Chapter 1 - New Guy

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Jens POV

I woke up to my alarm. Today was my last day filming Season 1 of my new tv show Once Upon A Time where I play Emma Swan. I got up and turned off my alarm. Then I hear little paws running into my room and jumping on the bed. Before I could do anything my dog was licking me all over. I started laughing and pulled her off. "Well good morning to you to Ava." I pet her and get dressed and go to the car with Ava.

I stop at a Starbucks on the way to set. When I get to set I head into my trailer and put Ava on the couch. I set my bags down and sit down next to Ava.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I open my door and Ginny's standing in front of me. "Hey Ginny, what's up?" I ask.

"Did you hear the news?!?" She asks, obviously super excited.

"No, what happened?" I ask curiously.

"There's gonna be a new character on the show!!" She practically shouts.

"Really! That's amazing! What character and who's playing it?" I question.

"The character is Captain Hook. He's not coming in until season 2. I think they have auditions for the character today." She looks up at me and smirks.

"What?" I ask, knowing that look.

"I heard he might be Emma's new love interest, so Adam and Eddie will probably be talking to you soon." She says smiling.

"Ginny I-"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I open the door and see Adam standing at my door. "Hey Adam, what's up?" I ask.

He looks at me and smiles. "We are getting a new character on the show. It's gonna be Captain Hook. We think it would be an interesting idea to put you two together." I look over and Ginny who's now playing with Ava pretending not to listen, but her smirk tells me she is. "Would you mind coming to the screen test after you finish your final scenes tonight?" He asks.

I look back at him. "Sure I'll come after I'm done filming today." I smiled

He turns to leave but I hear him say "Thanks Jen, we owe you," And he's gone.

I sit down next to Ginny and try not to show how excited I am about getting a new character to act with next season. We both get up and head to the hair and makeup trailer.

The rest of the day flew by and I couldn't stop thinking about the screen test. When I finished filming I practically ran to my trailer and got out of my Emma clothes and get back into my real clothes.

I go to the screen test and see a few guys there but not as many as I expected. Then one of them locks eyes with me while I'm looking at the line. He smiles and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I quickly head inside and sit down next to Adam and Eddie. The auditions go great but I can tell Adam won't be picking any of them. He just sits there not moving. Then the guy that looked at me earlier sat down next to me.

He looked over at me obviously a little nervous. "Hi," he said to me in a sweet Irish accent while smiling at me again. I got butterflies again but ignore them.

"Don't worry, you'll do great," I say trying to keep his nerves down. We do a few lines together and his voice dropped and he did an amazing British accent for Captain Hook's voice. The scenes went great and then he left.

I looked over at Adam and he was basically beaming. I knew he got the part and realized I was smiling. The last two guys did their auditions but I don't think Adam was even paying attention anymore, and neither was I.

Hey guys! This is my first story so please comment and tell me what you think! I know its short but its just the beginning.

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