Family Day (Part ll)

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"Eskimo kiss mama."Frankie said happily as she sat on top of the bench facing me with her arms glued around my neck. With her cute pink glasses on that she needed in order to see far away she had her pretty long curls out with a  yellow headband as I just couldn't get over how cute she was and how much bigger she had gotten. She really had and usually it took time for her to warm up to me but today it was almost instant and her shyness was was pretty nonexistent. Whatever the reason I didn't give a shit. I was just happy that my baby was comfortable with me as I kissed her soft little nose and she rubbed hers against mine. 

"Aww a million Eskimo kisses my  love." Winking at her she grinned wider at me as  her arms were still wrapped around my neck. "So how is school babygirl? MM? How is kindergarten?"


"Yeah? You being a good girl?"

"Uh huh. I'm learning Spanish."

"Oh yeah? Tell me something in Spanish then mi amor." I smiled as she traced a heart on my cheek with her soft little finger.

"Mm, te quiero mamá." 

"Ahh yes. I love you too babygirl. I love you very, very, much." 

"I love you the mostest to infinity and beyond." she said lifting her hands up in the air as all I could do was laugh.

"Infinity huh? Where did my sweetheart learn such a big word? MM?"

"Toy Story." She said smiling and playing with my fingers.

"Yeah? Jude use to love that movie when he was a baby."

"Can you watch it with me when you come home?"

"Yes honey. I would love too. And I love you to  infinity and beyond times a million billion trillion."

"Oh my goodness! That's so much mama!"

"And it's the truth sweetness and don't you ever forget that. Understand me? Even if I'm in here I love you. Very, very much."

"I love you too. But you know Spanish?"

"A bit my love. You gotta know Spanish in here. Helps ya know, helps you make more friends."

"Oh. Do you have friends in here?"

"I do sweetheart. Many friends and some really nice friends that I watch TV with play games with and we eat meals together."

"Oh." Playing with my hair I grabbed her hand and softly kissed it as she looked back into my eyes.



"Are there mean people too?"

"Well there are mean people everywhere sweetheart. And either you just ignore them or stick up for yourself. Ya know? Never let anyone walk all over you. Ever."

"There is a mean girl in my class. Jasmine. She is mean everyday but Aunt Judy told me just to tell the teacher and walk away."

"Yeah? Mean how? Is she bothering you?"

"Sometimes." she shrugged as her glasses slid down her little nose and I pushed them back up gently.

"Like how?MM?"

"Well, sometimes she calls me names. She made fun of my new glasses so I just walked away from her or she tries to hit me, she tries to hit me with the ball at gym. And even tried to hit my friend Darlene."

"Yeah, well next time she does that shit to you or your friend Darlene you tell this Jasmine heifer to fuck off or ya'll take that ball and throw it at her mouth. "

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