Chapter 30

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"Should I wear my dress blues, or a dress for the wedding?"

Emily and Ashton were sat on their new favorite place at the new house. The back porch was so peaceful. The view was absolutely beautiful from the inside window, but it just seemed so much better when outside. Breathing in the fresh air, it was relaxing. Something that the brunette needed, from these past weeks.

Ever since the proposal, Alison had went all bridezilla on everyone. Every moment she got, they talked about the wedding. She was driving everyone around her insane. Emily loved her, and she could wait for the wedding either, but Alison was over the top right now. At the moment both Hanna, and Alison were dress shopping.

The couple had already chosen a date for the event, it would be held on the same day they met, which was the sixth of April. It was the best day of their lives, so why not make that date even better.

"I'm not sure" Ashton said without looking at his twin "Depends on what you want to do"

Emily groaned and threw her head back against her chair "You're no help"

The man just smirked, loving how irritated Emily was through this whole thing.

"It's not my wedding so I shouldn't make the decisions"

"I know that, but you're my best man" Emily giggled "You're supposed to help me with these things"

Ashton rolled his eyes and pondered silently, sitting all the way back in his chair "Fine, I think you should stick with you're dress blues, its tradition"

Emily thought about it. It was true, it wasnt only tradition in the army, but it was for her family. Every military man in her family had gotten married in his uniform. Even though she was the first girl in the family to join, she still wanted to carry in the tradition.

"Yeah you're right" The brunette nodded "Dad would have wanted that right?

"I'm not sure, I think he'd want to walk you down the isle in a white dress" Ashton said "But Id doesn't matter anyways, it's what you want, not him"

Emily nodded, agreeing with what her brother had said.

"Just do what feel right, If you want the suit wear the suit, if you want a dress wear a dress" He said simply, a if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

They continued to chat. Emily wanting to talk about something else rather then the wedding, because she knew that the moment Alison got home it, would be the main topic of discussion.

The siblings heard the door behind them slid open, indicating that their partners were home.

Alison walked out on the porch, closing the door behind her, and sat herself on Emily's lap catching the brunette by surprise. Alison threw her arms around her fiancé's neck and pulled her in for a quick kiss.

"Well hello there" Emily said breathlessly, caught off guard from the kiss.

Alison giggled at the brunettes tone, and smiled making her dimples pop, just the way she knew the brunette liked. "Hello my soon to be wife"

Just as Emily was about to open her mouth, Alison pulled a bridal magazine out of her back pocket with a huge grin on her face.

"Em I need your help" She stressed flipping the pages to the one she wanted. "What color should we pick?" Alison was looking intentively at the pages "See I was thinking, the light pink, but then I remembered that you don't like pink. So then I saw this baby blue color, its really pretty." She rambled "Hold on, just let me find it real quick" She rushed out, hurriedly flipping through the pages to find it.

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