Chapter 43 - The Hearing and Surprises

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1 Week Later

Colin's POV

I woke up to my alarm and slammed it off. Today was the day of Jesse's hearing and we had to be there by 7 sharp so we set an alarm for 6. I looked to my side and saw Jen still peacefully sleeping next to me.

"Jen, Baby, it's time to wake up for Jesse's hearing." I said while shaking her lightly.

"5 more minutes." She mumbled still half asleep.

"Jen, we have to get ready to go." I knew this wouldn't be easy. Jen is definitely not a morning person.

"No, I'm never leaving this bed." She mumbled quietly.

"Then you leave me no choice." I said smiling. I secretly loved it when she wouldn't wake up. I ripped the covers off of her. "Tickle attack!" I screamed before I started tickling her stomach. She started laughing and finally gave up.

"Okay okay! I surrender!" She said in between laughs. I stopped tickling her.

"Okay good. Now get ready." I said.

"Ugh. Fine." She said reluctantly getting out of bed. She walked right passed me to the bathroom. I stood in the doorway before she could close it.

"What? No good morning kiss?" I asked her.

"No you were mean this morning." She joked. I pretended to be sad until she walked over to me and kissed me. "You're such a baby." She teased.

I smiled at her. "And you love me for it." I said with a smirk.

"Eh maybe." She said before disappearing into the bathroom with a smile on her face. I laughed and continued getting ready.

After I got dressed I went downstairs and started making breakfast. I was finishing up the pancakes and bacon when I heard Jen walk down the stairs. She sat down at the island and I handed her a plate before sitting next to her.

"Ready for the hearing?" I asked her.

"Ready as I'll ever be. How about you?" She asked.

"Just ready to see him behind bars." I said.

We finished up our breakfast and headed to the court house. When we got there Ginny and Josh were already waiting outside. We told the whole cast but only they could make it because the others were filming. We walked up to them and gave them both a hug.

"Thanks for coming guys." Jen said.

"Of course. Anything for my daughter." Josh said with a smile. Jen chuckled before we headed inside where we were surprised to see Sean, Lana, Bex, Emilie, and Jared standing. Jen walked up to them and gave them each a hug.

"I thought you guys were filming." She said surprised.

"Yeah well we might have lied." Bex said. "It was Lana's idea."

Lana lightly hit her shoulder. "We wanted to surprise you and watch that idiot get locked up." She said with a smile. Jen grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Well thank you guys for coming. It means a lot to us." I said.

"Of course. Jesse messes with one of us he messes with all of us." Sean said. We all smiled before heading into the court room to take our seats.


After about 2½ hours Jesse was sentenced for life on attempted murder of Helen and Little Evan who was born five days ago. I went to Ireland for a couple days and Helen and I agreed that I would have Evan during the summer months when he was off school and every other Christmas.

Now that Jesse was gone for good I had something very important to ask Jen. But first I need two more things. The perfect place and her fathers blessing. Lucky for me they were both in LA. I had already bought us round tickets as a surprise for Jen. We would be in LA for two weeks and we were leaving right now. Both our bags are packed in the trunk but she doesn't know that.

We said goodbye to everyone at the courthouse and thanked them once more before leaving. When I missed the exit Jen looked up at me.

"You just passed our exit." She said.

"I know." I replied smirking.

"What's going on Colin?" She asked.

"We're taking a surprise trip somewhere." I replied simply

"Where?" She asked.

"Well if you must ruin the surprise we're going to LA to visit your family.

"Seriously?!?" I nodded. "Thank you so much, but how did you do this?" She asked.

"You're very welcome, and Julia helped me plan it." I said.

"Of course she did. You're both very sneaky." She said.

"Maybe." I replied smirking.


After a long drive and plane ride we finally arrived in LA. Julia was coming to meet us at the airport and take us to their house. I didn't see her yet but apparently Jen did because I heard her shriek next to me before she dropped her bag and ran up to hug Julia. I smiled at there cute reunion and grabbed Jen's bag before meeting up with them.

"Hey Jules." I said to her.

"Hey Colin." She said before hugging me. "I'm so glad this all worked out."

"We are too." I said.

We had called up Jen's family right after Jesse was arrested and explained the whole situation. They were all very understanding and agreed to pretend it never happened just like Jen. I was very thankful to gain everyone's forgiveness so easily. I was expecting it to take longer.

We all headed back to their house where I was greeted with more hugs. I've never been a big hug person. It was great to see Jen's normal happy smile back after two months of her fake one. Her real one is so much prettier and contagious.

The rest of the night was fun. We played a lot of games and Jen was able to catch up with her family. At the end of the night Dan and his wife Ellie announced that she was pregnant. Everyone congratulated them and we headed off to bed.

It took me a while to sleep because tomorrow I was planning on asking Jen's parents for their blessing and if all goes well I'll ask Jen to marry me too. It was hard to fall asleep, but I eventually managed while holding Jen close.

A/N: Two short updates today because I feel bad for not updating and because my whole family's asleep and I'm bored😂 I'll try to keep updating quickly as the book sadly comes closer to the end. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment! :)

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