Chapter 17

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"Emily!" Alison angrily shouted from the bathroom. Holding the laundry basket in her hand, she picked up the brunettes dirty clothes from the floor in a huff, roughly throwing them into the basket.

Ashton laughed pointing his finger at Emily "Ohh sounds like you're in trouble" Emily scoffed, picking up a pillow and launching it at her brother who always seems to act like a five year old.

Emily breathed before hesitantly entering the bathroom, her eyes meeting fiery blue eyes "Yes baby?"

Alison angrily pointed to the toothpaste, not saying anything. Emily shot her a confused look not understand what Alison was trying to tell her. "What? Words Ali, you know I can't understand you when you do that"

Alison pinched the bridge of her nose, signaling that she was not messing around and that she was extreamly angry. "What do you think I'm mad about?" she asked

"Uhh...I dont know" Emily shrugged

She pointed to the tooth paste once again "What is this Emily?"

Emily scratched the back of her neck confused as hell "It's a tube of toothpaste?" she spoke dumbly

Fed up with the brunette's clueless answers Alison exploded "How many times do I have to tell you to put the damn cap back on the toothpaste!?" She frantically waved her arms

"Ali I forgot I'm sor-"

"Oh you 'forgot'" she air quoted "My ass Emily! Now put the cap back on it right now" she commanded

Emily narrows her eyebrows "Um...ok" she shrugs before complying. She grabbed the tube of toothpaste, the cap and screwed it back on the top before handing it to Alison. At seeing Emily do this Alison's face falls into a smile.

"See? that wasn't so hard was it?" She leant up and kissed the brunettes cheek before brushing past her to finish the laundry. Before she walked out the door she glanced over her shoulder "Oh! and you're going shopping with me so get dressed"


"Em we really need to get a car" Alison and Emily have been walking all over Rosewood. Well more like Alison was dragging Emily behind her. Alison had just gotten her pay check and was going on an endless shopping spree. Well not literally but thats what it felt like to Emily, but Emily didnt complain once and just let the blonde do her thing.

"I know" Emily agreed "I was thinking the same thing"

Alison nodded in reply as they passed various stores. Not caring that there were people around them, Ali reached down and intertwined her and Emily's hands as they walked down the street. They got weird looks, but neither of them cared. It was just them, it didnt matter what anyone else's opinion on their relationship was. They were happy together and thats all that matter.

Well that lasted until Alison caught sight of them women who had just locked her gaze on them. Alison's heart sank into the pit of her stomach. Seeing this Emily confusedly looked at her. Alison just shook her head at the brunette with wide eyes silently pleading with her not to say anything. Without letting go of Emily's hand Alison tried to go they other way but a voice shouted her name. It was too late she had already saw her.

"Alison!" Emily stood next to they disgruntled blonde puzzled as she watched the women elegantly walk over to them. She looked extreamly wealthy, Emily thought. Alison began to shake as the women came closer, she was frozen to the spot her fearful eyes looking with her mothers.

"Alison where have you been?" She asked firmly not even acknowledging Emily standing behind the younger blonde. When Alison didn't answer the women, it was then that Emily realized that this women must be Alison's mother.

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