Chapter 8 - WHAT?!?!?

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Jens POV

"Ginny, we kissed. Twice," I said smiling. She looked at me and her smile faded. She dropped my hands.

"Jen you two kissed? A-And he kissed back?!?" She said.

"Yea. I kinda thought you'd be happier than this." I said confused and a little hurt. I found someone I liked and she seems mad about it.

"Jen, I- " she paused for a second before she continued "I don't know how to tell you this." she looked really sincere now.

"Ginny whatever it is just say it." I said, now really confused.

"Jen, Colin told Josh he has a girlfriend back in Ireland. Her name's Helen. They've been dating since high school." She looked up at me, worried.

"Wait, WHAT?!?!?" I said a little louder than I intended to.

"I'm so sorry Jen. I can't believe he did this to you." She said quietly.

"Ginny, can I please be alone. I need to call Colin." I said angrily.

"Of course Jen." she said. She hugged me and walked away.

As soon as she was out of eyesight I picked up my phone. I didn't care about the time difference anymore. I called him ready to scream. Voicemail I tried again, multiple times but he didn't answer so I texted him instead. I went home at the end of the day and waited for my phone to ring so he could explain what the hell he was thinking.

Colin's POV

I woke up from my nap and went to check the time. Crap, I left my phone upstairs. I went up stair and grabbed my phone. Whoa. 10 calls and 4 texts from Jen. I wonder what happened. I read her texts.





Oh no. Jen found out about Helen. How is that even possible. Josh. I told Josh about Helen the first day I saw him. Jen's gonna kill me. I needed to make this right.

Jens POV

I was sitting in my trailer. It had been two days since I found out about Colin. He hasn't called or texted me since that day. I only had two more scenes left to shoot today. I finished them quickly and went home. Every night I hoped he would call. Don't be stupid Jen. You were obviously a one time mistake. He doesn't love you. I would always pray that I was wrong. Every time my phone rang I hoped it was him. It never was. I needed to forget about him.

Once I got home I made dinner and sat on the couch with Ava and watched TV. I was in the middle of an episode of Friends when I heard a knock at my door. I quickly put my dishes in the sink and answered the door and saw someone I never expected to see at my doorstep.


He was here. At my house. He was supposed to be in Ireland for 3 more days. Nope. Here he was standing right in front of me. Just as good looking as I remembered.

"What are you doing here Colin?" He looked me in the eyes.

"I booked a flight here as soon as I got your texts. I came here to apologize Jen." He said it so softly, so sweetly. It almost sounded sincere.

"Apologize for what?!? Kissing me twice without telling me you have a girlfriend?!?!?" It came out meaner and louder than I expected, but I didn't care. I was furious at him.

"Had." was all he said.

"What?" I questioned.

"I had a girlfriend. I don't anymore. That's what I came here to tell you Jen."

"Were you dating her when you kissed me?" I asked annoyed.

"Yes, but Jen as soon as I saw you that first day at the screen test I knew I wanted to get to know you. Then after actually meeting the real you I knew I wanted you." He grabbed both of my hands before he continued. "Jen, I didn't tell you about Helen because I knew as soon as I saw you that I didn't want to be with her anymore. I wanted to be with you." He looked right at me. Before I could say anything he kissed me. It took every bit of my strength to not kiss back. I pushed him away.

"Colin, I don't want to be responsible for breaking up your relationship with your high school sweetheart." I looked at him, and I could tell he meant everything he was about to say.

"Jen, you weren't the only reason we broke up. We both agreed that the spark we had was gone. We agreed to be friends at nothing more. She was my high school sweetheart, but I moved on. I love you now Jen."

I froze. Did he just say he loved me? I just met him a few days ago and he already thinks he loves me? I don't know what he saw in my eyes but whatever he saw told him exactly what he wanted. Before I said anything he wss kissing me again, only this time I didn't push him away.

I remembered where we were and I broke the kiss. He stared at me. "What this time?" He said jokingly.

"Colin, I don't want to take things too fast. All of my past relationships have been rushed and they all crashed and burned." I looked into his eyes. I expected him to look hurt like all my past boyfriends did but he didn't. He understood.

"I get it Jen. I'm just glad you don't hate me." He smiled and turned to walk away.

I grabbed his sleeve. "I didn't mean I wanted you to leave." I said quietly.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked.

We went inside and sat down on the couch, I turned on Netflix. "What do you want to watch?" I asked him.

"I don't care, you choose." He said. I continued watching Friends until he broke the silence, "Jen?"

"Yeah Colin?" I looked up at him. His blue eyes were sparkling when he looked down at me.

"Are we a thing now?" He asked. I stared at his beautiful blue eyes. I leaned in slowly and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. When I pulled away I looked him in the eyes.

"Yeah, we're a thing now. Just don't tell the media." We both laughed and he gave me a kiss. We watched the TV again and I fell asleep in his arms. I've never felt so happy in my life.

Hope you liked that chapter! I almost kept them fighting but I couldn't. Please leave me feedback! This is my first story so I'm still learning as I go.

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