Chapter 20 - The Truth

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A/N: WARNING MATURE LANGUAGE FROM HERE FOWARD IN THE BOOK. WON'T BE ANY OTHER WARNINGS. And I most likely will not be writing any/alot of smut because I'm not comfortable writing it. Also I'm slightly changing my writing style and going back and switching it in my past writing. The information will be the same it just makes it easier to read and understand :)

Daniel's POV

"Daniel?" I heard Jen ask quietly.

"Yeah Jen?" I responded quickly.

"What's this?" I looked up and saw Jen holding up Colin's letter that I hid a few nights ago.

"'s..." I froze. I had no idea what to say. Either way she was going to find out sooner or later.

"Its what Daniel?!?" She was getting upset.

"Jen, remember a few days ago when you woke up to me slamming the door, and I said I just got the mail?" I asked cautiously. She nodded. "Well...I um..." I paused and she stared at me. "The truth is Colin was here and told me he was sorry and wanted to talk to you and explain. I told him no and he didn't argue, he just asked me to give you his letter. I agreed, slammed the door in his face, lied to you, and hid it in my nightstand." I said it all really fast, just like ripping off the band-aid.

Jen looked at me with the letter in her hand and tears in her eyes. "He came here! He apologized!! And you didn't tell me?!? What the hell Daniel!!?" She shouted at me.

"Jen, I-I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to have to see him again or deal with him. I realize now I was wrong. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad." I knew she wouldn't forgive me right away but I wanted to try anyway. Julia was sitting on the bed looking at both of us in shock.

"I-I don't know. J-just leave me alone right now, okay?" She didn't give me the chance to say anything before running out with the letter clutched in her hands.

"Jen wait!" I heard Julia yell jumping up. "Wow great job stupid!" She said to me, before following Jen out. I sat down on my bed and felt like an idiot.

Jen's POV

I heard Julia call after my but I just ran to my bedroom and slammed the door before sitting at my dest staring at the letter. Should I open it? No, he really hurt me. I sat in silence for a few seconds. But he's my best friend. I have to at least see what it says. My positive side won and I slowly opened the letter, reading it carefully.

Dear Jennifer,

I'm not even sure if you're going to read this and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. I'm so sorry about what happened but before I get into that I want you to know one thing. Ginny had nothing to do with this. She found out the same way you did and was trying to make me tell you. The same with Josh. I'll understand if you hate me forever and never talk to me again but don't shut them out. I know how close you guys are and Ginny was in tears about this.

Now onto us. I'm so sorry you found out about Helen like that and I want you to know this. I love you and I always will. I didn't cheat on you, the timing was just horrible. I got your letter. I know you don't want to talk to me and you told me not to follow you but I didn't listen. I'm here in LA and I'm so sorry about everything. You're the one I want Jen, not Helen. This child changes nothing. I know things will be complicated to say the least but please give me another chance. I love you and I'm truly sorry about everything.

Colin <3

Now I feel awful. Ginny and Josh were only trying to help and I pushed then away. Just like I always do. I heard a faint knock on the door. "Go away!" I yelled.

"Jen, it Julia. Please let me in." She was quiet when she talked.

"Fine. Come in." I said mumbling. She opened the door and sat down on my bed.

"Jen, I'm sorry about what Dan did. Are you okay?" She asked quietly

"Yeah. I'm fine, it's just," I sighed. "I can't believe he lied!" I screamed. "And to make things even worse I read the letter and Ginny and Josh were actually trying to help me and I pushed them away." She got up and walked over to me and hugged me.

"It's not your fault Jen. Call them and apologize, they'll understand. They know you." She smiled. My sister always knew how to make me feel better.

"Thanks Julia. You always know what to say." I smiled back at her. "Can I be alone for a few minutes please? I need to talk to Ginny and Josh." She nodded and walked out.

I got out my phone and tried to face time Ginny. She answered right away smiling. "Oh Jen! Thank god you're okay. Listen we're sorry about everything. We-"

I cut her off mid sentence. "It's okay Ginny. I know you were just trying to help. Colin explained it all. I'm sorry I ever thought you'd do that to me." I smiled weakly.

She smiled back. "Colin explained it? Does that mean he's there and you two made up?" She asked, her voice full of hope and a huge smile on her face.

"No Ginny, he just wrote me a letter explaining everything and apologizing again." My smile faded away.

She looked puzzled. "Wait, a letter? He told us he gave that to you a while ago. He was worried when he didn't hear from you."

"Oh right about that." I chuckled a little. "Daniel had it and hid it from me for a few days. I just found it and read through it."

She smiled. "Oh, okay. Are you going to try and talk to him Jen?" She asked quietly obviously nervous.

"I don't know Ginny. I mean I know he's sorry but that doesn't change the fact that he really hurt me. I kinda want to but I don't want to he hurt by the people I love again." As soon as I said that I regreted it, hoping Ginny didn't hear me use the "L" word.

"Jen! Did you just say you loved him!!? If you did you have to at least try and work things out!" She was practically jumping up and down.

"Ok fine. I'll think about talking to him. But NO promises." I tried to hide the smile threatening to show.

"Okay Jen. Thanks for calling but I have to go. Josh is calling me. Bye Jen

"Bye Ginny. Tell Josh I said hi!" I ended the call. I looked down at the letter and sat in silence for a few minutes before I did the unthinkable. I called Colin.

Colin's POV

I just got back to the hotel when my phone went off. It was a text from Ginny.

I just talked to Jen. She just got your letter and said she'd think about talking to you about things. Good luck and keep me updated please!

That text made me smile more than I have in the past few days. Jen might actually forgive me, or at least talk to me and let me explain. As soon as I sat down my phone went off. I checked the caller ID, and what I saw made me smile.


A/N: I wasn't going to update right away but I got a snow day so I'm in a good mood! Please leave your thoughts in the comments!

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