Chapter 12 - Awake

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Colin's POV

I woke up the next morning still holding her hand. Neither of us had scenes to shoot today so I didn't have to call in again. Today's the day. She'll be awake today. I kept thinking about what the doctor said. I took a quick shower and returned back to the chair. I wasn't going to move again until she was awake. I was going to be here for her when she needed me to be. I looked at the clock. 7:00. She'll be awake soon. I had to believe that. Luckily I was right.

At 9:00 I jumped at the feeling in my hand. She just squeezed it. She was waking up! Before I could do anything I saw her eyes open up slowly.

"Jen! You're awake and ok." I squeezed her hand not wanting to overwhelm her.

"Colin? What happened where are we?" She was obviously still in the process of waking up.

"You passed out at the party so I brought you to my hotel room to be more comfortable. Your sister and the doctor said it was a panic attack. How are you feeling?" She just stared at me like this was all one big joke. Eventually she spoke again.

"I'm fine. I have a littke headache but its not bad. How long was I asleep?" I got up and grabbed her some advil and a glass of water, she happily accepted.

"You were out for 2 days but don't worry. I already spoke to Adam and Eddie. They said we'd have to shoot the scenes another time." She looked at me like I said something crazy.

"We? Colin did you stay here the whole time?!?" I looked at her and smiled.

"Of course I did. I told you, I'm not leaving you." She smiled and blushed. She looked around the room.

"Is there any food here? I'm starving." She laughed. I was glad to see she was feeling better.

"There's cereal or we could go out if you'd like to." She looked at me, debating what she wanted to do.

"Let's just have some cereal, I don't want to go out yet." I let go of her hand and walked into the kitchen.

I pulled out my phone and quickly called Ginny. I told her that Jen just woke up a few minutes ago and was feeling better. She was really happy and relieved. I asked her if she would tell Adam and Eddie, she agreed to. I hung up and made two bowls of cereal for Jen and I.

I walked back into the bedroom and she had sat up in the bed. I walked next to her and gave her a bowl of cereal. She smiled and grabbed the bowl. I turned around to sit back down in the chair until I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned around to Jen with a big smile on her face.

"You've spent enough time sitting in that chair Colin. This is your room, come sit on the bed." She moved over after she said that. I couldn't decline that offer. I sat down next to her and we both ate our cereal in silence.

After breakfast I put our bowls away and went back to the bedroom.

"Colin? Do you have any clothes I can borrow?" She said it so quiet and shyly I just laughed. I forgot she was still in her party clothes. I went to my dresser and pulled out a shirt and the smallest sweatpants I had there.

"Here ya go. Bathrooms over there" I said, pointing to the bathroom. She smiled, god how I missed that smile.

"Thanks." She grabbed the clothes. "Is it ok if I take a shower too?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah, go ahead." She smiled and walked into the bathroom.

When she came out of the bathroom she was only wearing my shirt and carrying my sweatpants. She walked over to the bed and handed me the sweatpants.

"They were way to big, but thanks for trying." She smiled. I grabbed the sweatpants and threw them back in the drawer. I turned back around and walked back to the bed, where Jen and already made herself comfortable under the covers.

"Those were the smallest ones I had, sorry." I sat down next to her.

"It's ok, I didn't expect them to fit anyway."

She smiled and I grabbed the remote. I turned on the TV. "This hotel has Netflix, do you wanna continue our show?" I look down at her all snuggled up in the blankets wearing nothing but my shirt.

"Sure, that sounds great!" She said smiling. I put Netflix on and turned on outlander. I set the remote back on the nightstand and laid down in the bed next to Jen. She laid her head and hand on my chest almost immediately. I wrapped one of my arms around her and places the other on top of her hand. We laid there like that for what seemed like forever. Neither one of us ever wanting to leave.

We must have fallen asleep like that because we woke up in the morning to my alarm going off. I immediately turned it off and looked down at Jen, who to my surprise, was still asleep. I squeezed her hand gently.

"Jen, it's time to wake up." I picked up her hand and kissed it. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked up at me. "How are you feeling this morning?" I asked her.

She smiled and all she said was "Better."

"Do you think you'll be able to work today? They probably won't let me take another day off but you probably can if you want to." She stayed silent for a minute thinking.

"I'm fine, I'll go to work today." She smiled, and we both got out of bed.

After I got changed we quickly stopped at Jen's house, so she could grab some of her own clothes. We grabbed a Starbucks after that and headed to set. Once we got there we both put our stuff in our trailers and went to hair and makeup. When we walked in Josh, Ginny, Lana, and Jared were already there. Ginny was the first to see us and she immediately jumped out of her chair and ran to give Jen a hug. Soom after Jared followed and did the same. After Jen was done being hugged she walked over to Josh and Lana and gave them each a hug. We all sat down to get our makeup done.

"Jen, we're so glad your ok. You scared everyone, we had no idea what happened to you." Ginny said as soon as she sat down. Jen just smiled.

"Thanks Ginny, I haven't had one of those in years. I never thought it would happen again." We all caught up and chatted with the hair and makeup crew until we all had to leave to shoot.

Jen, Ginny, and I were doing a scene with Jamie who plays Mulan and Sara who plays Aurora. Then Jen and I had a scene to shoot on a beanstalk. We all got into character and started the scene because we were days behind. Jen had the first line.

"Got anything in that bag that's gonna help me with a giant?" She said her line and Jamie was up next.

"Or Hook?" She looked over at me.

"Hey!" I said. Then Jamie and Jen walked away and said a few more lines before she handed Jen the bag. After a while I spoke again. "Ladies. In this world, we are slaves to time. And ours is running out. In other words, tick-tock." Jen and Jamie walked back to the group and Jen came up to me. "I was hoping it'd be you." She looked up at me.

"Just get on with it." She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Put your hand right here. That's a good girl." I placed the cuff on her wrist. "This will allow you to climb. There are other dangers. Thankfully, you've got me to protect you." I smiled and held up my hand that had the hook missing and she just looked at me. "I can't climb one-handed, can I?" She handed me the hook.

"Don't think I'm taking my eyes off you for a second." I placed the hook on and she handed me the bag.

"I would despair if you did." We walked over to the beanstalk.

"Let's go" she said.

We took a few steps up the beanstalk before the director yelled "CUT!" We both hopped off the little fake beanstalk and went to our chairs.

Jen's awake!! Next chapter will have the beanstalk scene in it. This chapter was all Colin's POV but I will be switching back and fourth in each chapter from now on. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading and please comment!

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