Chapter 33 - Blast From The Past

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Jen's POV

"Jen?" They asked. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me. Hey. Long time no see," and that was how I wanted. I never wanted to see this person ever again, because I had nothing but hate left for this man. It was the one, the only....

Jesse Spencer.

Why did he have to be here???

"Yeah, I haven't seen you since..." He trailed off.

"Since you left me before the wedding and never even talked to me about it?" I snapped at him. I started to walk away when I felt him grab my arm.

"Wait Jen." I turned and faced him. "I'm sorry about all that. Please let me explain." He said.

"Okay, explain." I said with no emotion in my voice.

"Wait, here?" He asked?

I gave him a look as to say 'yeah-where-else-would-you-explain-it?'

"There's a lot I want to say, so can we please not do it here?" He asked. I gave him a confused look. "I'll be here for a few more nights." He continued. "Let me take you out to dinner tomorrow night. Not like a date or anything, no fancy restaurant. Just a nice dinner between old friends so we can catch up and I can explain myself. Please Jen? Just let me explain." He begged.

I thought about it for a minute. "Not like a date?" I restated.

"Nope, not a date. You can even plan it if you'd like to so it's not like a date." He clarified.

"Okay, fine. But I am planing it. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6. Where are you staying?" I asked him.

He paused. "How about I pick you up?" He suggested.

I gave him a weird look before agreeing. "Fine, but don't be super dressed up or fancy." I said.

"Promise." He said. We both smiled at each other, (well he smiled at me. I gave him a fake smile back.) then he left and I grabbed a few drinks before going back to my apartment.

When I got home Ginny and Josh were already sitting on the couch with a movie all set up.

"What took you so long? It doesn't take that long to get drinks and snacks." Ginny said.

"Sorry, I ran into someone from my past and had a conversation with them." I explained.

"Well get the food and sit down. I'm hungry and ready to watch a movie." Josh whined.

"Wait, who did you run into?" Ginny asked as I put the chips and peanuts into some bowls and grabbed a beer a bought for Josh and some wine coolers for Ginny and I.

"You'll never guess." I said as I walked in and set the bowls on the table. Josh being the gentleman he is immediately dove for the bowls and beer.

Ginny grabbed a wine cooler. "Who was it?" She asked again.

I grabbed my wine cooler and plopped on the couch next to them. "Jesse Spencer." I said.

"No way!? That jerk's in town?!?" She said.

"Yup. And being the idiot I am, I stupidly agreed to have dinner with him tomorrow." I said, clearly unamused.

"Ha! Why the heck did you agree to that?" Josh said to me.

Ginny immediately slapped his stomach. "Josh!" She scolded him.

I chuckled. "It's fine Ginny. And to answer your question he wouldn't stop talking so I said yes to shut him up so I could get the drinks and leave." I explained.

"Makes sense. He always was the annoying talkative one." Ginny mumbled.

"I heard that." I said. "Sadly you're not wrong. But I don't wanna talk about him. Can we just continue with our night?" I asked.

"Yes please!" Josh said before hitting play. Ginny and I both laughed at him.

We had watched a few movies they picked out. Ginny picked out Midnight Sun and we watched that one first. Then we watched Josh's pick, Jumanji.

Both movies were really good. Ginny's was a sweet romantic I don't think Josh enjoyed very much. Josh's pick, however, was a comedy we all enjoyed. After those two movies it was late so Ginny and Josh had to leave.

After they left I got ready for bed. I layed in bad and Ava hopped up on the bed. We both curled up and went to sleep.


After filming the next day I went home and got ready for my non-date with Jesse. I wore a nice top and a pair of jeans. Nothing to fancy but nice enough that I didn't look like I didn't care at all. Not that I did, but I didn't want Jesse to feel bad.

At 5:50 there was a knock at my door. Ava started barking at it. "Ava, shut up! It's only Jesse." I scolded her. She quickly stopped barking and went to her dog bed and laid down.

I opened the door and Jesse was standing there in a light blue button up shirt and jeans. Perfect. Not to fancy, not to casual. "All ready to go?" He asked from the doorway.

"Yeah, just let me grab my purse quick." I ran upstairs and grabbed my purse before coming back downstairs. "Okay let's go." I said.

We went to a nice little restaurant on the far side of town, so the paparazzi wouldn't see us. After we ordered our drinks, caught up, then ordered our food Jesse started talking.

"So Jen, the reason I wanted to go out was because I'm really sorry about what I did to you and I wanted to explain myself." He said.

"I'm all ears." I said.

"Before we got married when you told me about your," he paused, "abortion, I got really upset and just didn't want to see you. I know that we should've talked about it because that's what couples do but I was just so mad at you for not telling me. So I ran away. I didn't tell my family, or anyone where I was going. I just left. I changed all my numbers and stuff and didn't talk to anyone. After a couple months of living alone I realized how wrong I was, and I'm sorry. I went to talk to you but by the time I got back you were long gone. I'm sorry I didn't try to talk to you." He said. "If I would've stayed maybe things would've be different with us." He looked down.

I grabbed his hands from across the table. "Hey, it's okay Jesse. It's my fault to. I should've talked you before I went through with it. It wasn't just my child, it was yours too." I said sadly. "And who knows. Maybe things will work out differently now and we can be friends. Maybe everything happens for a reason." I said with a slight smile.

"Hopefully we can be friends. And I get why you didn't tell me. I'm not mad anymore." He said sincerely.

I smiled at him. Our waiter came with our food and we talked and caught up for the rest of the night.

After dinner he drove me back home and said goodnight. He was staying in Vancouver a little longer so we might meet up again sometime and hang out again.

I went upstairs and took a shower. After my shower I got in my PJs and got ready for bed. I took Ava out one last time before bed, then we cuddled up in my bed and went to sleep. And for the first time in the past few nights I actually had a good nights rest.

A/N: So that was longer than last chapter but still a little shorter than usual. I wasn't going to update but I got bored and realized I kinda left it on a ckiffhanger so I decided to write the next chapter. Also if you haven't seen Jumanji or Midnight Sun I recommend both of those movies. Please keep commenting and voting and I'll try to update asap. :)

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