Chapter 1

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Life. No one knows what tomorrow could bring. It's a complete mystery. It could all end in the blink of an eye, yet all began in one breath. You could be miserable one minute and be extremely happy the next. You never know who can just walk into your life and completely change everything. It could be the way their smile brightens up a room. The way they look at you like your the only person on the planet, or even the way they hold the door open for you. You try to protect yourself, close yourself off, but you just can't resist the person, it's just to hard. Once you let yourself just feel and completely let go, then you might just end up being the happiest damn person in the universe. ~Alison Fields

April 6, 1998

Alison Dilaurentis got comfortable on her air plane seat. She placed her purse in between her legs, and buckled her seat belt. This was her first time going home to Rosewood in years. She hadn't been home since she left for college in Texas four years ago, not to say she was ecstatic. She would have stayed in texas but she graduated from college , and now had no here to go so now since she had to go home to live with her family which she could not stand what so ever. She noticed that the seat next to her was empty and hoped that no one would sit there, she really didn't want to have to deal with anyone right now.

The blonde sat back in her seat and let her head fall back on the chair. She thought about what her parents would say to her when she got home, and how they would judge her, and then tell her all about how well her brother was doing. Alison had a younger brother Jason that in her parents eyes could do nothing wrong. He was always there favorite, and even though she was older, Jason always shined while Alison was stuck in his shadow. And when Alison told her parents she was gay, they sent her to texas to "clense" herself so to speak. Being gay in this point in time was not acceptable. Alison took a deep breath and closed her eyes trying not to let her thoughts consume her.

She was about to fall asleep but then she heard uneven footsteps. Curious as to what they were, she opened her eyes only to see a young women in an Army uniform using crutches with a knee brace on her left leg. The women stopped next to the row Alison was in and turned to Alison locking their gazes. Ali tried to hold her shock seeing how breathtaking the women was. Her brunette hair was pulled back into a tight military bun, she had tan skin, with chocolate brown eyes that you could just get lost in. She was fairly tall and she had a camo hat to match her uniform.

"Is anyone sitting here?" She asked in a soft voice motioning to the empty seat next to the blonde, waiting for her reply.

"Uhhm" Alison shook herself out of her daze and stopped staring at the tanned beauty in front of her. "Um No!.....I mean no one is"

The women softly smiled with a curt nod of her head. She leaned all her weight on her uninjured leg as she tried to keep her balance while taking the camo back pack off. Once the brunette got it off successfully, she sat down in the chair next to Alison letting out a small sigh. She tucked her back pack between her legs on the floor just like the blonde had done earlier.

The man across the row from them tapped her shoulder attempting to get her attention. She turned her head to look at him.

"Did you just get back?" he asked eyeing her curiously

"Yes" the women nodded

"How was it out there?" He asked. Who asked that type of question? Alison thought Is he serious right now?

The brunette's face scrunched up in irritation before opening her mouth to speak

"I don't talk about it" she answered just above a whisper, but in somewhat of a stern voice.

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