Under The Panthers

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Standing at only 4'10 with jet black hair ,piercing green eyes, Tracey Green was one of the toughest members of the Lions Den. She had a small frame but was curvy thanks to her father's Latin genes not that she even knew the man or met him, maybe once. Infact neither of her parents had really been in her life much and she knew a thing or two about how hard, lonely and damm near difficult life could be.

 At times her life had been pure shit and just like Callie music had been her saving grace keeping her from really, really falling. Truth was as much drugs as she had used in the past, as much as she was selling her body, and nearly cutting herself to death, just like every member in the Lion's Den all she wanted was love.  Love, someone to understand her and a family and that was exactly what she got and it became something she held onto, it became apart of who she was and it allowed her to heal. Pain was all she felt when she saw it fraying and being destoryong by Cheryl and it was all she could do from killing the woman. Was she pissed at Roxy, fuck yes for the woman was like an aunt to her and she loved her. She really did and it angered her especially when she found out about the fight Roxy had with Stef and the two weren't' speaking. Of course she had witnessed a few fights between the two but they always made up that day but this had been different. It was deeper, it was more painful and Roxy was making no attempt to speak with the blonde and visa versa. Honestly nothing really fazed Tracey for she had become numb to certain aspects of life but her family not speaking , the only one she ever had, that fazed her.

Tracey being the dedicated and loyal member of the Den that she was, in addition to passing notes to Lena from Stef while she was in solitary she was passing her own to the woman informing her of what was going on with Roxy and Stef. Yes it was true Tracey did not take well to Lena in the beginning  but she was respectful because of Stef and what she said went and there were no buts about it. Nonetheless the more time Lena spent in the Den, the more time she saw her interact with all the girls, and how loyal she really was toward Stef and how far she had gone for her that opinion change. It changed big time as she even called the woman, Mama Lion, and she felt the tough woman was the only one who could bring Roxy and Stef back together so that they could work together to take down the Panthers.  That was a must.

Getting Roxy to read Lena's notes was another issue altogether for the woman was so down on herself since the fight and seeing her daughter go down a darker hole  she was more stubborn than ever. Tracey knew, and Lena knew and most of the girls knew she just wanted Stef to forgive her.

"Rox you gotta talk to Mom." Tracey said as she handed her the note from Lena as the two sat in the chapel and Rox was finishing the last of her drink. Not having showered in days once again she had fallen deeper and deeper while her sister couldn't deal with her. Not at all. Stef refused to hold her hand while she was trying to put shit back together. Sure she saw her in the cell block but they didn't speak and Roxy ate at a different table during meals often alone. Of course the blonde didn't really want her out, she never did but she wanted her to get her shit together.

"Nothing to talk about Trac. I'm out." She said taking a sip as Tracey handed her the note from Lena.

"You aren't out. She was just mad. Ya'll are sisters and need to fix this. There is no Den without you."

Avoiding the girls eyes she looked to the note from Lena one she didn't want to read much like the three before.

"Look none of us are mad ok? We aren't and we get shit is fucked up with Raquel. Mommy gets it to but the Den needs you Rox especially with Mama Lion in solitary. We all do. Listen, you know I didn't have a family. Nothing and this is it for me Rox.  You're my aunt, Stef, she's my mother and my father.  Mama Lion, she, she is all of you in one. My aunt, my sister and my mother. I was shit before this selling my soul, my body. Everything. I was. And none of us can make it alone. None. You can't keep hiding out in there and ignoring it all like you some victim and like you at your own pity party. Where the fuck is that gonna get us?"

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