Chapter 34

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The car ride to the airport was silent. A comfortable silence. Ashton sat in the front alone, while Emily and Alison sat in the back seat cuddled up and the kids were in the third row.

Both women dreaded the arrival to the airport. They didn't want to be separated, their hands clutched so tightly together you would need a an axe to separate them. Alison was trying so hard to keep it together, trying to keep up a strong front. Meanwhile she was screaming and crying on the inside, but she couldnt show Emily that, because the brunette expected her to be able to be strong for the kids.

Little did the blonde know, Emily was thinking the same thing.

Ashton parked the car and opened the door and went to the trunk to retrieve his and Emily's bags. Alison helped Rowan out of her car seat while Emily helped Noah out of his.

They finally made it to the terminal. Emilys dark eyes locked with her wife's terrified blue ones. They knew it was time to say goodbye. Emily crouched down so that she could be eye level with her two children. She pulled them both into a tight hug.

"Mama has to go" She stated. This moment felt so familiar to when her father left.

The two small brunettes hugged their mother tight with their tiny arms, knowing that they wouldnt be seeing her for some time. "You gotta come home soon Mama! You're they only one who knows how to play games with me, mommy and Ro stink"

Rowan grunted and Alison gasped in mock offense. Emily smiled at her wife's reaction.

"Noah you told me that I did well the last time we played" Alison protested

He giggled an turned to his blonde mother "I just didnt wanna hurt your feelings mommy"

Alison shook her head and laughed. 

Emily hugged her children one last time "I'm going to miss you too bunches! I love you guys so much remember that"

Rowan and Noah nodded then walked over to Ashton so that Emily could say goodbye to Alison.

Emily reluctantly stood up. She looked into her wife's teary blue eyes. Not being able to take it any more she gathered the blonde into a strong embrace. Hugging her with all that she had. Alison returned it with just as much love.

"You better come home" Alison voice cracked. She buried her face into her wife's strong shoulder "Do you hear me Emily fields? You better make it home"

Emily nodded into Alison's neck, not trusting her voice at the moment. Suddenly she pulled back when she felt the blondes tears sock through the material of her jacket "Dont cry baby, because then I'll cry"

Alison continued to cry holding on to her wife for dear life "I-I-I can't he-help it"

After letting Alison cry for a bit longer, and trying very hard to swallow her own tears Emily pulled back and cupped her wife's cheeks wiping the tears with the back of her thumb. "Don't cry, you're a Fields we dont cry okay? We stay strong"

Aliso nodded chocking back her tears, melting into her wife's touch. Alison leaped forward and crashed their lips together in their last whirlwind of passion. For the next nine months that wouldnt be able to hold each other, touch each other, feel each other. Nothing. They would get nothing but a couple phone calls, and some crummy letters.

They pulled back and rested their foreheads together, enjoying the last bit of closeness. Suddenly a voice interrupted them.

"Em, we have to go they're calling our flight"

Emily nodded and sniffed before pulling away. She kissed the kids goodbye and Alison as well.

"Just get outa here before I start crying again" Alison sniffed attempting to smile. Emily was happy for that tension breaker.

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