A Place For Baby Stef

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It was ironic that the same day Miss Rose had shown up with her daughter to talk to Callie and Stef was the same day the blonde found out the young girl was not on the prison program list. The entire time the Warden had been either lying or Tracey had killed him before he had gotten a chance to add her. Most likely he never intended on adding her to begin with and Stef felt like a fucking idiot. Maybe part of her already knew but was trying to have some ounce of positivity that her shit payed off.  But it had not and telling Callie would be heartbreaking even if she knew the girl would understand.

As she made her way into the visiting area and not having any clue who it would be Stef could only smile wide as Miss Rose engulfed her into a giant hug along with Callie who was brought in a few moments later.  She knew the older woman had promised to visit but she didn't think it would be only a few days after she was released.  However, this woman proved to be just as loyal as Tracey and had kept her word about more than one thing. 

"Oh it is so good to see the both of you! So good!" She said as Stef could only smile refusing to shed any tears for they had not been able to say goodbye the day the older woman left. That had killed her and the only person who had seen her cry over it was her wife. Thankfully. "I'm sorry we didn't get to say goodbye honey." Cupping the blondes cheek Stef blushed some.

"It's ok. You know how this place is and besides it's better that way. Save myself the embarrassment from crying all over."

"Well I told you it's ok to cry Stef. It really is baby. And Callie how are you?"

"Good. Not bad."

"I'm glad. And I would like you both to meet my daughter, Sandra. Sandra this is Stef and Callie." Getting up the young girl who was probably around Stef's age smiled at the two shaking their hands. Stef could only smile back warmly shaking it back but feeling horrible knowing what she did to her mother in the past. How she tormented her and broke her fingers among other things. Maybe she had redeemed herself in some sense but the guilt was lingering.

"Hi Sandra nice to meet you."

"You too Stef. My mother told me so many nice things about you. Thank you for taking care of her and letting her do the chapel choir. It's her first love."

"Um sure. Yeah." She said hesitantly and looking to Ms. Rose who smiled warmly at her. 

"And Callie it's nice to meet you."

"You too Sandra. Really nice." The young girl said as the four took a seat.

"Listen, my mother told me about your little girl Callie. And I just well I have experience working with premature infants. I'm a nurse and I have fostered a few. If your prison program doesn't get approved I told my mother I don't mind fostering your daughter. I would help her get strong enough  for when you are able to take her back and I am not looking to adopt her or steal her from you. I have no intentions of ever doing that.  When you do get out you know you can come see her anytime you want."

"Really? You would do that?" Callie asked confused.


Glancing to Stef Callie was unsure as the blonde smiled at her and gently held her hand despite the handcuffs.

"Listen Cals you um, you didn't get into the program sweetheart. I'm sorry babygirl I um, I tried really hard to get you in. The hardest I could and..

"It's ok Mom. Honest. I knew it was a long shot and it's ok. I know you tried and I can never repay you for how hard you do try for me and baby Stef. It's ok. Really."

Even if Callie was understanding Stef still felt horrible about it for she hated when her promises did not follow through. Especially when it came to her kids and Lena. 

"Mom, there is only so much you can do in here and I get that. Even on the outside there is only so much anyone can do. But honestly no one has ever fought so hard for me like you have in my entire life. No one and it means so much to be. It really does."

"I will always fight for you. I hope you know that love."

"I do. And I'll fight for you too. Forever." Callie said letting out a wide smile as she turned to look at Miss Rose and Sandra.

"I just want my babygirl to be ok while I'm still in here and I just want her to know who I am. That I'm her mama and that Stef is her grandmother. I want her to know that."

"She will know Callie. I promise you." Sandra said. 

"Honey I would never put this in front of you if I didn't trust it for you. My daughter just like me stands by her word. I promise you that honey and I promise that to you as well Stef. I'm not saying it just because she is my daughter. I'm saying it because it's the truth and I know her. She is a good soul and your baby will be well taken care of."

All Callie could do was look up at her mother who had a million questions in her head as well.

"I believe you Miss Rose. Both Cal and I do and I think you know how important this little girl is to all of us. To the entire Lion's Den. It's a big leap of faith for me to place her in your care Sandra because I don't know you, and I don't trust people very easily at all especially when it comes to people I love. Hardly ever but I'd  rather have her with you then a foster home we don't know."

"I understand that Stef. I do and I can send as many photos of baby Stef as you want, her progress, I can email you all the time Callie and keep you up to date on her doctor visits, her neurological progress, her likes and dislikes. I can show you pictures of her room that I'll set up for her and like I said when you get out I want you involved as much as the court allows and more. The main goal is for you to get your rights back and for me to show you some things I've learned about her. I'm not stealing her I promise you both that."

"And Stef I will check in on her as well.  I give you and Callie my word." Miss Rose said as Stef looked intensely at her and back at Sandra. Was the choice hard? No for she trusted the older woman more then she realized and she had to take a leap of her faith and trust her gut. Hell maybe it was better than the prison program which was most likely surrounded by too many germs for this little girl that needed so much care in hr early life. She still had a few weeks left in the hosptial as well and the blonde hated the idea that no one had been with her since Callie was brought back."

"I need to know that you have zero intentions of adopting her. Zero."

"I have zero Stef. She is Callie's and I will make sure she knows."

"Yeah people say that all the time. Like my brother who is trying to adopt my kids and promised he would never try to take my kids from me. What makes your different? What if this is the one little girl you fall in love with and can't give back."

"Stef I promise you. I have taken care of many babies. So many I lost count and I have helped return to their mothers. My job is not to adopt, my job is to make sure they are loved until they can be returned to their mothers. That is my job. So you have my word. The both of you."

Nodding her head at the woman she heard Callie let out a sigh as she looked right into her eyes.




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