Chapter 40 - Breakfast

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Jen's POV

About an hour after Colin texted me he showed up just like he said he would. We both got in his car.

"So where should we go for breakfast? I want to have breakfast with you but I don't want to be seen by the media and have them make a story." I said.

"I've already got a place ready." Silence. "Do you trust me?" He asked me.

"Of course I trust you Colin." I said with a smile.

"Okay. Then put this on." He handed me a blindfold.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yes. I've got a place all set up but I want it to be a surprise. Please Jen. Just trust me." He pleaded.

Against my better judgment I put on the blindfold. After a few minutes of twists and turns he finally stopped the car. I heard his door open and shut then mine open.

"Give me your hand." He said.

I gave it to him. "Colin how long do I have to wear this stupid thing?" I asked.

"Just a little while longer." He said. He carefully lead me around. I felt myself go up a few steps and walk through the door. I was immediately engulfed in a mixed scent of Colin and and amazing breakfast. He let go of my hand and walked away.

"Open your eyes love." He said. I giggled at his use of the word 'love', he's more like Hook than he thinks.

I removed the blindfold and my jaw dropped at the sight in front of me. Colin had set up his table with a few roses in the middle and a fully prepared breakfast that looked absolutely delicious.

"I know it's not a fancy restaurant but I was hoping this would be okay because-" he started before I cut him off with a slow, love-filled kiss.

"I love it. I love you. It's all perfect and I love why you did it. Now it's just you and me. No media and no audience." I said.

"Exactly, and I love you too." He gave me a quick peck on the lips before pulling away and pulling out my chair for me. I walked over and sat down.

"Such a gentleman." I said as he pushed my chair in.

"Always." He kissed the top of my head before going over to his seat. "I hope pancakes work. I didn't have time to make much else." He said.

"It's perfect."


Breakfast with Colin was amazing. We talked and laughed just like old times. It was as if we never broke up, only this time there was no secrets or lies. It was absolutely perfect.

After breakfast we both had to film scenes today. We decided to drive to set together and Colin would drop me off at home when we both finished.

Most of my scenes were with Colin today, not that either of us were complaining. All day I wished that Jesse had never come back because all I wanted to do was be with Colin at anytime and not have to keep it a secret. Hopefully that will happen soon.

Colin and I were in the middle of a scene when his phone went off.

"Sorry guys. Guess I forgot to silence it today." He said. He pulled out his phone and looked at the contact number. "I'm so sorry I have to take this." He looked right at me and ran off.

I tried to go after him but I lost him. I wonder what phone call was so important that he'd have to take it right away.

After a few minutes he came back in and acted like he never got the phone call. We went right back to filming.

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