Chapter 41 - The Plan

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Colin's POV

For the rest of the dinner we talked about the plan to get Jesse to confess. We heard the keys in the lock and it was time to put our plan in motion. I gave Jen one last quick kiss for good luck then then the door opened.

"Jen! I'm home." He called out.

"In here!" She called out.

He walked into the dinning room and his expression clearly changed when he saw other people there. Or more accurately when he saw me there. He walked over and gave Jen a quick kiss. Everyone at the table tried not to react to it.

"You didn't tell me you were having people over tonight hun." He said. I flinched at the word hun.

"I didn't make the decision until today on set. You don't mind do you?" She asked.

"Of course not. The more the merrier." He said.

Jen gave me the look and I put the plan into action. I stood up from the table. "Excuse me. I'm just gonna run to the restroom quick." I said. I left and went to the bathroom.

Jen's POV

Colin stood up from the table. "Excuse me. I'm just gonna run to the restroom quick." He said before leaving.

After a minute Jesse stood up too. Perfect! This plan might actually work. "I'm gonna change out of my work clothes into something more comfortable." He said, before vanishing down the same hallway Colin had moments ago.

Ginny looked up at me. "God I hope this works." She whispered.

"Me too." I said, while texting Colin's contact. He said to text him and he'd be waiting outside to get Jesse so he couldn't escape.

"Don't worry it will. If there's one thing Colin's good at it's getting people mad when he wants to." Josh tries to assure us. Ginny and I both nodded, neither of us really playing attention to what he just said. We were both together but staring towards the hallway.

Jesse's POV (Switching it up a bit)

I waited a few moments before I excused myself so I didn't look suspicious. As I walked pass the hallway Colin came out. Perfect timing I thought to myself.

"Colin, I think it's time you and I had a little chat don't you think?" I said while pulling him into the bedroom.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked.

"Oh quit playing stupid. I want to know why you're still hanging out with Jen. I thought we had an agreement. You stay away from her and Helen and your child get to live. Do I need to start killing people?" I said angrily.

He just smirked what kind of an idiot smirks at his child's life being threatened?

"I'm not scared of you anymore Jesse. You can't hurt me or my family anymore." He said, matter-of-factly.

"Oh is that so? I make one phone call and my guy kills your ex and unborn child in one." I said.

"Have fun with that one." He said before exiting the room with the smirk still plastered across his face.

Colin's POV

I left the bedroom and checked the tape. I quickly but quietly played it back. It worked, music to my ears.

I started walking again just as Jesse came out of the bedroom. He walked past me in the hallway and into the dinning room. I followed and Jen stared at me. I gave her the signal and she immediately reacted.

She stood up and slapped Jesse across the face. Everyone in the room was shocked. But I think I enjoyed it a little more than everyone else. Jen's hot when she's feisty.

"Jen, baby, what was that for?" Jesse asked all innocently, holding his cheek.

"Don't 'baby' me. You're just using me. You've never cared about me at all. All those times I told everyone 'he's changed' or 'give him a chance' they were all right and I was wrong. If you ever cared about me at all you never would have asked Colin to end things between us. You would have seen how happy he makes me and how that relationship ending ended a part of me too! All you care about is your stupid self. I hope I never see you again unless I see your ass rotting in a jail cell!" She yelled at him.

Everyone's mouth dropped to the floor, mine included. I've never seen Jen that angry in my life. I hope I never get on her bad side.

"Jen I-" he started.

"No. Save it for someone who actually cares." She cut him off. "Now get out of my house before I call the police on you!" She said. He stood there for a second before he walked out the front door. As he opened it I saw Tyler standing there with handcuffs.

"Seriously?!?" Jesse said annoyed. "This isn't over yet!" He said to us and Tyler handcuffed him.

"You have the right time remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford one, one will be provided for you free of charge. Do you understand your rights?" Tyler said.

"Yeah, yeah. Just get on with it." He said. Tyler put him in the backseat and shut the door.

He walked over to me. "You have the tape right?" He asked. I nodded and handed it to him. "Great. I'll be in touch with a hearing date. You'll most likely be asked to testify." He said.

"Gladly if it puts him behind bars." I said with a smirk.

"Great. Enjoy the rest of your day." He said before leaving.

Jen immediately ran up to me and hugged me. I wasn't expecting it and we ended up both falling over onto the couch. Jen started giggling. God how I loved that giggle.

I sat us both up and started kissing her passionately. She pulled back. "Easy tiger, we've got company." She said. She gave me one quick peck before standing up and disappearing into the kitchen.

Ginny and Josh came and sat next to me. "I'm glad I don't have to hurt you anymore for breaking Jen's heart." Josh said.

"Me too. I couldn't imagine my life without her. These past few months have been absolute torture." I said.

"Wow, you really do love her don't you?" Ginny said.

"With all my heart." I said.

Jen was now coming back from the kitchen with a bottle of wine and four glasses. She set the glasses down on the table and poured the wine. Everyone grabbed one and Jen sat on my lap. "To Jesse's arrest!" She said happily.

"To Jesse's arrest!" We all said, just as happy. Everyone put the glasses up and we drank.

The rest of the night was amazing. Ginny and Josh stayed for a couple more hours and we played games, watched movies, and just hung out together. Then they left and Jen and I were alone.

It took about 5 seconds before we started kissing. This woman makes me absolutely crazy. Things slowly got heated and we ended up in the bedroom for an unforgettable night. God how I missed being with my Jen.

A/N: Hey guys! Little bit of a short chapter but a lot happened. Jesse's finally gone and probably won't be back again. Just to be clear no hate on the actual Jesse Spencer. I have nothing against him I just needed a plot twist.

On another note I'm finally done with school and testing! I'm going on vacation for two weeks so I might not update a lot.🙁 I'll try my hardest. Please keep voting and commenting! :)

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