Good News

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While things were being set in place in the Lion's Den ,Callie's little girl had been moved and living with Sandra for over a month now. To everyone's relief baby Stef was doing exceptionally well at almost five months old and was now completely breathing on her own. Her immune system was much stronger and Sandra Till  had kept her word by emailing photos of the little girl weekly, calling Callie daily and writing about her progress and keeping the young mom completely in the loop.  The women could not have asked for a better arrangement and to their surprise Sandra had shown up at the prison with baby Stef surprising them. Callie was so overwhelmed at how much her little girl had grown that she was speechless. Completely as Stef Adams Foster was called in as well and tears sprang to her eyes. She too couldn't believe how big the little girl had gotten and how  beautiful she was in person. She was alert, giggling and void of all issues the doctors warned them of so far. 


"Say hi, say hi to grandmama. Say hi sweetheart." Callie said warmly to her little girl kissing her soft check as Stef leaned in kissing the little girls other cheek smiling her widest at her. Gently she ran her fingers through baby Stef's soft brown hair thinking of the last time she had seen her was when she was just born. At that time baby Stef had been struggling for oxygen, and barely making any noise or sound. She had not even been able to open her eyes and now her pretty blue ones looked wide at her, almost observing her.  Not only that she was grabbing for Stef's long hair and giggling which melted the blonde's heart completely. 

"Hi princess. Hi my sweetheart look how big you got. Look how big and strong you got." Kissing her cheek once again Callie handed her over to her mother as Stef held her close gently rubbing her back.

"She likes you mom."

"Yeah well she knows. She knows I'll give her whatever she asks for. MM isn't that right cutie?"

"Oh goodness. Maybe she does know." Callie laughed along with Sandra and Miss Rose.

"I wanted to surprise you Callie. Now that her immune system is very strong I have been taking her to park to the enjoy the outside. She loves it but I must warn you she is very, very curious." Sandra said laughing as Callie let out a wide smile.

"Oh like mama then." Stef chimed in.

"Ha perhaps. But she loves music."

"I sang to her when she was in my stomach and during her first few months in the hosptial and it seemed to calm her."

"Yes it still does.  And how you are holding her Stef she responds well to that too. Heartbeats calm her very much because sometimes she has a hard time sleeping and just relaxing. But she is doing very well.  I must say she is the strongest little girl I've raised."

"Yeah well that for sure she gets from her mama." Stef said smiling at Callie and kissing the top granddaughters head. "Aren't you sweetheart? MM tough like your mama?"

"And grandma." Callie said to the blonde as Stef let out a wide smile

"That is for sure. She has the right name Stef." Miss Rose said smiling as Stef returned it.

"Thank you for bringing her Sandra and for keeping your word. It means so much to me."

"I told you I would Callie. I was very serious." Handing the little girl back to Callie Stef gently kissed the babies head again and sat closer to the two girls as she listened intently. "And when you get out you can see her even more. How is your appeal going?"

"Um slow. But it's going. Wilson is fighting hard for us. Right mom?"

"Yeah babe. He is supposed to come talk to the three of us tomorrow. So hopefully it's good news."

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