Chapter 38 - Realization

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PLEASE READ: There was a chapter posted today before this one. Please make sure to read them in order. There's also a lot of switching POV and phone calls in this chapter. Follow along carefully. And remember I love all of you so please don't kill me😂😈

Colin's POV

I woke up early in the morning to the sun in my eyes. I feel someone next to me, I look and it's Jen. Memories of last night come flooding through my head and I can't help but smile. I know now, even if she won't admit it, that she missed me just as much as I missed her.

I brush her hair out of her face and behind her ear before giving her a light kiss on the forehead. She slightly stirs and I soon see her beautiful forest green eyes I could get lost in for days.

Realization of what happened last night quickly hits her and she bolts up to a sitting position holding the sheets up to her.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" She mumbles, each 'oh my god' louder than the last.

"Jen, calm down." I tried reaching for her hand but she pulled it away and stood up. Taking her blankets with her.

"Calm down?!? Seriously Colin!!! We just had sex! And I'm in a relationship! One that's no longer with you! So don't tell me to 'calm down'!!!" She screamed at me.

"Wanna scream that any louder so all of Vancouver can know what happened?" I joked.

"Colin!! I'm being serious! If people find out what happened it would be bad. And not just for my relationship but for you two. How do you think the press would spin this tale?!?" She screamed at me again. "Jesse's going to leave and never look back if he finds out about this." She mumbled.

"Jen, no offense but if you kissed me and didn't think about the consequences of us sleeping together til now I don't think you should really be worrying about Jesse. It probably wasn't a great relationship anyway." I said, trying to calm her down. Oh boy did I Fail!

"What do you mean 'wasn't' a good relationship?!? I'm still in a relationship with him Colin. This," she pointed back and forth from me to her, "can't happen. That was a one time thing. Just old feelings. It's done now. I'm with Jesse and we just have to act like none of this ever happened." She said. She scurried to grab my clothes and threw them at me.

"Seriously Jen! I don't want to pretend this didn't happen. It happened and I'm still in love with you. You know that! I want us to be together again! Not just pretend everything's perfectly fine!! Because guess what?!? It isn't!" Now I was screaming too.

"Colin, I'm happy with Jesse. Please just go." She said, softer this time.

"Fine, Jen. I'll go. But when you realize I'm right, I'll still be here waiting with open arms. Like I said last night, I still love you Jen. Always have, and always will. No matter what happens anywhere that's not ever gonna change." I quickly put on my clothes, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and left her trailer.

I went to my car and started driving home. I figured it'd be best to change so no one suspected I stayed there all night. I got in the car and turned on the radio in an attempt to clear my head and forget about eveything. The radio, however, had different plans. As soon as the radio turns on I hear the chorus of "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield. (A/N: Song above)

'Cause she's watching him with those eyes
And she's loving him with that body, I just know it
And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night

You know
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that

Like Jessie's girl

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