Chapter 31 - Saying Goodbye

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Colin's POV

As I was packing I came across a picture of me and Jen. (Picture above.) Just looking at it made me want to cry. Why didn't she just tell me. This never would have happened.

Maybe Josh was right. Maybe I am making a huge mistake. I thought. No! You're right. Stop being stupid. I scolded myself. I went back to packing up my stuff. I didn't realize how much crap I have here. This might take a little longer then I thought. I'll just get as much as I can now then I'll get the rest tomorrow.

Jen's POV

Ginny and I had been talking for a while when Josh finally came back in.

"Hey where'd you go? I thought you were only getting rid of our trash." Ginny said.

"I- uh- remembered that Ava was at Jen's place alone, so I went to go feed her." He said quickly.

"Oh. Okay, thanks Josh." I said with a fake smile. I knew he was lying.

Then a nurse came in the room. "Sorry, but visiting hours are over now." She said sweetly.

"Okay. Bye Jen. We'll come by your house tomorrow." Josh said. Then he kissed my head and walked to the door.

"Feel better Jen." Ginny said. She squeezed my hand then walked by Josh.

"Bye mom. Bye dad." I teased. They both laughed then walked away. The nurse gave me a weird look.

"They're your parents?" She questioned surprised. I chuckled at her response.

"No, they play my parents on TV." I explained.

"Oh, okay. Anyway a nurse should be in one or two more times tonight to check on you then the doctor will check on you tomorrow and hopefully release you." She explained with a smile.

"Okay, thank you." I said. She walked out. Not realizing how tired I was I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning, and after only a couple of minutes my doctor walked in.

"Hello Ms. Morrison. I just have to check you one last time and hopefully you'll be free to go." He said with a smile.

"Okay that's great." I said.

After he checked me out he said I was good to leave. I filled out the paperwork and drove home. When I got there Ava jumped up on me. I pet her and went to take a shower. As I was walking to the shower I noticed a bunch of boxes and bags full of his stuff.

He's serious about this. He's actually leaving. I said to myself. This is what happened with Jesse all over again!

I quickly took a shower and cleaned into new clothes that didn't smell like hospital. After I got changed I made a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

As I sat down on the couch with my breakfast the lock on the door started opening and swung right open revealing none other than Colin standing at my doorway. I set my bowl down and we both just looked at each other. He looked as shocked as I was.

Colin's POV

I went to Jen's apartment early thinking that she wouldn't be out of the hospital this early. Yet here I was in her doorway with her staring back at me. The most surprised expression on her face.

"Colin..." She said, barely above a whisper.

"Jen... I didn't think you'd be here yet." I said, my words full of emotion. "I'll just grab the rest of my things and go. Then I'll be out of your life for good, except for filming of course." I said. This time with no emotion.

"Colin..." She took a deep breath. "I know I lied and kept a secret, but I'm sorry. Please don't just walk away from everything we've been through. From our relationship and more importantly, our friendship." She said on the verge of tears.

"Jen, you didn't just keep a little, no big deal secret. You didn't tell me I was going to be a father. I'm sorry but relationships are supposed to be built on trust, and you clearly don't trust me. I'm sorry Jen but I can't be in a relationship without trust." I said quietly.

She didn't respond so I started  grabbing the rest of my stuff. "You think I did this because I don't trust you?" She finally said, as I was at the door.

"What else would it be about?" I asked.

"I was scared. I didn't want to force you into something you weren't ready for. I wasn't sure how you'd react. But I am truly sorry for not telling you. Please don't go." Tears had started falling down her face at her last sentence.

"Sorry Jen. Maybe things will get better in the future. Until then I'll see you on set. Goodbye Jen." I grabbed my final stuff and walked to my truck before she could say anything and drove back to my place. The whole car ride all I could think about was how stupid I was to walk away.

Jen's POV

As soon as he shut the door I broke down in tears and fell back on the couch. Ava immediately jumped up next to me and started licking my face. I sat up and pet her for awhile just wondering why I was actually stupid enough to watch him walk out that door and not stop him in any way.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and for not updating in forever. Hopefully I'll be writing again soon.  I'll try to write again ASAP but there's a lot of stuff going on right now in my personal, school, and sports life so idk when that will actually be. But thanks for sticking with me and reading my story! Please keep commenting and voting!

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