Another Side

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When Stefanie Foster first learned how to put fear in people she had not even realized it for she was only about 10.  It was a girl who was bothering Roxy for being overweight and the tough little blonde threatened her with a sharp stick pressing it against her throat as she had waited for her once school was out. Grabbing the girl by her backpack from behind Stef held the girl close to her face as she looked terrified into her hazel eyes, Roxy standing nearby her.

"I'll jab it right in. Make you bleed out if you fuck with her again. That girl is my sister and not you, not anyone will fuck with her. Ever." With that her and Roxy kicked the girl over ten times in the ribs as she fell to the ground in pain."Little bitch!"

Stef didn't think twice about hurting that girl for she did whatever she needed to protect her friend. With their neighborhood being on the rougher side and while Mike had his head in books Stef wasn't interested. She had formed her own gang with Roxy and a few of the rejects from school turning them into girls who were not to be played with. She ran the schoolyard, and when she went to middle school it got worse. She fought anyone who got in her way and used the bathroom as a meeting spot to plan jumps and smoke.  Showing no fear or mercy she cut with words when needed, and slammed a girls head against the lunch table for making fun of her causing the blonde to break the girls nose and have a tooth fall out. That was mild in terms of what she would do later to people but it was a starting point to where she saw how much fear she could instill and liking every bit of it. It was when she watched her father make a man piss his pants once for lying that she yearned for that kind of control. When she saw him bash a mans head into the car window, when she saw him break a man's legs at the kneecaps, when she saw him set fire to a man's home and fill it with gasoline as she drove the getaway care for him and his gang. All these events filled her mind as she did her own damage to those for reasons of her own.

Frank may have been a tyrant and had no use for Mike Foster but he pretty much let Stef get away with everything she did all for the fact that he was just like her.  Even school he never made her attend telling her it was waste so she dropped out along with Roxy learning the ropes of his business. He was proud of how tough she had become as the two shared alcohol and cigarettes in the living room and gambled the night away when she was barely 15. Packing drugs alongside Roxy who had grown just as tough Frank had one rule. And one rule only. Drugs were off limits.  He didn't even care about sex for he gave Stef condoms even if he was well aware she was screwing girls and warned her not to get attached to people. Drugs however, off limits.

Stef and Roxy found it to be an easy rule to follow a real easy one as he allowed her to have parties in her room most nights while he had his downstairs and she surely did fuck. But her father turned the other cheek as long as she did what he asked of her and she did and more.  Having her first gun at 15  he ordered her to use it if needed and she did on a man who had tried to stab her father shooting the man in cold blood. It wasn't the first time as one of his girlfriends had stolen from him and lied about it. It was Stef who found the drugs by shoving her fingers up the womans pussy where she hid them, and it was Stef who poured boiling water over her face later shooting her in the legs at her fathers order. No one dared reported these things for they knew of the blacklash and just how powerful Frank Foster was. The woman was so terrified she stayed with him and packed drugs.

Most fathers teach their daughters how to be respectful kind women. Frank however, had a different agenda. Sure he cared about her and really did love her for as a little girl he braided her hair in a french braid as Stef begged him, he took her out on her birthday and gave her parties. He bought her whatever she wanted but he was not raising a member of society who would know how to live a regular life.  Not at all as his own son continued to betray him in more ways than one he felt. Many times he saw Mike trying to get Stef to stay with him and it infuriated him. It did to no end. The blonde loved her brother and begged him to stay away for she didn't want him to get hurt but his heart died for his sister, it did because he knew where she was headed. Either in a grave or jail. Or worse both.

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