Chapter 10 - Not A Secret

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Jens POV

The rest of that day flew by. I've only ever told that story to two people. Colin was really getting me to open up. I actually trusted him, something I haven't done in a long time. When Saturday finally came I was really nervous. Today was the day Colin and I were going to tell the cast.

He looked over at me and grabbed my hand. "Are you ok Jen?" I looked up at him and smiled.

"Yeah just nervous I guess." He looked down at me and smiled.

"You don't have to be nervous Jen. I'll be right there the whole time." He always knew just what to say to make me feel better.

The beginning of the party was amazing. We decided not to tell people until the speeches at the end. Colin and I were hanging out with Ginny and Josh for the majority of the time. At one point the boys left to get us drink, and Ginny didn't waste a second.

"When are you going to tell people?!? You two are so cute together!" She was smiling so big, I'm glad she's happy for us.

"We are going to tell people during the speeches. Have you kept your promise about not telling Josh?" There was a long pause before she spoke.

"I might have told him a few nights ago." she said quietly.

"Ginny! You promised you wouldn't tell him." I said.

"Sorry Jen, but I hate keeping secrets from him." She looked so sorry.

"It's ok Ginny, he would have found out eventually." We changed the topic and started talking about other random topics until the boys came back with drinks. Colin handed me my drink, and Josh stared at him. I immediately knew what happened. Josh said something to Colin while they got drinks. I looked over at Colin then back to Ginny and Josh.

"Would you excuse us for a second?" I said. Then I pulled Colin outside so we were alone.

"What's wrong love?" Colin asked as soon as we were outside.

"Did Josh say something to you when you two got drinks? You were acting strange when you got back." He just looked at me.

"Its nothing Jen, don't worry about it." He clearly thought he could get away with that. He looked at me and he decided to keep talking. Smart choice on his part. "He told me that he knew we were dating. It was basically just an overprotective dad speech." He looked at me and smiled. That was enough for now. He gave me a quick kiss and we went back into the party.

The rest of the night was amazing. Josh kept giving Colin wierd looks. Eventually Ginny noticed and said something about it and he stopped. Then the speeches started. I froze. Colin and I had been having so much fun together I totally forgot about them. Colin looked over at me and I faked a smile but he knew me too well for that to work. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Jen, we don't have to tell people. I don't care either way. It's really up to you." He spoke so calmly, all my worries faded.

"No, we are doing this. Then we can be together without hiding it." I looked up at him and we both smiled.

We went up on the stage and I was shaking, just a little bit but enough for Colin to notice. He grabbed my hand again. I didn't think I could talk at all, luckily he spoke before I had to.

"Hello everybody. We have some wonderful knews we'd like to share with all of you." Everyone was staring at us, I thought I was going to have a panic attack. He didn't look at me before he continued.

"Jen and I are dat-" I started to feel dizzy and heard Colin scream my name. Then everything went black.

Colin's POV

"Jen and I are dating." I heard everyone cheering but I only cared about one thing. Jen's grip had left my hand. I turned around and Jen was falling. "JEN!" I was so worried. I caught her before she could fully fall. Everyone went silent. I picked her up and carried her out of the room. I ignored the murmurs coming from behind me. Luckily the party was in my hotel. I heard Ginny and Josh running behind me but I ignored them too.

I bought Jen to my hotel room and laid her on the bed. I heard a knock on my door. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Colin is she ok?!?" It was Ginny and Josh. Ginny ran over to the bed immediately after saying that. I ran over to the bed and Josh followed.

"Ginny has this ever happened before?!?" You could hear the panic in my voice.

"Not that I've seen. Stay here with her I'm going to call her sister." I just nodded. I had no intention in leaving her side until I knew she was ok and awake. Ginny walked out of the room and Josh followed her.

"Jen, I'm not sure what happened to you or if you can hear me, but please wake up." I had started to cry, I hope she's ok.

Ginny's POV

I left the room and walked out into the hallway. Josh followed me out leaving Colin and Jen alone. I sat down on the floor in the hallway and Josh sat next to me. He put his hand on my back.

"Don't worry Ginny, she'll be okay. She's a strong girl." I could tell he was trying to convince himself as well as me. I grabbed his hand and grabbed my phone to call Julia.

"Hello? Who is this?" She must have forgot to put me in her contacts.

"Julia, its me Ginny." I tried not to sound like I was crying.

"Ginny! I haven't talk to you in so long! What's up?" She sounded so happy.

"Julia, something's happened but I don't want to worry everyone. Are you alone?" I heard some noises through the phone.

"I'm in my bedroom now. What's going on?!?" I could hear the panic in her voice.

"Julia, it's Jen. She passed out earlier." It was silent, she finally talked a few moments later.

"I can't believe this is happening again"

"Again?!? She's done this before?!?" I was panicking too now.

"Ginny was Jen doing something stressful?" I didn't know exactly how to answer that.

"She was making an announcement with someone else on stage. She wasn't actually the one talking though." She was silent again.

"Ginny, I think Jen had another panic attack." She said it so calmly.

"Another one? When did this happen before?!?" I was worried again.

"The last time it happened was when she had her fight with Jesse. Oh no. Ginny did her announcement have anything to do with Colin?" I froze, I forgot she knew about him.

"Yeah, they were announcing that they are dating." I heard her mumble under her breath.

"She must have been thinking about Jesse and Sebastian while Colin was talking. Ginny last time she did this she was only passed out for a few hours. Its not horrible just make sure she's comfortable." I didn't say anything for a minute. Of course Jesse caused this, he always made her uncomfortable.

"Ok, thanks Julia and please don't worry your family. Jen can call them later if she wants to."

"Anytime Ginny, please just text me when she wakes up."

"Okay, bye Julia." I hung up and walked back into Colin's room with no idea how to tell him what I just heard.

Please don't kill me for making Jen pass out.😂 Also no hate towards Jesse or Sebastian. I have nothing against either of them. What will Ginny tell Colin? Will Jen wake up? When? Please comment.

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