Chapter 23 - Returning Home

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Jen's POV

I woke up to my alarm and got ready for my flight today. When I finished getting ready and packing my bag I went downstairs for breakfast and saw my whole family there. "One last family breakfast before I have to leave?" I questioned.

"Yup. Now make a plate and sit down." My mom said pointing to the pancakes and sausage on the table.

I made a plate and sat between my dad and brother. "You two did better then I expected with Colin last night, but I was still hoping you'd behave a little better." I said before starting to eat.

My dad was the first one to respond. "I'm sorry sweetie. I just want my little girl to be safe. I'm sorry if I made him uncomfortable." He sounded sincere.

"I'm sorry too Jen." Dan said. "I just didn't want him to hurt you again." He looked down at his food.

"It's okay guys. I know you were just being protective. Just maybe don't do it as much next time, okay?"

"Okay." They both said at the same time. Everyone ate breakfast and then I had to leave. Colin was picking me up in his car.

"Goodbye Jen. We love you. Have fun shooting." My mom said while hugging me.

"Thanks mom. I love you all too." I tried to smile to keep me from crying. "I'll come back home as soon as I can."

Dan came up and gave me a hug. "If Colin tries anything just call okay?" He jokingly said.

"Yeah we'll take care of it." My dad chuckled.

I laughed. "Okay bye guys. I'll see you soon." I gave them both a hug and turned to Julia. "Good luck with the boys sis." I smiled and hugged her.

"Thanks Jen. Have fun with your second family." She smiled. Thats always what I call the cast.

"Will do. Bye guys I'll see you all soon!" I walked out the door and Colin was standing by his car.

"Ready to go, love." He said quoting the show.

I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Aye." I responded quoting him right back. He smiled and opened the car door for me. I waved to my family and got in. Colin got in after me and drove to the airport. Once we landed back in Vancover we went to get our bags.
I heard Ginny from behind us. "Jen! Colin!" She almost knocked me off my feet when she hugged me.

"Ginny!" I hugged her back and saw Josh and Colin hugging. I walked over to them. "Do I get a hug from my second dad?" I laughed.

He hugged me. "Hey Jen."

I hugged him back. "Hey Josh, how've you been?"

"Fine other than comforting an upset Ginny. Next time you plan on holding a grudge take me with you." He joked. Ginny came up and hit his arm. "Hey!" Josh looked at her.

"I wasn't that bad Josh. I was just missing my best friend." She came up and hugged me again.

"I'm sorry guys." I looked at all three of them. "I just really overreacted and that's when I shut out the world." I gave the best smile I could.

Josh and Colin came over and made my hug with Ginny a group hug. "It's okay Jen. Just know we all love you." Colin said.

"I love all of you too!" I gave them one last hug and we all grabbed our bags and went into Ginny and Josh's car. They dropped Colin and I off at my apartment.

Colin was cooking me dinner as another one if his apologies. "Colin, I told you. You don't need to apologize anymore. I'm not mad at all."

"I know Jen. I promise I'll stop after the dinner. Please just let me cook dinner for my amazing girlfriend." He turned around and kissed me.

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