Chapter 25 - Secret

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Jen's POV

I woke up and Colin was looking at me. "You're lucky your cute. Some people would find it creepy to watch someone while they sleep." I laughed.

"Right, sorry." He stared at the wall.

"Colin I was joking. What's wrong?" I sat up next to him.

"Nothing." He lied.


"I'm just worried." He confessed.

"About what?" I questioned.

"Josh and Ginny. They were fighting when we left."

"Oh Colin. That's sweet but you don't need to worry about them. They'll be fine, Ginny's just hormonal. She won't stay mad long. One second she'll be yelling and the next she'll be all lovey dovey, don't worry."

"How do you know that?" He looked at me.

Crap. I wasn't planning on telling Colin my secret. I still don't want to. "'s just a woman thing." I lied.


We got up and got ready then headed to set. When we got there I told Colin I was leaving and headed right to Ginny's trailer, I needed to talk to her. I knocked on her trailer door and she answered right away. "Hey Jen. Come on in." I walked in and sat down on the couch. She sat down next to me smiling before her expression clearly changed. "Jen what's wrong?" She asked.

I took a deep breath. "Ginny I need to tell you something I haven't told anyone before."

"Okay." She grabbed my hands. "What's going on?"

"Ginny do you remember when I was with Jesse and I said I didn't even remembered why we broke up?" She nodded. "That's a lie. I remember exactly what we fought about." She looked at me shocked.

"What happend?" She quietly asked. I took a deep breath.

Flashback: A week before their wedding

I was sitting on the couch when Jesse came in the door, smiling. "What's got you so happy?" I question.

He came up to me and kissed me. "I just did the very last thing for the wedding. In exactly a week we'll be a family." I was smiling until he said family. "Jennifer? What's wrong? Are you having second thoughts or something?" He asked nervously.

"No no! It's not that at all." I quickly said.

"Then what's wrong?" He sat down next to me holding my hands.

"Jesse I need to tell you something but I don't want you to get mad." I said.

"I won't get mad Jennifer. I promise." He said.

"You say that now. Jesse do you remember when we were dating for about a year and you asked me what was wrong and I said it was nothing."

"Yeah of course. What's that got to do with this?" He questioned.

"I lied. Something happened I didn't think we were ready for so I lied and took care of it myself. Before I tell you what it is you have to know I'm extremely sorry and if I could go back and change things I would." I was on the verge of crying.

"Okay? What happened Jennifer?"

"I..... I was pregnant." I said quietly.

"You were.....pregnant?" He asked. His voice sounded sad, angry, and confused.

"Yes." I mumbled. "We were in the middle of a fight and I didn't want to make things more complicated, so I left without telling anyone and had an abortion. I'm so sorry Jesse. If I could go back and change it I would, in a heartbeat." I was crying now.


"I'm so sorry Jesse." I cried.

"Sorry isn't gonna change a damn thing now is it!" he walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Out. I need some time alone." He opened to door.

"Jesse. Please don't go. Let's talk about this." I begged.

"Oh because we talked about it the first time!" He shouted. He walked out the door and slammed it shut. I was crying my eyes out in the couch.

He didn't come home that night. Or all week. I finally called him two days before our wedding and it went straight to voicemail. I tried for months before I finally gave up. I left the ring on the counter with a note and moved away.

Present Time

I was crying again on her couch from reliving that. "Oh Jen, I'm so sorry!" Ginny exclaimed before hugging me tightly. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"I just wanted to forget all about it. Jesse broke my heart."

"What brought it up?" She carefully questioned.

"Colin did. He was worried about you and Josh because when we left you two were arguing. I told him you were just hormonal and you'd get over it quick. He asked me how I knew, and it was because I've been pregnant before." I said.

"So he knows the truth now, right?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No. I just told him it was a woman thing and he didn't question it."

Ginny just looked at me. "Jen, you're gonna have to tell him eventually."

"I know. But just not right now. Please promise you'll keep my secret Ginny." I looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But the faster you tell Colin the stronger your relationship will be. Relationships can't be based off lies." I nodded. "Come on let's go to hair and makeup. We need to be on set soon."

"Okay. And thanks for everything Ginny. You're a great friend." I pulled her into a hug.

"So are you Jen." She said while returning the hug.

The rest of the day went by no problem. Josh and Ginny made their two big announcements at the end of the day and everyone was so happy for them.

Today was an extra long day. When it was finally time to go home Colin and I both collapsed on the bed. "Ugh that was such a long day." I mumbled. "I'm ready to go to bed and never wake up again." I said while looking next to Colin laying beside me.

"You're not the only one Jen. I am NEVER leaving this bed again." He said. We both laughed before I turned on my alarm then the tv. Before a single episode was over we were both sound asleep, snuggled up with each other.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I'll update again when I can. Please comment and vote!! Thx!

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