Chapter 16 - Gone

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Jen's POV

I picked up my phone and called Daniel. He picked up right away. "Hello?" I took a deep breath.

"Hey Daniel. It's Jen."

"Jen! I haven't heard from you in months how are you?" I had such a sweet little brother.

"Actually not so good. That's kinda why I called you." He was silent for a minute.

"Jen, what happened? Are you okay?"

"No. Colin and I just broke up and I needed someone to talk to. I hope it's ok that I called you." I said it quietly, so I didn't start crying.

"Awe Jen, I'm so sorry. Of course it's ok that you called but can I ask you something?" I was a little confused.

"Sure what?" He was quiet for a minute before he spoke again.

"Why call me and not Ginny? She's closer to where you are." I was trying so hard not to cry.

"She was in on it. Hey Daniel, if I get it approved can I come back home for a few months. I need to get away and have some quality family time." I heard him smiling.

"Sure Jen. You can come over anytime. Mom was actually just asking about you the other day." Now I was smiling too.

"Ok great! I'll go talk to Adam and Eddie right now." I hung up and started to pack. I packed enough stuff for a month and grabbed Ava then I headed out the door.

I went to Adam and Eddie and told them what happened. They told me to take as much time as I needed. I told them I'd be back in a month. I left their trailer and went to the airport. I booked a flight to LA that left in 20 minutes. It was expensive because it was last minute but I just wanted to get far away as fast as possible.

Once I sat down waiting to board the plane I quickly called Daniel. I told him my flight details and he said he'd be there to pick me up from the airport when I landed. I boarded the plane and fell asleep as soon as we took off.

Colin's POV

Allen was right. I needed to find Jen and make this right. I went to her house and knocked. She didn't answer. I figured she went to bed but I needed to talk to her. I pounded on her door, hard, and started calling her name. "JEN! I KNOW YOU DON'T WANNA TALK TO ME BUT PLEASE LET ME IN TO EXPLAIN!" No answer. Thats it. I wasn't going to do this but I needed to see her. I picked up one of the rocks in her front garden and pulled out her hide-a-key. I opened her door and walked in. Nothing. No Ava coming to jump on me. No Jen yelling at me. Nothing. I went to her bedroom and she wasn't there. I checked the whole house. She was gone. I was about to walk out when I noticed something on the counter. It was a letter addressed to me from Jen. I sat down and read it.

Dear Colin,

I know you're going to be the one to find this letter. I also know that you didn't mean for me to find out that way, but I did. Helen was pregnant and you didn't tell me?!? Did you think I wouldn't be happy for you?!? I would have supported you Colin. But you didn't trust me enough to tell me. You had plenty of times to tell me and you didn't. I need a break Colin. From you and the entire situation. I'm going to talk to Adam and Eddie after I write this. I'm going to take time off work and go spend some time with my family. I suggest you do the same. Be there for your kid. Or don't, it doesn't matter to me. Just don't follow me. I love you Colin. I always have and I probably always will, but I need some time with my family to think. I'll be back in a month or so. But that doesn't mean we'll get back together. Goodbye Colin. Enjoy your life with your
child-to-be. I know they will love you.


I put the letter down and started crying. I had to stop her. She was making a huge mistake. I needed to talk to her. I put the note in my pocket and ran to Adam and Eddie's trailer. I knocked on their door and Adam answered.

"Hey Colin. Congrats on the kid. What are you doing here?" I didn't even focus on what he said.

"Has Jen been here yet?!?" I asked hoping to stop her.

"Yeah, she left about an hour ago why?"

"Where did she go?? I need to talk to her!" I sounded pretty desperate but I didn't care. I had to stop the woman I love before she was gone forever.

"She said she was going to LA to visit her family."

I ran out of their trailer. I drove as fast as I could to the airport. Why is there suddenly so much traffic!! Ugh! When I got there I ran to the desk. "When is the next flight to LA?" I asked the lady at the desk.

"I'm afraid one just left a few minutes ago. There's not another one for 3 days. Would you like to purchase a ticket?" No! I missed her.

"Yes please. My names Colin O'Donoghue." She presses some buttons on the computer before handing me my ticket.

"Here you go sir. Your flight leaves at 3pm on Saturday." I thanked her and grabbed the ticket, then I left.

I went to Ginny and Josh's house and knocked on the door. I needed to apologize to Ginny, she was right. I shouldn't have blamed her this was all my fault. Josh opened the door and he smiled.

Then the smile quickly faded and became a frown. "Colin, what are you doing here? Ginny's gonna be really mad if she see's you."

"Well then she's gonna be mad for a minute. I came here to talk to her and apologize about how I reacted and what I said." I gave him a half smile and he let me inside. He was right about Ginny. As soon as I walked in she frowned and I could tell she was about to start yelling so I talked first. "Ginny before you yell, please let me talk. I came here to apologize to you." She looked at me for a minute before she sat down on the couch, not smiling yet but not frowning either. I sat down next to her and Josh left the room so we could talk. "Ginny I'm sorry I blamed you. It wasn't your fault, it was mine. I was just upset and confused and not thinking. I just got mad because Jen found out like that. I'm really sorry, can you forgive me?" I said it as soon as I sat down. I didn't want to waste anytime.

Her frown quickly changed to a semi smile. "Of course I forgive you Colin. And I'm sorry about Jen. You should go try to talk to her. I'm sure she'll understand, hopefully." I got really confused. I figured Jen would have told Ginny and Josh, they are all great friends.

"Ginny, didn't Jen tell you?" Her smile faded again.

"Tell me what? Colin what happened?!?"

Hey guys! As I'm sure you've all heard by now Once won't be returning for an 8th season :( I will continue to write my stories and I will continue my fan accounts. This show has brought me so much joy I could never imagine leaving it and I'm so sad its ending. Thank you all for reading my stories and hopefully continuing to read them.

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