The Day After

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The prison sat quiet the morning after the wedding, perhaps more quiet than usual as Stef and Lena were basking in their now legal marriage as much as they could all things considering. Most of the Lions Den was hungover, except for Callie and Tracey, who was officially off minion duty. However, Tracey Green who was the young impulsive member of the den just couldn't seem to keep out of trouble. 

Thing was Tracey meant well and her fierce loyalty at times could get her in the biggest of trouble with the blonde. Stef had kept reminding her that she was smart, and needed to remain smart especially after what happened with the Panthers. But after Tracey overhead what the Warden had been doing to her mother that just didn't sit well with her. Not at all and the girl was unaware of  why the blonde was doing what she was doing so she came up with her own plan to help stop it figuring he was taking advantage of her and using her for something.

That morning Tracey had knocked on the door of the Warden's office with something small in her hand. No it wasn't a knife or anything sharp. Nothing of that nature as she tried to distract and flirt with him for she knew how easy it was and how cheap he was. He of course fucked anything with a pussy as she turned around to undress carefully sprinkling something in his coffee without his knowledge. Only a short time after and before she had to perform any sexual acts the man had dropped dead on the floor with Tracey Green nowhere in site. 

However when he was discovered a few hours later the prison went on lockdown and every cell was trashed and searched for any kinds of contraband that could be traced back to the scene. 

"What is going on?" Lena whispered to the blonde as they stood against the walls like every other inmate.

"I don't know. There's nothing in there. Don't worry."

"I know. It was moved." She said looking across the hall at Callie, Roxy and Tracey as the guard soon came up to the blonde.

"I said no talking inmate. Unless you know something!"

"I don't know anything."

"No, maybe you can tell me how the Warden ended up dead? I know you had a pretty close relationship with him."

"MM did I? I don't recall." The blonde said smirking at the guard who couldn't stand her and it was the one guard who had tried to make Stef's life hell but failed each time.

"You know some people in here maybe scared of you, even some of the guards but not me. I know you know something and when I find out I will bring you down along with your Den."

"Yeah? Let me know how that goes for you honey. Because I know and I've seen some of the shit your dirty ass has done too. You know shit that could cost you your job, and that nice little pension."

"You're bluffing."

"Yeah? Maybe, maybe not."

"How would she know what happened with him anyway! We just got married yesterday and we were together the entire night. She had nothing to do with anything or with him so you leave my wife alone!" Lena said as the guard looked to her and walking over getting in her face. Something Stef did not like.

"It's ok babe." The blonde whispered as Lena could feel the rage in her body take over.

"I didn't ask you. You talk when I say you talk! Now if you want to end up in solitary again away from your love bird I suggest you be quiet Adams because you have been known to start trouble yourself."

"You better watch how the fuck you talk to my wife."

"Shut the fuck up Foster before I take those wedding bands!"

"It's Adams Foster!" Lena shouted! "And you lay one hand on her I swear to god!"

"That's it! Both of you! I've had enough of you! Lets go!"

"Maybe that fuck face dropped dead cuz he's a piece of shit!" Tracey soon shouted coming near the guard."Hell maybe I did it. Maybe you did it."

"Maybe I did it!" Another girl shouted and another.

"Hell maybe I did it!" Wanda shouted as well as Ms. Rose.

"Everyone hush up! Now before you all end up in solitary!" Another guard said. "Back to your cells and this entire prison is on lock down and you are to remain in your cells until we find out what happened! No one is leaving anywhere! Now move it!"

Heading back into their cells as there was a stare down between the guard and Stef  the blonde could only smirk at her which made the guard nuts. Insane as her and Lena along with the rest of the prison were locked in their cells and the blonde grew confused now feeling a lump in her throat at the news. Shit did this put a dent in her plans.

"I didn't kill him babe." She said to Lena.

"I know. You were with me all night. So who then?"

"I don't know. Roxy was drunk off her ass, most of the den was." She said taking a seat on the bed. "But this isn't good. Fuck."

"Listen, maybe Callie and baby Stef are on that list baby."

"I fucking hope so. But who the fuck did this. I wanna fucking know because they  just fucked shit up! Fucked it up big time Lena!"

"I know baby but I want you to calm down. Please. You can't get angry like this it's not good for you."Rubbing the blondes back she tried to ease her temper which could really get the best of her at times almost causing the blonde to stop breathing on a few occasions.

"I know. I know you're right. But this shit, and this is not the honeymoon I wanted to give you and we are trapped in this mother fucking cell all fucking day!

"Baby it's ok! It's alright. Listen to me, please."

"Yeah?" She said looking to her wife and trying to catch her breath.

"I want you to breathe. You have too. And I want you to calm down and listen to me. Are you listening?"

"Yes I'm listening babe."

"Ok. First off just being in here with you all day is all the honeymoon I need and second we have to move to plan B incase Callie didn't make it on that list. We know it wasn't Ms. Rose or Wanda, or Callie. That much we do know."

"No. Definitely not and most certainly not Callie. If anyone in here listens to me it's her. Mostly all the girls do except..


"I hope to god it wasn't Tracey." Stef said feeling her fucking head ready to explode as she shook her head. "I will fucking murder her if she did this."

"Well if she did I know why. Same reason why she tried so hard to keep things together when we were in solitary, same reason why she disobeyed our orders to make a CD for you which you have yet to listen too. Same reason she jumps in front of you whenever anyone tries to hurt you or even talk a certain way to you. She did it today.  You and this den mean the world to her. And she will do anything to protect you because she loves you Stef. If she did do it she most likely didn't know the consequences."

"We don't have time for fuck ups babe. No matter how much she loves me. We don't."

"I know. But that girl is loyal. Fiercely. But Stef maybe he did just drop dead."

"Yeah? You really believe that." She laughed as Lena shook her head.

"No I don't. But we will figure this out Mrs. Adams Foster. Hear me? Callie and your granddaughter will be ok. She is still in the hospital getting the best treatment she can so we still have time."

"Yeah baby."

Of course as the two talked about what they would possibly do and the prison remained on lockdown Ms. Rose would be getting out in only two days. And once she did she had plans of her own to help baby Stef which she had every intention of discussing with the blonde when she made a visit back to Chowchilla. This plan involved her daughter who had no issues fostering baby Stef until Callie was able to gain her rights back. None at all for she specialized in taking care of premature babies with special needs and this baby would be no different.

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