Back In The Cell (Part l)

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"Mama Lion! Mama Lion! We are so happy to see you! You are back!" The girls said hugging her tightly as they had just gotten back to their cellblock along with Roxy, and Callie. It was true they all really had missed her presence and didn't even realize how much until now as she couldn't really believe herself what a welcome she was getting. Being alone for more than a month definitely wasn't something she wanted to do again for she didn't realize how much she missed her family either.

"Aww I missed all you babies so much too. I really did. All of you." Continuing to hug all of them she couldn't help but hug Callie the hardest for this was the little girl she missed the most. Right next to Stef who she had yet to hug or kiss just yet for they needed to handle Cheryl first and foremost back in the cafeteria. After the guards broke up the stand off the Lion's Den split up to make sure all the members got back and that The Panthers went their own way. Half the group went back with Stef and Tracey and other half with Lena and Roxy.

"But how Mama Lion? Like how?" The young pregnant teen asked referring on all the members that stood behind her in the cafeteria and also how she managed to get Roxy out of hiding.

"Ahh skills babylove. Real skills and help from Roxy." She said looking to the heavyset woman who smiled.

"Mostly you Lena." Gently grabbing her hand Lena smiled back at Roxy. "Come girls lets go fix shit up and take over our damm TV room again. Fuck them Panthers." With the girls following behind Roxy,  Lena couldn't but smile at Callie seeing how large her stomach was. She was also relieved that the girl was ok for she had given them a scare.

"And look at you? That little baby is growing so much. I'm so glad you are ok honey. I really am." She said softly kissing the girls cheek.

"Me too and I know I'm so big. And she is kicking me like crazy. She's super hyper in there."

"Aww I bet she is. And I bet Grandmama is proud huh?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself." Callie said smiling wide as Lena turned around seeing Stef walk down the hall with Tracey and more of the new girls behind her and around her. Right now Lena couldn't breath she just couldn't  for their were no words to even encompass how much she missed this woman. Shit did she miss her and it had been more than a month since she touched her, or looked at her as Stef's eyes glanced right into hers. Her own breathing stopped as Lena couldn't help but run to the blonde as both women smiled their widest and Stef picked her woman up in strong arms holding her close. Hugging Stef the hardest she ever had the woman she use to fear more than life itself but was now her wife she didn't want to let go either. She didn't as tears ran down the blondes face as well.  The love she had for Lena was like nothing else, this intense love and she held her even closer to her for there were no words spoken right now. None as the members of the Lions Den stood around smiling and witnessing a different kind of love that they had never seen before. 

"I missed you. I missed you so much baby. I missed you." Lena said over and over again to the blonde as she now looked right into her eyes that were tearing like crazy. Cupping her cheeks and kissing her right on the lips Stef was unable to speak as her harshness, and toughness had been pushed to the side for now. Only Lena, only Lena could do this to her aside from her children.

"I missed you too Lena. I missed you more than I could ever tell you. I missed you baby." With her voice cracking the tears continued to fall as Lena gently wiped them for her and the two softly kissed again.

"I know you did and I loved all your notes. All of them. You're so sweet, you're so beautiful and I never want to be away from you like again. Ever." 

"My love, my love, my  love." She whispered in Lena's ear grabbing her hand and gently kissing it. "I really need to put a ring on this for real ya know." 

All Lena could do was smile as she pressed her lips once again on Stef's. 

"Anytime baby. Anytime."


"Yes. Of course."

"Ok." It was then Stef smiled even wider and got down on her knee and held Lena's hand in hers as she pulled something out of her pocket. Of course it wasn't real silver or gold it was a very plan band she made in one of the workshops as Lena looked right into her eyes unable to think or believe what was happening. 

"Lena Elizabeth, my beautiful, the absolute love of my fucking life, my heart, my soul, will you, will you marry me?"

"Is this a question or an order?" Lena joked as Stef busted out laughing and everyone else did and she could only shake  her head smiling.

"Well it happens to be a question. It's a question baby. Will you my sweetheart. Please say you will my love." With the smile remaining on her face one took over Lena's as her heart was beating out of her chest. Big time as she continued to look right into the blonde's beautiful eyes nodding her head. Goodness Stef was so sensitive and even members of the Lion's Den had no idea of this side of her. Lena did and it was the side she was so in love with even if she had learned to love and accept every side of her. Each and every side.

"Yes I will. Yes I will marry you baby."

"Yeah?" Stef asked unable to believe her ears.

"Yes Stefanie. Yes baby." Gently stroking the blondes face Stef smiled so wide at her as she slide the ring on Lena's finger. It was as if the entire Lions' Den was holding their breath as each member had tears in their eyes. Gigantic tears as Stef stood up kissing Lena so softly and gently as everyone stood around cheering for them. The entire cell block cheered the loudest they could as their kiss continued for what seemed like hours and years.

"I love you baby. I love you so much Lena. My love. My life."

"I love you too. I love you so much." Kissing her lips once again and hugging the blonde even harder it was the happiest moment for the Den as the two women pulled apart and Stef's eyes glanced to Roxy.

"Go talk to her baby.It's ok go talk to her." The slim woman whispered as Stef nodded her head  and walked toward the woman that had been her sister since she was ten. Even if it was hard for Roxy to look Stef in the eyes she did and let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry Stef."

"I'm sorry too. I don't want you out. We need you and I need you. And um, I love you Rox. I really do."

"I love you too sis. I really do." She said smiling at the blonde as the two finally hugged harder then they ever had.

"We will get your baby back Rox. We will. I promise."


Busy day so wanted to get another chapter out for you guys. (Sorry it's short) Hoping to get part 2 up tomorrow! Some much needed lovin for these two women :) 

AND we will see how Cheryl is responding. Yikes! Think she's pissed?

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