Chapter 24 - On-screen and Off-screen

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Colin's POV  

I woke up to Jen's stupid alarm. I quickly hit the snooze and looked next to me. I saw that Jen was still asleep and I knew we had to wake up. I kissed her forehead and her cheek before she finally woke up. She grabbed me and gave me a kiss.

"Good morning handsome." She smiled at me.

"Morning beautiful. You slept right through your alarm."

"What can I say? That was the best sleep I've had in a long time." She smiled and kissed me.

"We need to get ready because if we don't we might have a repeat of last night." I chuckled.

"Would that really be so bad?" She pouted at me. Damn that sexy pout.

"No, but I don't think Adam and Eddie want us late today. It's a big day." I kissed her head and got dressed. I went downstairs amd started the coffee. After a few minutes Jen came down and I handed her her coffee mug. "Come on. We better get going."

When we got to set we immediately had to get ready. Time seems to have flown by. Today is our first scene kiss. I don't know why I was so nervous but I was.

We both met up in the make-up trailer. "Ready for our big scene today?" She asked with the biggest smile and blushed cheeks.

"Definitely. Are you?"

"Of course." She smiled and they finished her make-up so she went to her scene.

After a few minutes Josh, Ginny, and Lana came in. I had a few scenes with Josh before my kiss with Jen. Josh was way to smiley and it scared me.

"Ready to kiss my daughter today?" He joked. I saw Ginny elbow him in the side even though she was clearly trying not to laugh herself.

"Yeah, right after I save your ass from dreamshade." I fired back.

"Touche, but this isn't over." We both laughed and he sat down to get his make-up done.

It was finally time to start shooting. My scene with Josh went perfectly. We always worked well together because we hit it off right from the start. although I do think he enjoyed punching 'Hook' as 'Prince Charming' the first time. I think there was a little of Josh being overprotective of Jen everytime we had a scene were Charming was being an overprotective dad.

Damn I better not mess this thing up with Jen or I'll have three grown, super overprotective men wanting my head on a silver plate. Luckily I have no intent on breaking Jen's heart because mine would shatter in the process.

It was finally time to shoot my scene with Jen and I don't know why I was so nervous. I mean I love her. What's one little tv kiss going to effect? Nothing....right?

Jen came into the room and we had to finish our scene with Josh, Lana, and Ginny before our kiss. Josh had the first line. As we walked back to the girls.

"You can stand down. It's us." He walked up to Ginny and kisses her as we continued our conversation.

"Uh, where's the sextant?" Jen asked.

"I'm afraid Pan got to it first." I said

The two love birds finally stopped kissing. "I'm not complaining, but what was that..." Josh cut her off with another kiss. I knew it was in the script but wow. I was ready for this scene to end.

"Okay, I'm complaining." Jen said, sounding a little disgusted

"What I wouldn't give for another sleeping curse." Lana mumbled.

They we're actually done kissing now and Josh continued our scene. "Hook, he saved my life."

"You sure you wanna tell them that, mate?" I questioned. He nodded before continuing.

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