Chapter 5 - Beach Day

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Jens POV

I woke up the next morning at 7:00am. I spent the first half of the day at playing games with my family. Then at 2:00 I started getting ready for my day with Colin. I've only talked to him a few times but he seemed super sweet and I get butterflies anytime I'm around him or thinking about him.

Julia walked into my room as I was getting ready. "Ready for your date with your boyfriend Colin?" She asked smirking at me.

"I already told you Julia, it's not a date and we are just friends," I said for the thousandth time that day.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You can say that all you want Jen but I know you. I can tell you like him." I stared at her with a blank face.

"Even if you were right, which you aren't, its not just about me." Her face lit up when I said that. Oh no.

"JENNNN! YOU TOALLY JUST ADMITTED IT!!" I quickly ran over to her and put my hand over her mouth.

"Julia! Not so loud!!" I tried to whisper.

She moved my hand away from her mouth. "Sorry" she said shyly. I pulled her to my bed and we both sat down. She smiled at me. "Jen do you seriously have a crush on this guy?!?" She asked excited.

"I don't know Julia. I only just met him a few days ago. But he's super sweet and I think I might," I said in an embarrassed whisper.

"Jen that's amazing!! You haven't had a crush sense that jerk Jesse and you broke up," she said and hugged me. I ignored what she said about Jesse because I knew she didn't like him.

"Thanks Julia. But you can't say anything about this to anyone, understand?" I said because I can already see her telling the world.

"Fine, I won't say anything," she agreed. I gave her one last hug and walked out the door.

I arrived at Sunset Beach just like we agreed and found a seat. I checked my phone. It was only 2:45 he still had time. I grabbed my book out of my bag to read until he got there.

Colin's POV

I got to the beach at around 2:50. I looked around for Jen. I saw her sitting in a chair with her beautiful blonde hair blowing in the wind. Gosh, Stop it Colin! You've got a girlfriend! I told myself that every time I saw Jen and felt this way but it didn't help. She was absolutely gorgeous.

I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey Jen." She turned around a little startled by my tap.

"Colin! You scared me," she said and gave me a hug. She smelled amazing. Stop it Colin, remember Helen. She pulled away and grabbed her stuff.

"What do you wanna do?" I aksed her since the beach was her idea.

"There's a great little restaurant at the end of the beach. We could take a walk then have dinner if you want," she suggested. You could tell this was her home town, she knew everything about it.

"Sure that sounds great" I said.

We walked down the beach and I knew why it was called Sunset Beach. The way the sunset reflected the water was beautiful. Jen and I walked to a little boardwalk and stopped. No one was there and I was trying so hard not to kiss her. The beautiful sunset was behind her and all I wanted to do was kiss her. At that moment I didn't care that I had a girlfriend back home.

She looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes. It was so hard not to kiss her. She broke the silence. "Isn't it just beautiful here?" She said smiling. This women's gonna be the death of me.

"Yeah its absolutely stunning" I said without taking my eyes off hers. I'm not entirely sure what happened next or who started it. All I know is I was kissing THE Jennifer Morrison and she was kissing back. Its was a beautiful, soft kiss. She was absolutely amazing. She pulled away, I think silently embarrassed.

"Still wanna go get that dinner?" She asked obviously trying to avoid what just happened.

"Sure," I said unable to say anything else because I was still in shock.

We headed to the restaurant and got seated at a table with a view of the water. We talked the entire night, joking and laughing. Neither one of us brought up what happened before we came here. When we finished eating she got out her wallet. I stared at her. "What?" she asked.

"What on earth do you think you're doing?" I asked shocked.

"I'm paying for dinner" she said bluntly. "You payed for the coffee on the day we met and I agreed on one condition, I payed the next time" she looked at me and smiled. I remember that day.

"Ok, but the next one's mine" I said jokingly. She paid and we walked out of the restaurant together.

We were walking across the beach side by side when she stopped walking. I stopped and looked at her. She stared right up at me with the water sparkling behind her in the moonlight. "Colin, about what happened earlier-" she started but I cut her off.

"Don't worry about it" I said and smiled. She just looked up at me and smiled. She grabbed my hand and we walked back to her house, hand in hand. We got to her front door and she looked back at me. I couldn't help but smile at that beautiful face.

"Thanks for everything tonight Colin. I had a great time" she said, still holding my hand.

"My pleasure Jen." I couldn't help myself I took a step forward and kissed her. To my surprise she kissed me back. Again. She pulled back still smiling.

"Night Colin" she said softly.

"Night Jen" and with that she let go of my hand and walked inside. I turned around smiling like a 5-year old and went home.

Jens POV

"Night Colin" I said softly never wanting to let go.

"Night Jen" he said smiling.

I slowly let go of his hand and walked inside. I closed the door behind me with the biggest smile on my face. I walked upstairs to my room and opened the door. I turned on the light and jumped. Julia was sitting on my bed obviously wide awake waiting to know everything because she's Julia.

"Gosh Julia you scared the crap out of me!" I said still smiling. She noticed

"Tell. Me. Everything" was all she said.

"I'm taking a shower first then I'll tell you." I stated not letting her argue it.

"Ugh fine! But don't take forever, I wanna know what happened!!" She cried like a 3-year old. I laughed and walked into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, got in my pjs and walked back into my room. Julia was still sitting on the bed. If I didn't see the two hot chocolates on my nightstand I wouldn't have thought she left at all. I sat down next to her and we each grabbed a hot chocolate.

I told her everything that happened smiling the whole time. When I got to the kiss on the boardwalk she stared at me. "Wait what?!? You guys kissed?!? Who kissed who?!?" She sounded like a little kid. I smiled.

"Yes we kissed and I'm not really sure who kissed who. All I know is we were kissing each other."

"I'm so jealous!! Continue!" She said. The more I talked to bigger my smile got when I got to the last part and said Colin gave me a goodnight kiss I thought she was going to explode.

After my "perfect night story" (as she called it) was over I told her I needed to sleep and she did too. We hugged each other and said goodnight. She left and I fell asleep replaying the entire amazing night in my head.

Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. Colifer had their first kiss. What will happen when Jen finds out about Helen? What will Colin do about Helen? Will Jen tell her family or keep it a secret? Please leave me feedback in the comments!

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