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"Jude come on baby! We don't have all day my sweet love!" I said yelling for my son from our tiny kitchen. It was my third rental in last year and a few months since Frankie's father had moved it. That was probably the worst mistake I made for he turned out to be a real fucking piece of shit smacking me around for one reason or another. Little did he know I had my own woman on the side one he knew shit about and would probably be furious if he did since he was so fucking possessive. Nonetheless, I was saving up money from stripping so we could get the fuck out and move wherever we wanted and I almost had enough storing it in the floorboards and other random places Roxy and I had.

Cooking some eggs and bacon up on our little hot plate I could only smile hearing my little babygirl at 8 months giggling as she crawled on the floor beside me banging a spoon on the floor as I blasted music from the radio.

"Mama, mama. Mama, Mama."

"Yeah my sweet girl? I know your hungry too mm?" Looking down at her she giggled at me soon crawling to grab her little toy.

"Baby you seen my chain? Left it on the fucking table last night." I heard Jay ask as he came in the kitchen reeking of weed that I was guilty of smoking myself. Turning around to face him I grabbed his joint inhaling a bit myself.

"It's in the draw upstairs. I moved it so Frankie wouldn't get it. You know she puts everything in her mouth and into everything." I said blowing the smoke out my mouth as he looked toward her our little girl who was still crawling around on the floor smiling.

"Yeah don't I know it. She in everything. Come here you. Come to your daddy." Crawling over to us she giggled as Jay picked her up blowing kisses on her neck she leaned her head back laughing. "We made some pretty ass baby huh? You and me."

"Yeah." I half smiled running my fingers through Frankie's little curly hair as she pulled to me and I grabbed her handing the joint back to Jay.

"Look, I'm sorry bout the other night baby. I ain't mean to hit on you like that. I was stressed as fuck about this shit I gotta do. You know how it is and all. I'm not the kind of guy beating up on his baby's mother. I'm just not. I saw my father do that shit and I don't wanna be like that." How many times he told me this same fucking line I lost count as my lip was still somewhat busted from him knocking me in the mouth the other night. "I got jealous when I saw how he was looking at you. Thought you were flirting on him and all."

"I wasn't."

"Yeah I know. But you was standing all close and shit so you know my mind went there. Still I'm sorry. Forgive me? Huh?"

"Yeah." Nodding my head he leaned in kissing my lips deep as I felt Frankie rest her head on my shoulder.

"Look I gotta head out and handle this shit."

"Alright baby." Lifting my chin up with his hand he kissed me again as I tasted the weed on his tongue knowing I'd use my tongue later and lick in between Violet's legs. 

 "You be good for your mama you hear. Be a good girl because I know how bad you are." Kissing her fat little cheek she giggled again as I saw my son walk in and take a seat quietly at the table. "Call you baby."

"Ok. See you later."

Watching him walk off and say good morning to my son Jude just nodded his head for he hated Jay. And he had every right too. It was wrong of me to have him here knowing he wasn't a very good man, knowing the shit he did but it wasn't any different then the shit I did or the shit that my father did. How the fuck would I know any different as I made my plate along with Jude's taking a seat besides my son.

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