sorted.  Tracey was learning literally hour by hour as Stef continued to shove more down her throat. As much as she could and the blonde could clearly see her decision was a wise one.  The girl was eager, she was wise and listening more then she ever had to Stef soaking up every single word she told her. Was she nervous? Yes a tad but she had no time to be not even a second and she knew the blonde had no tolerance for that shit. Zero. This was serious, the most serious role Tracey ever had and she knew people would rely on her now just like she had relied on Stef. Truth was she knew she could do it and she would with just as much ambition and smarts as Stef.

"No cheatin' here baby. You just gotta keep up with the game, pay attention and be a few moves ahead."

"I don't even get poker. Like what's the point." Callie said watching in between reading a magazine which she was much faster at by this time with practice and a good amount of help from Lena. She had even started to tackle young adult chapter books which was a big step for her and she couldn't wait to start reading to her little girl. 

"It's for fun my girl. Sometimes ya win money if the people you play with suck and you can strike up some pretty good deals."

"Hey I don't suck Mom. I'm just rusty." Tracey said as Stef busted out laughing once again and she leaned towards her a bit.

"Little girl if you are taking over my place you need to sharpen your skills. And you are gonna have to beat me at this game. Not to mention Diamond from the Latina Queens. No room for error or fuck ups because it's another tool you need. So learn and learn fast."

"No pressure." Lena smiled and taking a puff of the cigar that she handed back to Stef. The blonde could only grin at her as she ran her hands up and down her wife's thigh and softly planting a kiss on her shoulder.

"MM you're sexy tonight." She whispered in Lena's ear as her wife smiled once again.

"So are you. But you always are baby." Softly kissing the blondes lips the den girls always had softened hearts when they saw the affection and love between these two women. It was really something they were going to miss. Especially Tracey for she had never seen such a positive relationship in her life. Well none of the girls really had.

"Legit though are we allowed to say we will miss you Mom and Mama Lion." Tracey blurted out.

"No. No sappy ass shit. We have no time for that." Stef snapped back at the girl who rarely if at all spoke her dearest feelings.

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