Chapter 45 - News

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Colin's POV

I'm so happy Jen said yes. We started walking back to her place and when we walked in everyone was standing in the kitchen.

They all looked at me, Jen included and I smiled big. "She said yes." I said. Everyone cheered and Jen and I were squeezed into a group hug.

"Wait you all knew?" She asked surprised.

"Yeah. I needed your parents blessing and they suck at secrets." I said chuckling.

"Sounds about right. Well I've been surprised enough today and now it's my turn to surprise all of you." She said smiling. We all looked at her confused. "I'm pregnant." She said with a smile.

I smiled big. "You are?" I asked. She nodded. I ran up to her and hugged her tight. "We're having a baby." I whispered in her ear.

"We're having a baby." She responded happily. I released her from her hug and spun her around.

"We're having a baby!" I said as I spun her around. She giggled and I set her down where she was hugged by everyone as they congratulated us again.

We all sat down in the living room and Ellie sat next to Jen. "Jen our kids are gonna grow up to be best friends!" She said excitedly.

"I know. I was so happy when you said you were pregnant. I almost said it right away but I wanted to wait." Jen said back.

"Wait hold on." I said. They both looked at me. "How long did you know you were pregnant for?" I asked Jen.

"I found out right before Jesse's trial." She said.

"And you didn't tell me? That hurts Jen." I said playfully, pretending she hurt my feelings.

She lightly slapped my chest. "You're such a big baby." She teased before giving me a quick peck on the lips.


The rest of the trip flew by and Jen and I had to go back home. Jen fell asleep on the plane ride home and I took that time to look for houses. I was planning on looking for a house soon but now that Jen's pregnant we definitely can't stay in her one bedroom apartment. After about 30 minuets of looking I found a cute house in a safe little town only a couple minutes away from where Ginny and Josh live. It was perfect. I set up a time to look at the house and closed my laptop before falling asleep.

After the plane landed we got our bags and drove to Ginny and Josh's house. We wanted to tell them everything first.

We got there and knocked on the door. After a minute Josh answered. "Are you guys busy?" Jen asked.

"Not for you two." Ginny said coming from behind the door to hug Jen. "When did you guys get in?" She asked.

"Just did. You guys were our first stop." I said.

"Well come on in." Josh said.

We all sat down in the living room and Jen spoke up. "We actually came here because we have something to tell you guys."

"Actually two things." I said. "The first is we're engaged." I said happily.

"The second is I'm pregnant." Jen said.

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing guys!!" Ginny squealed before squeezing Jen again.

"Congrats guys." Josh said giving me bro hug.

Ginny and Jen started whispering and they looked up at us. "What's going on over there?" I asked.

"Nothing." Ginny said. "But I'm stealing your fiancé for a minute." She said before the girls disappeared upstairs. Josh and I chuckled before we sat down in his man cave.

"So I see Ginny let you keep the man cave." I teased him.

"Yup. Now what's on your mind? You've got your mischievous face on, what are you planning?" He asked me.

"I found a cute little house down the street and I want to surprise Jen with it. Will you help me set everything up?"

"Sure anything for you Colin." He said as he patted my back.

"And there's one other thing." I said.

"What?" Josh asked.

"I need a best man and I want it to be you." I said.

He looked up at me and smiled. "I'd be honored to be your best man." He said. We both smiled and spent the rest of the time talking about the house until the girls showed up.

Jen's POV

"Nothing." Ginny said. "But I'm stealing your fiancé for a minute." She said before pulling me upstairs into her room. "I want to hear everything!" She said.

"Wow Ginny. You're definitely the perfect person to play Snow White." I said before we both started laughing.

"Yeah I know. Seriously though I want details. Where did he propose? Was it after he found out you were pregnant or before?" She asked excitedly.

"It was before he found out. He disappeared for the whole day and told me to meet him at Sunset Beach at 5:30."

"Where you had your first kiss. So romantic!" She squealed.

"Do you want me to continue or not?" I asked playfully.

"Yes yes keep going." She said smiling.

"Anyway I met him at the restaurant there and he took me to the beach where he had a beautiful picnic set up with all my favorite foods. Then after we ate we walked on the beach and he had placed a rose in the exact place we had our first kiss."

"Oh my gosh that's so cute!!" Ginny said. I gave her a look, and she looked at me apologetically. "Sorry continue." She said smiling.

"After I saw the rose I picked it up and he said that it was the exact place he fell in love with me. He proposed and then when we got back to my parents house I told everyone I was pregnant and he got so happy." I finished.

"Awe! That's so cute. You guys are the perfect love story. When are you gonna get married?" She asked.

"We haven't talked about it yet. I want to do it soon so I won't have a big stomach and I don't want to have to wait 9 months. I just want a simple wedding with our closest friends and family there. I was gonna talk to him tonight." I said. "But there is one thing about the wedding I can pick now." I said smiling.

"What's that?" Ginny asked.

"You. Will you be my maid of honor?" I asked her.

"Yes!! Definitely!" She said hugging me. I smiled and we talked for a bit before heading downstairs to the guys. Ginny knocked on the door of the man cave before walking in.

We all said goodbye before Colin and I headed back to my apartment. We talked for a bit and decided to have a small and simple wedding before we headed off to bed.

A/N: Hey guys! This was the last official chapter of the book. I will write and epilogue a few years in the future. I'm not writing the actual wedding because I wouldn't be able to write a good one. I'll try to post the epilogue asap. Thanks for reading and please like and comment! :)

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