Chapter 28 - Unexpected

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A/N: Hey guys! Just gonna say that this chapter is set two months in the future. Jen still hasn't told Colin and she's now just under 3 months pregnant. She isn't showing yet so nobody knows besides Jen and Ginny. Please Comment as you read!! Enjoy! :)

Jen's POV

I woke up and looked in the mirror. I wasn't showing yet but I knew I would be soon. Today's the day I'm finally going to tell Colin that I'm pregnant. No more hiding it. I hope he won't be upset.

I decided to tell Colin after work over a nice romantic dinner and a movie. I quietly started getting ready because Colin was still asleep. We didn't need to be on set for a few hours because we started later today. I grabbed my stuff and went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed and applied some light makeup.

When I finished getting ready I walked out and saw Colin still asleep on the bed. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead. He slightly stirred. "Wake up sleepy head." I said to him.

"5 more minutes." He mumbled before rolling over and putting the other pillow over his head.

"I'm making your favorite breakfast, and if you don't get up right now you don't get any." I teased.

He jumped out of bed and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I'm up beautiful. I'll be down for breakfast in 15." He walked into the bathroom.

I laughed and went down stares. I started making my signature dish that he loves, it's called a 'heartattack.' I also poured him a cup of coffee and myself a hot chocolate with cinnamon. He came down and started eating right away. I laughed at his enthusiasm and made myself a plate and sat next to him. After we both finished I put our dishes away. He put more coffee in his travel mug and we drove to set.

Ginny immediately grabbed me and pulled me into her trailer. "Did you finally tell him?!?" She asked. This was how my day started every morning. She always asked me if I told Colin.

"No Ginny. I promise I'm going to tell him tonight. I've already got it all planned out. Nothing's going to change it." I smiled at her and she smiled back. Then we headed to hair and makeup and saw the boys there. I sat next to Colin and Ginny sat next to Josh. We all got transformed into our fairy tale character and headed to set.

Most of the scenes I had today were with Ginny, Josh, Jared and Colin. Today was our last day of filming season 3. After today we had a short break and then we come back for season 4. We got a lot of great new characters is season 3 that will be staying on the show. The two main people were Sean Maguire and Rebecca Mader. They play Robin Hood and Zelena aka The Wicked Witch. Lana acts the most with them but Sean and the rest of the guys quickly became friends. He kinda took Micheals spot after he got killed in season three.

Today's main purpose was one of the final scenes in season 3. Hook and Emma just returned from the past and they're at the party at Granny's. Adam told us to take our places and we started.

I ran into Granny's and surprised my 'parents' with a hug.

"Emma. Hey." Ginny said.

"You weren't answering your cellphone. We were worried." Josh said.

"I'm fine. I'm home." I smiled at them.

"Do you mean that you're not leaving?" Ginny asked, full of hope.

"No. I'm not going anywhere." I told them.

Then Jared stood up from the booth he was sitting in. "We're staying in Storybrooke?" He questioned.

"Yeah, kid." I said then hugged him. "This is where we belong. This is where our family is." I turned back to Ginny. "Mom." I looked at Josh. "Dad. I missed you." I let go of Jared then hugged Ginny and Josh again. They hugged back and I felt Josh cradle my head. Something that, according to the oncers, is a Charming family thing.

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