Chapter 17 - Sorting Things Out

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Colin's POV

I didn't want to have to tell Ginny. I really thought Jen would have called them. "Ginny, Jen left town. She went back to LA to be with her family. She took time off work, Adam and Eddie said she was really upset." Her jaw dropped and she put her head down.

"Oh no. Colin this is bad. Really Really bad. If she went to LA that means she has to talk to her brother. Which means she doesn't want to talk to me." She was practically in tears. Josh must have heard he because he came into the room and sat down next to her.

"Shh it's ok Ginny. She knows you'd never do this. She just needs some time." He looked up at me and I decided to leave.

I walked to the doorway and stopped. "Oh and Ginny." Her and Josh looked up at me. "I'm going to LA tomorrow. I have to try and talk to her. She'll probably still be mad but I'll make sure I tell her that you didn't do anything." I opened the door.

As I was walking out I heard Ginny say "Thanks Colin. And good luck!" I left and decided that I probably needed to go and talk to Helen.

I drove to her hotel and knocked on her door. "Just a second!" I heard her yell from inside. She opened the door and stared right at me.

"Hello Helen." I said politely.

"Colin. I'm surprised to see you here. Why are you here?"

"Isn't that pretty obvious?" I said while pointing to her stomach.

"Oh, right. I have dinner coming, would you like to stay? We definitely need to talk about this." She fully opened the door and I walked to the table and sat down. She closed the door and sat down next to me. It was silent for a few minutes. Neither of us broke the silence. After a few minutes another knock came at the door. She stood up and grabbed her wallet. She returned with a pizza and set it down on the table.

She sat down and started the conversation neither if us wanted to have. But it needed to be said. "Look Colin, we both know that this isn't what we wanted and you'd rather be with Jen, so lets just figure this out and you can go." We both took a slice of pizza.

"Helen we both know I'm on the job alot, but I still want to he able to see my-" I paused for a second and stared at her. "Our child." I finished.

"I think that's fair Colin. I don't want this child to have no connections with his or her father. I'm going back to Ireland in a week. You'll be able to visit him or her anytime you want to. Does that work for you?" I sighed. I knew that meant I'd barely see them but it's best for them.

"Yeah, I guess that works."

I got up and walked to the door. I stopped in the doorway and Helen was behind me. "Jen's a lucky girl. I'm glad you're happy Colin." She smiled at me.

"Thanks Helen, and I'm sorry about all of this."

"It's ok." Then she kissed me. It was so random. I immediately pushed away. She apologized. "Sorry. Just a last goodbye kiss. Goodbye Colin, and good luck with Jen. Sorry if this made everything complicated."

"It's not your fault. See you later." I walked to my car and drove home.

When I got home my phone went off. I didn't recognize the answer but I answered it because it might be Jen.


"Hello, is this Colin O'Donoghue speaking?" It's not Jen, but I had no idea who it was.

"Yes, who is this?"

"Mr. O'Donoghue this is the airport. We have a seat that just opened up on a plane that leaves at 11 tonight. Are you interested?" I was so glad to hear this. I really wanted to see Jen and I didn't want to wait another two days.

"Yes, thank you so much!"

"No problem sir, just come to the front desk to pick up your new ticket before the flight." they hung up. I went up to my room and packed my suitcase the fastest I could. I texted Josh and Ginny to see if they would watch Buckley and they were fine with it. I finished packing and put my bag, Buckley's things and Buckley in the car.

I drove to Ginny and Josh's house. I bought Buckley's food inside and he quickly followed me. "Hey guys. Thanks for watching Buckley for me while I'm gone." Ginny was in the other room still sitting on the couch. Josh came up to grab the food.

"No problem Colin. Enjoy your trip." He smiled and I left.

I made it to the airport a few hours before the plane left. I got my ticket and got through security. By the time I got to the gate there was still an hour until the plane left. I got a coffee and waited to be called on the plane. Once I got in my seat on the plane I fell asleep.

Jen's POV

I got off the plane and headed to the luggage area. When I got there I saw my brother waiting for me with a coffee. He always knows how to make me feel better. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Daniel I missed you so much! Thank you for coming to pick me up. I really needed a family vacation." He returned my hug.

"I missed you to Jen! And of course I'd come get you. I knew you needed some time away, and we all hate how little we get to see you." He handed me the coffee and grabbed my bag.

"Thanks Daniel. Are you the only one that came to the airport?" We started walking towards his car.

"It's just me. I thought you might wanna talk about you-know-who without worrying about other people hearing." He gave me a weak smile.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea."

We both got in the car, and he drove in silence for a few minutes. After I finished my coffee he looked over at me. "Jen I came here alone so we could talk. Why don't you tell me what happened with Colin?" I flinched when he said his name. "Come on Jen. You know you're gonna tell me eventually." I hate it when he's right.

"Ok fine. I'll tell you, but afterwards can we not talk about him. I came he to escape that for a while remember?" He nodded.

"Deal. Now what happened I thought you and Colin were really good. Julia said you were really happy after your date here."

"We were. Until the party a few nights ago."

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I have the next week off school and I'm currently not doing a sport for about a month so I'll try to update as much as possible. In the next chapter we'll see Jen's pov on everything that happened the night of the party. Please comment and keep reading!

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