Chapter 3 - Family Reunion

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Jens POV

When we get to the airport I hug Josh and Ginny goodbye. "Thanks again guys."

"No problem, have fun with your family." Ginny says.

"Thanks Ginny." I hug them one last time and head into the airport. I got there super early because I expected to be recognized by a few fans. I walked in and almost made it to check in but then three girls came up to me. They couldn't stop smiling and obviously try to keep their 'inner fangirl' hidden. I decided to make their jobs easier so I could get on the plane. "Would you guys like to take a picture?"

"Oh my gosh!!! Yes please!" One of them shrieked.

I took a selfie with the three girls and finished checking in. I grabbed a coffee and sat in the boarding area. My plane didn't board for a few hours so I plugged my phone in to let it charge and started to read my book. I heard someone sit next to me but I was too into my book to notice.

"Jennifer?" I hear someone ask. I frown in my book.

"Yes it's me Jennif-" I looked up and sure enough Colin was staring at me. My stomach flipped. Stop doing that I say to myself. "Colin? What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking a vacation in L.A. What about you?" He asks.

"My family lives in L.A. I'm going back home until shooting starts again."

"Sounds like fun" he said. We chatted a little until the plane boarded. I fell asleep right after we took off. I didn't realize how tired I was.

Colin's POV

I boarded the plane. Running into Jen was a nice surprise. She seemed really nice. I was thinking about her the entire flight. Why am I thinking about Jen? It was great to talk to her before the flight, maybe I'll even get to see her more while I'm in L.A. and if I get that part. I decided to take a nap to avoid thinking to hard about this.

I woke up as the plane was landing. I headed off the plane and to the baggage area. Then I saw her, she was impossible to miss with her beautiful blonde hair. Stop it Colin, you've got a girlfriend waiting for you in Ireland. But my god was Jen beautiful. I grabbed my bag and walked over to her.

Jens POV

"Uh Jen, I think someone recognized you. They are coming over here with a big smile on their face." Julia says after I hug her while I'm hugging Daniel. I turn around and sure enough there he is, Colin's walking over here.

He looks at me, "Hey Jen. Just thought I'd come say bye." He's so sweet, he came over just to say bye. My butterflies are back. UGH what is wrong with me.

"Oh hey Colin, these are my siblings Julia and Daniel. Julia, Daniel, this is Colin. He auditioned for a new role on Once Upon A Time." They all smiled and shook hands.

"I probably didn't get the part." Colin said. I looked at him.

"I think you did Colin, Adam seemed pretty impressed."

"Thanks." He said. "Anyway, great seeing you but I should get going. My cab's probably outside waiting. It was nice meeting you two," He said to Julia and Daniel. "Bye Jen."

"Bye Colin," I said as he left. I turned around and saw exactly what I expected. My two little siblings staring at me doing a smirk I know all to well. I look at them with a serious face. "Don't even start. I just met him yesterday, this is not some new love interest for you two to mess around with." They both look at me and laugh because they were caught. We headed back to Julia's car and drove home.

The drive home was so much fun. We were all talking and catching up with each other. It had been WAY to long since I've seen them. When we get home I walk in the door and barely set my stuff down before my parents are hugging me. I hug them back, "I missed you guys so much!"

"Not as much as we missed you sweetie," my mom says. We all had dinner and I was exhausted so I was going to go to bed early knowing my mom had big plans for tomorrow. I finished eating and put my dishes in the sink.

"I'm exhausted from filming and the plane ride. I'm gonna head up to bed. What time do I need to be up tomorrow?" I ask.

"Just be ready to leave by 11. Get plenty of rest sweetie, we know that job is tiring." My mom says.

I give everyone a hug and go upstairs. I change into my pjs and lay down in bed. Ava snuggles up next to me and I was asleep right away.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm still getting used to writing so if you have any suggestions please don't be shy. Sorry for the short chapters but I'm trying my best to make them longer. Also the picture for this chapter is Jen with Julia and Daniel and Daniel's wedding.

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