Chapter 34 - Our Festival

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Jen's POV

I woke up the next morning and grabbed my earbuds. I played some music on my phone while I took Ava for a walk around town. I got back home and Ava went right to her little dog bed. I turned off my music and saw I had a text from Jesse.

Hey Jen. It was great seeing you again yesterday. Wanna hang out again today? Our festival is in town. 😉

I smiled when I read his text. When we first got together this huge festival was going on. He realized the next year that it was up again and he took me there for our anniversary. We started going every year and it became 'our festival.' I decided to text him back.

Yeah, sure. I could use a fun day. When do you wanna meet up?

All of a sudden I heard a knock on my door. No way. I went to the door and opened it. Sure enough there he was in the doorway. "Jesse! What are you doing here?!?" I stepped aside and he walked in.

"You seemed a little down yesterday so I figured you would say yes when I mentioned our festival. I wanted to cheer you up." He said, shrugging with a smile.

"Well you were right."

"I'm always right. He said sarcastically with a smirk.

"Yeah, sure you are. Why don't you hang out down here with Ava and I'll go get ready quick." I said.

"Yeah, of course. Take your time."

We both smiled and I went upstairs. I got dressed and did my hair. I applied a light amout of skin colored makeup and went back downstairs. "Okay. Let's go."

"Okay." He got up off the couch where he was petting Ava. She started barking at him. "Sorry Ava but I have to go." She growled at him before going back to her dog bed. We both laughed and headed out the door.

We got in his car and drove to the festival. We got out and started walking in. "Wow. This brings back so many good memories." I said.

"Yeah, it does. It's just like I remembered it." He said.

When we got in we got some tickets and headed to the games. My favorite thing about this festival was always that no one was interested in who we were and we could just act like little kids. For a day we could be whoever we wanted to be. It was amazing!

First we went to the typical games like the ring toss, balloon pop, and fishing. Then we went to all our old spots from when we were together. They all brought back old memories and more importantly old feelings. I think I'm falling for Jesse again and I'm not sure I'm ready for another relationship right now.

We went on a few of the rides and before we knew it, it started getting dark out. We decided to go on the Ferris Wheel then call it a night.

On the Ferris Wheel he seemed nervous. "Hey Jen?"

"Yeah?" I looked at him.

"Today has been great. It reminded me of all our old times together, and I realized that I miss you. I miss us. I'm truly sorry for everything and I know you probably don't feel the same but-"

I cut him off with a kiss. I don't know where it came from because I don't wanna date again so soon, but it just felt...right.

After the kiss he just looked at me. "Okay, I wasn't expecting that." He said surprised.

"I-I'm sorry Jesse. I have no idea where tthat came from." I said

"You don't need to apologize Jen." He said with a big smile on his face.

"No, I do. I just got out of a serious relationship. I'm not ready for another one right now." I saw his smile fade away and I looked down.

He lifted my chin up so I was looking him in the eyes. "It's fine Jen. I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to do. And if later on you realize you do want a relationship, I'll be here." He said with a slight smile.

"Thanks Jesse." I said.

"No problem Jen."

After the Ferris Wheel he drove me back home and went back to his hotel. I let Ava out then called Ginny.

Phone call:

G: "Hello?"

J: "Ginny! It's Jen."

G: "Jen what's-"

J: "I kissed Jesse." She went Silent. "Ginny what do I do?"

G: "I have no idea Jen. Why'd you kiss him?"

J: "We were at our festival and old memories came back. He told me he still had feelings for me and that he was sorry. I don't know Ginny, it just happened!"

G: "Okay Jen, calm down. What happened afterwards?"

J: "I told him I wasn't ready for another relationship because I just got out of a serious one."

G: "And what did he say to that?"

J: "He said he understood, he wouldn't push a relationship, and he'd be there if I change my mind in the future."

G: "Then you have nothing to worry about."

J: "Ginny.... I... kinda miss him too."

G: "Jennifer! He left you a week before wedding and wouldn't talk to you! You don't want a guy like that!"

J: "He explained himself for that Ginny. I forgave him already."

G: "Are you just going to defend him?"

J: "I'm not defending him. I'm just saying we've gotten past that."

G: "It's your life Jen. I'm not gonna stop you from anything, but if I were you I'd never go back with Jesse. He was nothing but rude to you in the end."

J: "I know. Bye Ginny."

G: "Bye Jen."

End phone call

Ginny doesn't know what she's talking about. She just doesn't like Jesse. But am I really ready for another relationship so soon? And with someone who already knows how to break down my walls and has hurt me before?

But he's not like that anymore. Every time I've seen him so far he's been nothing but sweet and nice to me. I think I'm going to give him a chance. We'll stay friends then if he's really who I think he is I'll give him a chance. That's a smart idea. I texted Jesse:

Hey. Do you you wanna come over? I want to talk to you about us.

He responded right away. Of course. I'll be there in 5.

I'm making the right choice....right?

A/N: Kinda short again but that's all the inspiration I had for my hour and a half long car ride. I'll edit again when I can. Please keep commenting and voting :)

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