Chapter 7 - Explain

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Jen's POV

I woke up and got dressed. I finished packing my bags and brought them downstairs. My flight left at 2. I got downstairs and put my bags in the living room. I went into the kitchen and my mom was making breakfast.

"What's all this for?" I asked, pointing to the pile of French Toast with bacon and sausage on the plate next to it.

"I made your favorite breakfast for your last morning here," she answered. I sat down and started to eat. Shortly after Julia came down, then Daniel and dad. Mom finished cooking and we all sat down and had breakfast together as a family.

When breakfast was over it was time for me to leave. I gave a hug goodbye to my parents. I promised them I would come back as soon as I could. I gave Daniel a hug and congratulated him again. Julia helped me with my bags and Ava and we left. She insisted on driving me to the airport. Once we got to the airport I gave her a hug goodbye and promised to tell her everything that happened with Colin.

Inside the airport I signed a bunch of papers and took a lot of selfies with the fans. I finally made it to check in. Once that was all done I got a coffee and sat down to read my book until the plane boared. I quickly texted Ginny to make sure they would be there when I got off the plane. She said they would definitely be there. I read my book until it was time to board the plane. I got on the plane and fell asleep listening to music.

Colin's POV

I woke up and checked my phone. It was 9:00. Helen was supposed to be coming over at 12:00 for lunch so we could talk. I didn't know if I could face her and tell her the truth. I got out if bed and got dressed. I went downstairs and Buckley was standing my the door. I let him out and lay down on the couch. I tried to think of how I was going to talk to Helen.

Helen I don't know how to say this but I think we should break up. No that sounds way to mean. Ugh what am I gonna do. Buckley scratched at the door and broke my train of thought. I got up and let him inside and sat back down. That stupid big dog, who thinks he's a lap dog, jumped on top of me. He started licking me and I pet him and started to feel better.

I got up and started making lunch. I was making mini pizzas for both of us. Before I knew it there was a knock on the door. I pulled the pizzas out of the oven and put them on the counter. I ran to the door and answered it. There she was standing right in front of me.

"Hey Helen, please come in" I stepped aside and let her come in. We sat down at the table.

"What's for lunch?" She asks.

"I made us little pizzas" I said.

"That sounds amazing thanks!" She said happily.

She seems so happy, she going to kill me when I tell her but I can't keep lying to her. She deserves to be happy and I can't give her that not when I'm in love with another woman. Wow I'm in love with Jen.

We eat lunch in silence. "Helen we need to talk, and I'm not entirely sure how your going to react." I blurt it out before I even knew what I was saying.

"Sure honey, what's up?" She replied smiling. She is making it so hard for me to say this. Pull yourself together Colin.

"Helen you know that I care about you no matter what happens right?" I asked trying to ease into the situation.

"Yes Colin, of course I know that. What's going on?" She asked. I could tell she was getting nervous about what I had to say.

"I don't know how to say this..."

"Just say it Colin" her voice sounded angrier. Oh god she's going to kill me.

"I don't think we should see each other anymore. I will always care about you Helen but that spark that was there when we met, I don't's just not there anymore." I looked up and she was holding back her tears.

"Is that really how you feel Colin?"

"It-it is. I'm so sorry Helen" I put my head down. I couldn't look her in the eyes right now.

"It-it's fine Colin. Maybe your right. Its been hard with you in Vancouver and me in Ireland. Maybe this is for the best." She got up to leave.


"Yes Colin?" I walked over to her

"Do you hate me now?" There was a long silence. She just stared at me, trying so hard not to cry.

"No Colin, of course I don't hate you. You will always be my first love. I just hope you find your happiness." Then she hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Thanks Helen I hope you do too. Can we still be friends?" She pulled away and looked at me.

"Of course we are still friends Colin." With that she walked out the door.

I sat back down on the couch and Buckley jumped up on me. That had gone way better than I expected. I turned on Netflix and took a nap.

Jens POV

The plane landed and I got off. I went to baggage and saw Ginny and Josh. I ran over to them and pulled them both into a hug. "I missed you guys!!" We all laughed.

"We missed you too Jen." I heard Ginny say. I saw my bag and grabbed it. Josh, being the charming person he is, grabbed it and carried it for me. The entire ride home we shared what happened in the past week. I told them everything except what happened with Colin. That was a conversation Ginny and I would be having later, without Josh.

They dropped me off at home and I let Ava out of her cage and put my stuff in my room. Shooting started in a couple of hours. I decided to leave Ava at the house since we just got home. I gave her some food and water and headed out. I stopped at a Starbucks on the way there. I dropped my stuff off at the trailer and headed off to hair and makeup.

When I got there Ginny, Josh, and Lana were already there. I sat down next to Ginny. "Hey guys" I said. Then I plugged in my headphones as they transformed me into Emma. Josh and Lana left shortly after I got there. "Hey Ginny do you want to come talk at my trailer on our next brake?"

"Sure I'll be there" she replied with a smile. Then she left and it was just me and the girls left. I only had one scene to shoot today and it was with Ginny. After we finished shooting we went to my trailer.

We sat down and she knew I wanted to talk. "Ok what's up?!?"

"I wanted to tell you something about my week that I don't want other people to know about yet. The only other person I told was Julia."

"Jen you can tell me. I'm your friend" she said while grabbing my hands. I looked up at her and smiled.

"I ran into Colin on the way to LA and we agreed to meet up to talk while we were in LA. We went to a beach and out to dinner. We really hit it off, it was so much fun." I looked up and she was smiling.

"Why didn't you want other people to know that?" She asked confused.

"Ginny, we kissed. Twice," I said smiling.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter! Next ones going to have a bit more drama. Dun dun dunnnn. How will Ginny react to this? Will she keep it a secret? Please commemt any feedback I'd love to hear it!

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