Chapter 13 - Beanstalk

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Jens POV

We had a five minute break between scenes. In the next scene Colin and I were climbing a beanstalk. I knew that scene would be hard to shoot. Captain Hook asks about Emma's love life and it reminds me of mine and Jesse's relationship. I sat down in my chair and tried to mentally prepare for the scene. Then I saw Colin walking towards me. I tried to put on a good face but he knows me too well for that to work. This is not going to be a fun conversation.

"Hey Jen, are you ok?" His voice is so sweet I almost forgot what I was worried about, but I didn't. I kept my head down when I answered.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He stood there and watched me for a second.

"Jen if you aren't feeling well you can go home. I'll go tell Adam and Eddie. They'll understand." I didn't want to talk anymore, but I knew I needed to tell him.

"No Colin, its not that." I looked up at him. "It's this scene. What we talk about while climbing. It," I paused and put my head down, not wanting to finish my sentence. I felt him grab my hand, and I kept talking. "It reminds me of everything Jesse and I went through."

I didn't want to look up at him. See the hurt in his eyes like I did in Sebastian's last time. He sat down next to me and lifted my chin up with his hand until I was looking him in the eyes. To my surprise he didn't look hurt, he looked concerned about me. I need to stop comparing Colin to my past relationships, he's way different. He's better.

"Jen I'm sorry this reminds you of him. Just try to focus on us, not him. If the scene gets to hard we don't have to finish it." His eyes were so sweet. I don't know how I got lucky enough to get a guy like Colin. He was always so thoughtful and caring. Always putting other people first, he was truly amazing.

"No, its fine. I'll be ok." I smiled and he hugged me.

"I'll be there the whole time don't worry Jen. You're not alone."

The break ended and we went to film the scene. It was the hardest scene I've done so far on the show, both physically and mentally. Colin started and I was trying so hard to keep going.

"Love has been all too rare in your life, hasn't it? You ever even been in love?" I looked up at him and was trying so hard not to cry when I answered.

"No. I have never been in love."

After that the directors yelled "CUT!!" Colin and I jumped off the beanstalk and I immediately ran to my trailer and sat down on the couch. Ava noticed something was wrong and sat down on my lap. I started petting her and never wanted to leave.

Colin's POV

After the directors yelled "CUT!!" Jen and I hopped off the beanstalk. Jen immediately ran away. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. I started to follow her when someone stopped me. I turned around ready to punch whoever it was because I needed to talk to Jen, to try to help her.

I saw it was Ginny and I relaxed. "Ginny let me go, I need to go see Jen." I looked right at her but she didn't flinch.

"Colin do you know why she ran off after that scene?" She asked me.

"Yes it's because it reminded her of-" she cut me off.

"Her jerk ex-boyfriend Jesse. Colin I can tell you care about her but right now I think she needs to be alone." She smiled at me and I knew she was right, but I didn't want to admit it.

"Ok Ginny but if she's not back before her next scene I'm going to check on her because it's not like her to skip scenes." I specifically said it in a way that couldn't be questioned or argued.

"Ok. Colin try to focus on your next scene, don't worry about Jen. She's strong she'll be ok." She smiled at me and went back over to Josh and I headed over to Barbara who plays Cora. We started our scene when I got off the beanstalk but it was hard to focus.

Jens POV

After sitting alone in my trailer petting Ava I felt a little better. I didn't have any scenes for a little bit but I decided to head to set anyway. When I got there Colin and Barbara were doing a scene together. Colin saw me and looked a little relieved. After he finished his scene he walked over to me.

Before he said anything he gave me a hug. "Jen you scared me when you ran off, are you ok?" He whispered it into my hair. I just wanted to stay in that hug forever.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just wanted to be alone for a bit but I'm ok now." I loved how concerned he was. He always found new ways to surprise me. He gave me one last squeeze before he pulled away.

"I'm glad you're feeling better now. I know that scene must have been difficult for you." I looked up and his blue eyes were staring at me. I've never seen anyone look at me like that before, it made my heart melt.

"Thanks Colin, it was." I hugged him again.

The rest of the day went way better. Colin and I had a few more scenes each, most of then together. After we finished shooting Ginny and Josh invited us to go out to dinner with them. I was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed, but I knew Ginny was worried about me when I passed out, so I talked to Colin and we decided to go.

We went back to my apartment first and both got changed into clothes for dinner. We were going to a restaurant that wasn't too fancy but was still nice. When I finished getting ready Colin was already downstairs. He looked up and me and his jaw dropped.

"Jen, you look stunning." He smiled and made me blush.

"Thanks Colin. You look very handsome tonight." He smiled, and grabbed my hand as we walked out the door.

We headed to the restaurant, and when we got there Josh and Ginny were already there sitting in a booth together. We walked over and sat down next to them.

"You two are so cute together." Ginny said as soon as we sat down.

"Thanks Ginny, and thanks for inviting us to dinner" I said and smiled. We all ordered and ate dinner. We talked mostly about the show but Ginny asked me how I was feeling after my panic attack a few times.

After a few hours I was getting really tired, so Colin and I decided to leave. We walked to the car, and Colin decided to drive home. He must have seen how tired I was. I must have fallen asleep in the car because that was the last thing I remember about that night.

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