When Time Keeps Going

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"How many times have I told you?! You can not take matters into your own hands Tracey! I mean do I have to beat that into your fucking head?Huh? Tell me! Tell me what I need to do so that you fucking listen! Do you know what you did! Huh! Do you! You have no fucking idea what you did, what you jeopardized! Do you!! You have no fucking idea!! None! And I ought too.....

"Baby." I said gently grabbing my wife's hand and feeling her rage. Shit she was so angry and Tracey was more terrified than I ever remember seeing her. The girl really had no idea what she had done and I had to remind Stef of that. I really did as she glanced to me her eyes still very harsh.

"I'm sorry mom I was just helping. I didn't like what he was doing to you. I wasn't trying to defy you or mess shit up. I swear I wasn't." Tracey said as I could see the remorse on her face but my wife was not interested. She really wasn't as my hand remained in hers and she glanced to the young girl once again. 

"Tracey we understand that but this 
was something we were going to take care of. The only thing you need to do is concentrate on healing yourself and listening to what orders we give you. You..."I said as my wife pulled away from my hand and tore into the girl again.

"I didn't ask you for your help! 
I didn't! You help when I tell you and you don't just take shit into your own damm hands! Never! You are not the boss! You are not in charge and I needed that Warden alive! I did because you just fucked something up big time for Callie and my grandaughter and that doesn't fucking sit well with me! Do you forget I'm in charge?! Do you forget Mama Lion is in charge! Huh! I swear to god Tracey you have no damm idea!! None!" By this time Stef could not afford to scream as I grabbed her hand yet again for she was literally lunging toward Tracey. Never had I seen her this angry and never had I seen Tracey shed so many tears.  "You know what you are out!"

"Stef." I said as she shook her head.

"Yeah. Once this shit dies down Tracey, once it gets quiet you are out. The only reason I am letting you stay in this cell right now is because it would look too damm suspicious if I kicked you out now. But believe me, oh man believe  me you are not a member anymore of the Lion's Den. No more."


"Stef..." I said grabbing her hand once again and she didn't even look at me but Tracey's face was devastated and I could see the girl felt worse then she ever had. This den really was all she had and I knew she would do anything for it and for Stef. But my wife was so angry right now, her judgement was so off as to why Tracey had done this that she wasn't thinking.

"You are out of the den little girl and I don't want to see you! You are lucky that I don't kick your fucking face in!"

"I didn't know. I didn't Mom I'm sorry I. Please don't kick me out. Please." The girl begged as my wife grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her closer to her face.

"I don't care!! I don't care at all! You keep your fucking mouth shut about this! You don't say a mother fucking word! Nothing!! Because if someone finds out you are not the only one in deep shit. But I am too and if you jeopardize anything for me, for Lena, for Callie you better pray your ass off. Because I will hurt you myself I will so don't put it past me. Ever."

"Stef!" I yelled as she let her go and looked to me.

"What Lena!"

 "Tracey go on in your cell. Go ahead." I said to the young girl as she walked off so torn and heartbroken as I glanced to my wife again and whispered quietly. "FIrst off you need to calm down.  We don't need everyone hearing and second she didn't know honey. She had no idea."

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